Why no buffs to the Demogorgon's perk?

Let me start off by saying that I am so grateful for the upcoming content and event that will be coming right around the corner. Overall you did a pretty good job. My only question is you buffed some underused survivor perks in the 3.3.0 PTB, but haven't touched on any of the Demogorgon's perks, when they have been universally considered bad. Why haven't they been looked at? Mindbreaker and Cruel limits are a joke. Surge is only decent on certain killers, and even then it is situational. It would be easy to buff these perks, you just need to increase the numbers so they have a bigger impact in the match.


  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 914

    I also don't understand, it seems so obvious no one is using it, other than for the killer achievement...

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    They got the fear that "Surge" would become too powerful. Now all perks are trash lol.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Even "Dying Light" is situational. Imagine "Dying Light" to work reversed. Everytime you hook a survivor you loose one stack of your nine "Dying Light" stacks. When a survivor dies you loose automatically as much stacks as the survivor got hooks left. So it works as Ruin. It slows the game down early game.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    This is also a lot of why me and many others have stopped testing PTB's as much. They release a PTB, MANY people tell them how weak the perks/killer is, PTB gets released with the perks/killer STILL being extremely weak.

    Giving feedback on it honestly feels like a waste of time.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Problem with that would be that then everyone would just slug so they never lose any.

    Though the Dying Light rework is better than what we had previously it still is underwhelming. It shouldn't deactivate if the obsession dies.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    True. Loosing all your stacks when the obsession dies hurts this perk massively.

  • Pigster
    Pigster Member Posts: 137

    Some idea:

    Cruel Limits should work inside the terror radius or 32 meter range, this way it could actually help in a chase, not in a niche situation.

    Mindbreaker should increase the exhaustion up to 10/15/20 seconds and every time a survivor is affected by mindbreaker, the time to recover exhaustion adds 1/2/3 seconds.


    Mindbreaker completly unables the survivor while working on a generator, additional the exhaustion gets increased by 3/6/9 seconds.


    Like blueberry mentioned removing the cooldown would make the perk so much better...

  • monstermaster42
    monstermaster42 Member Posts: 81

    Tis a poor craftsman that blames his tools

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Honestly I feel like they're afraid that surge would be too powerful.

    It didn't really need the reduction in its regression percentage especially considering it's on a cool down and won't affect already regressing gens so it's not like it could be spammed.

    Mind breaker. The only thing I could say is that it helps stealth Killers not be sprint bursted. Aside from that it's not hard to just let go of the gen and walk for 3 seconds before running away.

    Cruel limits: is just terrible I could at least find somewhat of use for the current state of mindbreaker. Sometimes you are literally chasing somebody and it's not a smart option to suddenly switch your targets for one gen has already been popped. I guess you could combine this with tinkerer but even then.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,509

     it's on a cool down and won't affect already regressing gens so it's not like it could be spammed.

    And if you ever get into a situation where you could trigger it repeatedly the survivors are already losing very hard. The cooldown should go, like you said.