To those of you who main particular survivors/killers, what made them the one for you?



  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    Killer: With the exception of Nurse & Hillbilly, I enjoy and love every Killer almost equally. I play em all mostly about the same. For the ones I play a lil more:

    -Michael Myers: I love his gameplay & Halloween musical cues. Ge has a great toolkit and the memes with him,give me endless joy. Plus always been a fan of the Halloween movies.

    -Ghost Face: I REALLY love his lore amd flavor text on his Add-ons. Lot of great & unsettling "everyday killer"material. The theme music for GF is pretty creepy too, very different. His idle animations are deliciously full of personality. Loved the Scream franchise and I felt he was done justice here.

    -Legion(Susie): I dunno why, guess she semi reminds me of my High School days, wore Hoodies a lot, was seen as a "troublemaker" by many and was a bit rebellious, even if I still did my work. Hung out with the Goths and Geeks mostly, seen as a bit of outcasts VS rest of the school. Not afraid to say I,love the Yandere angle Susie has. And finally I just end up playing REALLY well as Legion.

    -Pig: SAW is a fav franchise, Amanda has/had one of the more fun n unique toolkits with the Reverse Bear Traps. I just love the extra threat and mechanics she adds. She has fantastic cosmetics (some of the best imo) and I admittedly love her lil Squeak when a pallet smacks her xD. Also another Killer that's a ton of fun.

    -Clown: Pretty much I love Clown's lore and personality. A VERY creepy character, expertly designed, has amazing cosmetics, always love Killer Klownz motif and his theme music is THE BEST xD


    -Nea: Nea was my first Survivor pick as Urban Evasion and Balanced Landing were two Perks I felt were REALLY good. I loved the look of Nea and later on the Killer memes associated around her were uhh...fitting for my own personality xD

    -Ash: I love Bruce Campbell, loved Evil Dead & Ash VS Evil Dead. He's voiced by Campbell, nuff said

    -Dwight: Dwight is the cutest Survivor, esp as seen by the community. His Pizza Delivery outfit is amazing...enuff for me to play him

    -Jane: Jane is Thicc Momma. Head On is a great n fun Perk and it's honestly nice to get a women of her calibur!

  • RobertCop
    RobertCop Member Posts: 25

    I've been playing a lot of billy and pig as of late. I enjoy just coming out of no where and freaking the survivors out with both. I also have a soft spot for trapper.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Legion, without a doubt! Sure they may not be strong right now after there hard nerfing but there is something about that feeling of running down a survivor and slashing them before going after there friends. That Rush Down playstyle is one of the most exciting things to feel as a Killer to me, only seconded by Ghost Face leaning around a corner on some people.

    (Legion being my favorite also got me to start the Legion rework thread i have in feedback. 4 pages now of good ideas!)

  • TheShape78
    TheShape78 Member Posts: 712

    That's awesome man! That must have been quite an experience!

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2019

    @TheShape78 Thing was, at that point in my life my father was still working in Special Effects, so I knew it was fake. Still scared me, though. 😂

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    My favorite survivor is Feng, because of her story! Claudette, Kate, Laurie, Jane and Nea are honorable mentions because i play them all the same. However, Feng is the most.

    Favorite killer is Huntress, because her story too. Michael and Spirit are honorable mentions as well.

  • icemancat
    icemancat Member Posts: 150

    For me personally, I used to main Dwight, but whenever they released Ace, I instantly knew that he would become my new main for survivors because of his uniqueness and also the fun combos you can do with his perks.

    For killer, Trapper has been my all time killer main since the beginning. I just love his playstyle and catching survivors off guard with his traps is so satisfying.

  • xRem
    xRem Member Posts: 375

    It was the feeling of my first 4 man, I played survivor and escaped and felt good about it, but that first 4 man was different sure I was in rank 20 but it meant something to me. I felt like I had outplayed 4 people rather than 1 and it was nice from then on I became a killer sided player and has since realized the imbalance when your not spirit or nurse and I love and hate it.

  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549

    I love Jane because she's pretty and a nice representation of a realistic person's body.

    I like spirit because she has an interesting backstory, and I feel powerful when ending chases in 0.005 seconds.

    I also use Trapper now because I laugh when people step in traps >:)

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Freddy: high APM/the need to think fast and take into account passives makes him fun for me.

    Legion: I used to love being fast and then not playing the game like an A-hole but other people ruined that for us. I also loved spreading the pain with FF, but again, ruined for us by frank's and moonwalking abusers and now it's not viable 9 times out of 10 to even think about trying to do it.

    Kate: because she is bae, and I love the jiggle physics on her pickaxes (yeah i know your mind went there...)

    Dwight: He's just a cutie

    Steve: Who doesn't want to main mom?

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Killers, i dont have one in especific, if i had to choose it would be Russian Mama huntress, her hatchets are just sooooo fun, she can end chases really fast

    Survivor would be Ash, i love the reworked MoM and he is a Groovy boy.

  • Dicklaycia
    Dicklaycia Member Posts: 147

    I mained Claudette when I first bought the game primarily because I heard Self Care was a good perk. Her other healing perks were nice bonuses since I enjoy playing healers in other games. I now main Jane since she came out. I remember watching the stream and hearing the devs describe her as “their Oprah” and I was immediately interested. Once I saw her design, I fell in love with it. She’s jus too glamorous and powerful, I love it,

  • OGlilSPOOK20
    OGlilSPOOK20 Member Posts: 716

    Survivor: Jake

    Why: Idk, I guess I thought he was cool.

    Killer: Myers

    Why: Because imo he's probably the most balanced, fun & scary killer in the game.

    (I can give other reasons why in detail but I'll stop there)

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    edited October 2019

    I main legion because I like their look, lore, and stabby stabby style. (I also like Julie too.) : P

    I've grown fond of Demo with Devour Hope though because it works so well! : D

    Trapper because it's rewarding to get people stuck in them and moving them around so they don't predict them is great. : )

    Spirit because I need to know one high tier killer up my sleeve.

    Basically, if a killer has good synergy with STBFL, then I'm sure to like it. (Spirit doesn't really, but she's good regardless.)

  • camgaming_dbd
    camgaming_dbd Member Posts: 191

    I main as ghostface | reason: scream 1996 was my 1st Horror movie that I seen on TV and as survivor: nea cause she gives me vibes of sidney from scream 1996 also 10/10 she would be the final girl :)

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Doctor because of his laugh, power, and looks.

    Freddy because of his new power.

    Demogorgon because I really like that it's a monster.

  • candy_bat
    candy_bat Member Posts: 8

    Nea because of her perks and style

    Huntress because I just love her lore and the hatchets 😂

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Feng Min because she just so happens to be the one Survivor that I have the best chance at at actually winning matches. I know survivors are all skins and all, but she is the one survivor who I can consistently get great matches with.

    And Freddy, because Freddy is great. I had negative feelings about his rework previously, but now I'm feeling better about it. Dream Pallets are fun and I love baiting a survivor to one.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I mained Ace originally because almost nobody played him and I loved that he wore sunglasses in the dark. I though to myself "Now that's a guy who is either stoned off his gourd, or just doesn't give a rats ass. Either way, I like him".

    I may be switching to Jeff though - "Fat Jesus" kinda grew on me while I was leveling him to unlock his perks. He's got my build and likes metal, what's there not to like?

    As for killers....

    It wasn't Doc's style of play, but his sadistic laughter to that drew me to him. That guy is always laughing maniacally, even when he gets stunned. Even when I'm the survivor, his laughter puts a #########-eating grin on my face. In a game full of salty and toxic little trolls, at least one character is having fun, win or lose - and that guy is the Doc. As an added bonus, he's got a hilariously stupid build known as the "Railgun Doc" that never ceases to amuse me.

  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 914

    Demogorgon because it's a monster xD

    Nea just has style

  • Jasonsfar
    Jasonsfar Member Posts: 69

    Myers all the way, i Got the game because they when he came into it.

    i love the halloween movies so i only play myers.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,370

    Nea mainly because of her edgy appearance and generic backstory about being a misfit teenager.

    I originally played Huntress when I first started playing killer because her power was cool and is easily used to dominate at low ranks.

    After Spirit's release, I immediately switched to her because I liked her appearance and backstory (and because at the time, she hadn't received her main buffs so current prayer beads didn't exist).

  • FluorescentLemon
    FluorescentLemon Member Posts: 257

    Trapper because I get a huge dopamine hit when someone steps in my traps. Be it from a strategic chase or they just stepped in one randomly, I ######### love that click.

    Also he's the Jason expy and I like Jason.

  • Mjra
    Mjra Member Posts: 50

    Feng for survivor because she's very pretty and I like most of her cosmetics. (Not you ugly sports wear're ######### ugly)

    Hag because I enjoyed her story and the look of her plus she's got two of my favourite cosmetics currently in the game; Cabbage Patch and Snake Charmer. Also her mori is just so brutal and fantastic and I love it.