Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Archive & Player Balance



  • fenshing
    fenshing Member Posts: 66
    edited October 2019

    Having challenges that a stupid hard is this thing I figured was coming but an hour a day vs. an hour and thirty or forth minutes, of game time, just doesnt look like doomsday to me. I play board games, real board games not like Monopoly!, and the makers always downplay the playtime on the box. You always have to add like and 30 minutes to an hour per player to get a real estimation of how long a game takes. Why? Because every company uses their own data to come up with those numbers. In board games they use the time it takes for people who know the game and rules inside and out to play, not someone new or learning. 70 to 80 hours is was BHVR's data says it should be but of course it wont be. They even say they will take in feedback to make sure its not unfair.

    "Our goal for our first Tome and Rift is to base our completion targets on the average daily play time of 1 hour/user, provided by our internal data. Given this, completion of The Rift and all its rewards should take roughly 70 to 80 hours of gameplay, provided players accomplish Challenges from each role.  

    We want everything to feel achievable within a reasonable amount of time for all players, to not feel like any reward is unfairly out of reach. We will be gathering all sorts of feedback to ensure The Archives is enjoyable for many updates to come, for all players."

    I just dont get the whole "the sky is falling" reaction. While I do trust BHVR to mess stuff up... I do also trust they will try and make things right in the end. Hallowed Blight last year shows that.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I'm with you. If it is as bad as people say, I trust that they'll be doing their best to make it right.

    But also, Monopoly is a real board game. Just because it's popular doesn't make it inferior. No need to be so pretentious about it.

  • fenshing
    fenshing Member Posts: 66

    Yeah. I dont think they are trying to mess over the player base.

    Oh and the Monopoly thing was just a joke. Not being pretentious, just trying to bring some levity to a conversation that I think is a bit overly serious. But old roll and move games are really outdated, except maybe Clue. In all seriousness I dont care what people like to play.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited October 2019

    First thing: why is everyone so mad about not completing the rift??!? It is about COSMETICS! And the lore stuff and bonus BP are still available when the rift closes! No one HAS to buy the rift and has no drawback if he doesn't. And you still get some fancy things for free if you don't pay anything! And another thing: if you don't play this game like daily, why everyone expects to get everything for no effort? What about the people grinding the game? "Yay, I'm done in 3 days, 67 to wait for new content..."

    Back to the maths, please correct me if I get anything wrong. Just as it is shattered around in several posts I wanna summarize to be sure everything is correct:

    • So we need 700 fragments, 352 from challenges, 348 from grinding.
    • We have 70 days to do so (confirmed?) which means up to 42k XP from first survivor/killer.
    • Means 278.400 XP - 42.000 = 236.400 XP
    • If ideal, an exact 10 minute match grants the max possible XP of 600
    • Means ideally 3600 XP per hour, which is ~66 hours
    • adding time for queue, spending bloodpoints and every second a match takes longer than 10 minutes (and this is a really hard to estimate factor)

    My rough guess is that I play 3 games an hour, sometimes I'd rather say more like 4 games but I also notice the difference in queue times when playing killer, solo survivor or SWF. But let's just stay for now with the view, that this is a queue (and server?) problem, not the rift problem, that needs to be fixed.

    That means, the roughly guessed reality is 50% of the ideal. Which means I need to play 2 hours a day on average, to get to it. And I just need to play more than that, if I don't manage to get all challenges done in this time. Whatever takes longer. And to be honest, I know people that spend more time on CandyCrush on their mobile. If you play less, you really can't expect the game to grant you all the content, just because you want it. If you pay money on cosmetics, I kinda expect you to play more than that.

    @HellCatJane The problem with last years halloween event was that you could not cleanse the flowers anymore as survivor once you finished your 30 items, making it impossible to get the bonus blood points afterwards as well as survivors not spending any more offerings to create the flowers. That's why a lot of people switched to killers and wrecking the queues. Probably the challenges might shift this a little but I guess not much more than people are getting influenced by dailies of the "wrong" role

    And one more thing to you all. Nice you promote DCs to get your sheet done. Sure it happens, sure there are people who never learn. But DC is not a problem caused by the engine, it is caused by the freakin premature donks that simply don't wanna play the game when it not runs by their perfect world rules. I'd really like to see some more critical feedback on this behaviour than suggesting "yeah, this will happen, this is normal, you know, not to say it is ok pls do so". If we could more point out that this is simply donkey behavior and point with our fingers at those who do, saying "you ruin our game!" we might get better to a fix of that, rather than blaming BHVR to not build the perfect game for all the whineys out there. Amen

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    No one should buy the “Rift Pass” unless:

    1. You have completed the Rift prior to the Rift ending, and thus will receive everything on the Rift, including your 1,000 Auric Cells back, or
    2. It is the last day of the Rift and you are happy with the items that you will receive for spending 1,000 Auric Cells.

    The cosmetics have 0 (zero) actual value. It is up to you to determine if the items in the store are worth the virtual values that BHVR has placed on them.

  • smappdooda
    smappdooda Member Posts: 544

    This is my feeling too. I play killer only and so my survivors are pretty much useless out of the gate. It also doesn't thrill me to play them. I have and I can but...

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited October 2019

    Maybe it would be an idea to split the rift into 4 paths? Each a free and premium for killer and survivor progress? And then the survivor paths just containing charms and cosmetics that are just for survivors or both, and vice versa