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An Idea to balance Mettle of Man

I had made this post focusing on Mettle of Man which you may find on the PtB feedback section. However I have listened to enough opinions to have a better idea on how I would propose Mettle of Man should be set upon release of the new patch.

Previously I had suggested to add safe hook rescues to the requirements for gaining tokens, and have received plenty of feedback stating that it was tried that way before and failed. I will return to this point in a bit but I agree that having both protection hits and safe hook rescues to gain tokens may be a bit much, especially if Mettle of Man can be used more than once now.

So here it is, my primary suggestion for balancing the perk. It is simple really, reduce the number of Protection Hits from 3 to 2. In it's current state, Mettle of Man becomes difficult to pull off. I have tested this, and find that I need several perks to assist me going out of my way to gain those Protection Hits, and by the time Mettle is ready the gates have been powered.

I believe reducing the number of hits needed along with the perk having repeated use could be the boost Mettle of Man needs to be a viable and useful perk once more. It will ensure altruistic behavior as the devs seem to intend this perk to be, a high risk high reward ability. I do not believe Mettle of Man should be reworked for a multitude of reasons if you'd like to ask. Reworking the perk should be the final option, and we have plenty of room for balance before suggesting an ultimatum.

The second idea for balancing Mettle of Man would be to switch the Protection Hits for Safe Hook Rescues. Altruism seems to be the focus for this perk for how the developers intend it to be, I think safe unhooks can work just as well and is much more reliable than Protection Hits. Rather than the inclusion of both safe hook rescues and Protection Hits as was done previously in a past PTB, Behavior should swap them instead and see if the results come in positive.

TL DR: Reduce the number of Protection hits to 2 and keep the perk having repeated usage, or switch Protection Hits for Safe Hook Rescues instead. Thoughts?

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  • Member Posts: 776

    You balance mettle of man by leaving it as is and forget about it.

    Use your purchase as a reminder to never buy anything in this game within a month of release or for a single perk.

  • Member Posts: 698

    I think the main issue with MoM is that actual protection hits don't count, when you get them I mean. It doesn't tally up on the perk. That alone would help tremendously, and I don't think people would complain as much as it'd be 'easier' to get.

    However, It has to be hard to obtain and for good reason. It's too strong of a perk to make it "easy" to get. That's how it is balanced.

  • Member Posts: 185

    But it's not that strong, not on it's own at least.

    I figured after the Stranger Things DLC people would be more lenient on Mettle of Man with the inclusion of Inner Strength and Second Wind. Both of those perks are fine on their own, but Inner Strength with Head On, Adrenaline and Decisive Strike, or Second Wind with Adrenaline and Dead Hard, they can be pretty annoying.

    Also I have noticed a lot of people's examples facing Mettle of Man involve the insta heal add ons, and with those getting reworked I felt now was the best time to ask for a second look and hopefully an improvement to Mettle of Man.

    Even if Protection Hits were to be fixed, if Mettle of Man can have repeated use than I say reduce the number of hits needed to 2. HOWEVER, adjust the punishment value of the perk as well. Aura reading isn't really a threat, as Old Freddy can testify, so maybe include a broken status effect or perhaps an exposed status effect when recovered from Mettle of Man for a set amount of time.

    Small adjustments that over time can bring this perk back is all I ask. Being able to use it more than once would be amazing if getting it to use one time wasn't so difficult 😅

    Thoughts? @HellCatJane

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited October 2019

    I don't think it can be fixed. It was completely terrible design at concept. The LAST thing this game needs is more second chance perks. The plethora of second chance perks is already one of the issues plaguing the game that needs fixing.

  • Member Posts: 698

    Well. My first thought is, were you around when it was released? XD It was crazy strong. I thought they changed it recently where you can do it more than once per match, already.

    Having an exposed or backlash from it doesn't seem so bad. Hard to know for sure how it'll go with out seeing it in action. But I could see it being altered to be a bit more viable, as opposed to not at all.

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    My problem with MoM is that I had very little control over it happening and it only happens if I was doing a good job.

    Inner strength and second wind a Survivor has to earn but with MoM the killer does the work for you which would be fine if there was a way to counter it but there isn't any without playing specific killers

  • Member Posts: 185
    edited October 2019

    @Volfawott Are we talking about current Mettle of Man or old Mettle of Man? With my suggestion I'd say you still earn it by protecting or unhooking allies, just make the earning process a slight bit easier.

    @HellCatJane Been around since game was released 😂 I know a thing or two. Not saying I have all the answers, just that I'm aware of the games history. Delighted to hear you're interested on my suggestion, granted none of us would know how it would work without putting it in the PtB so... devs? 🤞

    @Blueberry I suppose so, but Mettle of Man came before the other two perks and is currently one of the more difficult second chance perks to make work. I was suggesting maybe reworking the punishment portion of the perk, rather than aura reading you get something that makes you proceed with caution like Broken State or the Exposes Status Effect?

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