Dead by Daylight: Case File | The Cannibal

Well hello fog dwellers!

I have created a video guide/overview of THE CANNIBAL better known as CHILI BOI. This is my first attempt at making a video like this so any feedback would be greatly appreciated! I drew a lot of inspiration from a similar video series by the youtuber Bricky. This first video was to experiment and see what works and what doesn't and I hope to improve and create better content in the future! I would love to take feedback and suggestions from the community and use that to create future videos in the series!


  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    I like your through analysis, but it’s very obviously a Bricky ripoff. I suggest changing up the style and format so that it’s not nearly as apparent.

  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    edited July 2018
    A lot of inspiration is right. Recommend you dial back the imitation. The "(fill in the blank) boi" and joking names for perks were cringe inducing ripoffs. 
    You need a new spin. Instead of focusing on killers, focus on perks? Maybe a survivor guide to compliment brickey's killer file. It would at least justify the format as his spiritual successor. Perfect time as you can showcase new skins.
    As for the script, it was your first video, but you were referencing Killers you hadn't showcased yet. If you are going to spring board off Billy to talk about bubba, you should have a video on Billy first. 
  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    A leatherface guide ?
    If pallets : Press M1.
    If no pallets : Hold M2, release.
    Get Agitation + Insidious, carry to basement, and just stand there until something happens.
    There, done.

  • jazzyjackson
    jazzyjackson Member Posts: 7

    Thank you guys for the comments and suggestions! I'll keep them in mind as I am planning future videos! I do plan on making them more of my own, the heavy imitation was a crutch in order to help guide my process though learning how to edit, record audio, record gameplay, and write a script.

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    @jazzyjackson said:
    Thank you guys for the comments and suggestions! I'll keep them in mind as I am planning future videos! I do plan on making them more of my own, the heavy imitation was a crutch in order to help guide my process though learning how to edit, record audio, record gameplay, and write a script.

    Glad to see you’re taking the comments into account.

    I look forward to whatever you’ve got to offer in the future. Subbed.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    I love it when people try to spin their nickname for Killers as popular by saying ######### like "better known as" when it literally hasn't been used before.