The Nerf Gun Shoots It Shot Again...

The nerf gun nailed nurse in the face this time around...
Is she dead?
Is she balanced?
Is she still OP?
I think Spirit will be next... then possibly billy...
Let me know what what you guys think!!
The new PTB gives us ups and downs.
But let's see what comes out of this!
Not that there aren't 50 million of this exact thread but I think the addons are mostly fine, barring some ones being outright worthless again and a few that need some work. I made a thread on PTB feedback forum if you'd like to see that.
Her basekit changes are uneeded and even if they are going to stick with them it makes her much more clunky and punishing to use than she is now. You get punished for good blinks and bad blinks, you get punished for mis-timing charging up a blink even by 0.1 second, you get extra punished if you read wrong and go somewhere else entirely. If they hide at that point there's little you can do.
Overall they took the buttery-smooth and a good risk/reward live Nurse and turned her into an ancient rusted relic of what she was, hindered down by arbitrary cooldown mechanics. If they absolutely MUST keep the changes then charging a blink needs to not stop the cooldown, slow it done is fine but outright stopping it brings the pain train to max speed when you're used to double blink timing (aka the muscle-memory part they didn't want to touch)
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the part where you said you get punished for bad blinks, isnt that how most killers are??
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It's fine for balance purposes to have bad play be punished, but she already had that. This is double punishment that makes it even harder to actually catch back up. Also it's not fun. I don't like being an m1 killer inbetween being Nurse.
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Billy is next. Have to work those addons, right?
Don't worry though, the worst they would do is some slight changes to his base kit.
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so youre not okay with the nurse being at the same level as 90% of the other killers?
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*Billy now has a 2 second cooldown for every meter traveled in chainsaw sprint. This is to give survivors time in-between sprints to break LOS and hide*
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Contrary, I want other killers to be on Nurses level. She makes you change the way you play the game. I think that's what all killers should do. Depending on the killer you have to do stuff differently? that keeps the game fresh and interesting match to match.
Right now it's: Hag? loop. Pig? loop. Leatherface? loop. Nurse? play differently break los. Trapper? loop.
I would much rather the game have more diverse ways of dealing with killers other than running around a god damn pallet and L-wall for 2 minutes.
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Couldn't agree with you more
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Dude... What have you done ???
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I agree. EVERY killer is weak other than Spirit and nur-...... No... Just Spirit lol
The fact that I main doctor and get people that complain about me anti looping, show that they are use to just looping pallets until gens are done.
I'm sick of the ego this game is giving to survivor mains. Thinking their good because of all of the things this game is giving them.
A survivor runs second chance perks: "oh it's just meta perks"
A killer runs second chance perks: "ThAt Is So BrOkEn!! ThEy NeEd To NeRf ThAt!!!"
Survivors win a game: "Gg ez trash"
Killer wins a game: "All you did was camp and tunnel. You're not good. Git gud you trash killer. That killer needs nerfed"
This game is filled with a HUGE amount of salt on the survivors side.
The killer has to do SO much more work than a survivor EVER will.
That's why killers like "The old nurse" and Spirit are really good because they made different gameplay a thing. I loved facing nurses and spirits because it allowed for mindgames and different gameplay.
The survivors complain about nerfs because they simply don't want to try to win. They just wanna win with their brain shut off.
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if you get looped as Trapper or Hag , it's not a bad killer , it's you who bad at game
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Hillbilly has been confirmed to be the next to suffer the nerf bat.
They are going to change his addons to useless trash so he can't "insta saw" because that is the main thing survivors complain about and probably just give him meme iridescents like nurse that nobody would ever run unless they want to derank.
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All Nurse players (those who don’t just go to Spirit and win anyways) are going to be affected. These nerfs are devastating to her map control. If you couldn’t match up against Nurse before the nerfs, you were just bad. Plain and simple. She had plenty of counterplay.
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It's far from a tweak. A tweak would have been slightly increasing her fatigue time when using multiple blinks maybe? Tweaking her addons so extra range couldn't be stacked maybe? But no, lets remove her map pressure, put a huge handicap on her power, and fill her addons with nothing but gimmicks. An ultra-rare that prevents blinking through walls? That'll really help a lot against a good survivor! *facepalm*
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Agreed. The changes too her base kit are just bad, especially since they didn't give her anything too compensate her for such a heavy nerf.
As for Spirit and Billy, Spirit could do with an addon rework. Her base kit is fine, but once you start adding things like Prayer Beads and activation time it gets too be more luck then skill if you live a phase.
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No where close to as powerful as good survivors.
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SWF can disable your traps by knowing exactly where they are at all times, and can disable them whenever you're busy.
They can trigger a Hag trap and run back to safety before you can actually move to swing if they're smart.
Survivors can and do absolutely shut down trap killers. They're my favorite second to play as after Nurse but they just aren't good when survivors start grouping up. You can't apply pressure to the 3 gens the others are working on and it's game over if you don't have a god hook in the first 3 gens.
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The next confirmed killer that will receive changes is Doctor, but both Billy and Leatherface are also on the list for (at the very least) an addon pass.
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Watch otzdarva if you think that Trapper can't deal with swf . Nurse/spirit mains are very closeminded
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Wait until the reworked Nurse is live for a few weeks. Then you will more likely get an answer, which is not from a whiny Killer Main who thinks she is dead or a whiny Survivor Main who thinks she is still OP.
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You won't be seeing many of them. She is less fun overall to play now, way more punishing, and her map/chase pressure is way down with all the old negatives she already had.
Who want's to play a killer that punishes you extremely hard even for successful hits when killer is already stressful and sweaty.
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There goes my chances of getting good with nurse now on ps4. I'mma be punished even more for learning a killer. Hooray... Not. This basekit change blows. It'll be much more punishing on the lesser skilled nurse players and will make using her excruciatingly difficult.
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When people say it won't stop good Nurses, they're mostly right. It obviously hurts her but the biggest problem for those good Nurse players is she isn't nearly as fun as she was on live.
I play killer to have FUN, not min-max just to even safety-pip.
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That's what i'm waiting for. The final Q&A stream and the Mid Chapter Patch. I really hope they don't ######### it up.
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Same here. I actually partially enjoyed the experience of learning nurse but now it'll take a whole 180. All this change does is discourage people from even giving nurse a solid chance