Doctor Advice


Title pretty much sums things up, I'm trying to be a good doctor lol. I have absolutely mained Doctor in my short time playing this game and I will continue to no matter how low tier some people may think he is. So any advice as far as perks and honestly just all around gameplay tips would be great :)


  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,414

    The best advice I can give is shock, then immediately transition to punishment mode for a swing. Its possible to use the shock effectively on small loops, but on bigfer ones, it's almost always best to just eat the pallet and break it. You want to be in punishment as much as possible during chases. Otherwise you're slow like the hag and huntress, without any upside. Be sure to use at least a moldy electrode. The range of his shock is embarrassingly short, making it useless at base. He needs changes badly. The devs plan on doing something with him but I don't believe they confirmed anything yet.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    The secret with Doctor occurs when you click his picture in the killer select screen. What you want to do after that is click on almost any other killers picture, then click "Find game."

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I would say to use him as an electric-aura-based killer. When in therapy mode, the passive shock that causes nearby survivors to scream is equal to your terror radius. Survivors in this zone will see their madness consistently increase as well, which makes screams more likely.

    Therefore, perks like Distressing can increase your terror radius size to keep those screams coming!

    Combine that with Unnerving Presence and Huntress Lullaby, and skill checks will become very frequent, very small, and have wrongly-timed warning sounds (or none at all). In other words, some survivors may find it very difficult to ever “snap out of it”. This brings gen progress to a halt, and gives you constant notifications of survivor locations through screams, missed skill checks, and the yellow-aura phantoms of yourself (which, as I’m sure you knew, will always be looking in the direction of a nearby survivor.)

    The 4th perk could be anything you want. I might suggest BBQ if your goal is bloodpoints. If you’re just playing to play, maybe Sloppy a Butcher to further slow them down with long healing times.

  • [Deleted User]

    hit then go back into treatment mode while in chase to gives survivors around you a hard time if you are running distressing/unnerving prescence

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,023

    I would suggest using Restraint addons with moldy electrode. When you find a survivor, get them up to at least tier 2. Thisll let you keep track of them using illusionary Doctors for the rest of the match. Moldy electrode is a nice balance between extra range without making your charge time TOO much.

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    You can shock people at pallets to either force them to drop it or have them wait 3 seconds before dropping it landing you hits

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    As you can see from the different answers on the thread, there are several distinct strategies you can choose between with Doctor. Doctor has the best map awareness (that is, ability to know where survivors are at all times) of any killer, so my recommendation is to use that to your advantage by getting everyone to at least tier 2 madness as soon as possible and paying attention to where the illusionary doctors appear. I like to use addons which increase time/frequency of illusionary auras for that reason. Overcharge in particular also helps with tracking survivors, especially at low ranks. Pair it with perks like Surveillance and Pop Goes the Weasel for a really solid gen-control build if that's your jam.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,545
    edited October 2019

    Doctor is similar to Plague in the: 'Debuff everyone as soon as possible' game. The earlier you can do that, the more you can gain control of the survivors, or in The Doctor's case, locate and confuse them.

    Remember that people can just run towards you to dodge the shock, at that point, just whack them, as you'll gain more progress by just getting the free hit than attempting to increase their insanity as they're consistently dodging the shockwave

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651

    Doctor was my most played killer. I still like him, but he is definitly weak.

    He has no mobility, insta down or stealth. His supposed strenghts are stalling and detection, but he is not very good at that either.

    His shock require perfect timing to be of any use at loops and can still be negated by the lag. Most of the effects of madness are just annoying distractions that good survivors will completly ignore. And lastly his tracking is only good at the beginning of the game when survivors havent accumulated madness.

    Its pains me to say, but Legion is far better at the stall and detection game that is supposed to be the Doctor's forte. Feral Frenzy gives you easy first hits, perfect information via killer instinct and the speed to act on it. Deep Wounds is just a more effective stalling effect than Madness lvl 3 and Legion can apply it very easily.

    As far as advices go... Just put every survivor you find in madness 3 and M1 away. If you feel you can shock a window or pallet go for it, but don't rely on it because it can just make some loops worse. The only good thing about the shock is that it can turn some unsafe loops into complete traps. Learn to recognize thoses.

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208
    edited October 2019

    Doc is the only killer where I like a big terror radius. The earlier posts sums that up nicely.

    There is an add on (I forget which one) which makes it even bigger.

    Agree that you definitely need to extend the range of your electrode - base range is terrible.

    I like the add-on which spawns an illusionary doc - that's a great tracking boost for the entire game.

    I focus my build on gen stopping / slow down. If I'm feeling sweaty then a 3 gen strat is the way to go but those games can be long and tiresome.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    You really need some high end add on's to make any kind of decent progress with the doctor, his shock attack range is to small and the slow down you get from charging the attack doesn't help. The doctor is at his best when he can get multiple survivors to tier 3 madness. It makes the progress on generators slow and being able to extend the range and speed up the charge time are a must for chases.

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539

    Something I learned from Otz is to withhold using treatment node for the first part of the game. When you get to the point when you know survivors are close then switch mode to treatment and use their reactions to going up that first tier to narrow in on them quickly. I used to run around in treatment to begin with trying to get everyone up to Tier 1 as soon as possible. It's a waste of time.