This game needs some gems?

AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

Do you want gems to be in dbd. They're so pwetty and quite possibly collectable.

Gems are fitted around the map and reward between 1 and 50 Bloodpoints at set amounts depending on what colour gem you pick up.

Gems only appear for the individual player once they do something good like escaping a chase, hiding, partial gen repair or whatever.

The gems are individual to each Survivor so no-one else can steal your gems.

Killer has his own gems which they can collect too.

This game needs some gems? 14 votes

Yes, We need Gems urgently at all costs. Gems before Gens
AshleyWB[Deleted User] 2 votes
Sure, I'm not saying no but maybe as long as Mr Money Bags isn't added too.
NullSp3c 1 vote
No, Just no Gems belong to Spyro. This isn't Spyro and no matter how much you want it to be you're not going to change how dead by daylight works because that's not representative of what the majority of players want. Gems are even relevant to the game for Dwight's sake.
BossArk_the_BonsaiGibberishFibijeanJasonTrent1297Knex4545Elkad19970AhoyWolfZackAndCodySinisterDog 11 votes


  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,436
    No, Just no Gems belong to Spyro. This isn't Spyro and no matter how much you want it to be you're not going to change how dead by daylight works because that's not representative of what the majority of players want. Gems are even relevant to the game for Dwight's sake.

    This option was a little harsh but ok...

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616
    No, Just no Gems belong to Spyro. This isn't Spyro and no matter how much you want it to be you're not going to change how dead by daylight works because that's not representative of what the majority of players want. Gems are even relevant to the game for Dwight's sake.

    Iridescent Shards are pretty much Gems.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    No, Just no Gems belong to Spyro. This isn't Spyro and no matter how much you want it to be you're not going to change how dead by daylight works because that's not representative of what the majority of players want. Gems are even relevant to the game for Dwight's sake.

    This... is a joke, right?

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Yes, We need Gems urgently at all costs. Gems before Gens

    You think I'm joking?, Have you ever seen any of my threads/polls. They are always super cereal.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Yes, We need Gems urgently at all costs. Gems before Gens

    Honestly only made this poll because I wanted to play Spyro but it's just too hard. I thought hmm... maybe if we had gems in dbd instead it'll be like being good at Spyro. Seems like 'you people' have other ideas though *tut tut* LOOK AT THE SPARKLY GEMS

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267
    No, Just no Gems belong to Spyro. This isn't Spyro and no matter how much you want it to be you're not going to change how dead by daylight works because that's not representative of what the majority of players want. Gems are even relevant to the game for Dwight's sake.

    No, but they do look nice. We do have forms of gems like the rift shards(later) and Iridescent shards.