I need randomly generated map every single match
As I get more and more experience playing the same map every single time, I grow tired of being able to solve every generator very quickly because I memorize the entire map and close approximate where nearby gens might be located without using any map item.
In DEVOTION 1 (71) now I'm feeling the game maps lacks randomness.
By randomness I mean random building placement,
random rooms of houses,
random stones placement,
random trees placement,
random generators placement,
random wooden walls placement,
random buildings placement,
random lockers placement,
pretty much make playing every trial feels like a whole new map every single time.
There's a time when one has played DBD with months and months of gameplay to finally need complete randomness in the trial because one has an ability of mental mapping every trial map he had gone through.
Especially when one has reached DEVOTION 1, should there is special mode unlocks at DEVOTION 1 just for map randomness - being able to feel complete blindness in every trial like the very first time I encounter new maps when I was level 1.
Except that at devotion 1 you still haven't seen anything about the game, anyways, map are already rng spawned, the more rng the worst maps.