New Killer perk idea: Ring Around the Rosie

(I took Dying light and Rancor and put em together! Hopefully you guys like it!)
(Please ignore the "Per" in the description I was going to make the Penalty apply to the tokens but that didn't make sense so I removed it.)
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Interesting, though it would make DL and Rancor useless...
However, I feel the Obsession should get a bigger bonus. Not much bigger, but maybe another percent or something. Nothing too crazy.
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Well not entirely.
Dying Light slows down Gen repair Speed and stuff like that. So in reality Dying Light would help R.A.T.R.
And Rancor has an entire Aura Reading Ability. Would Rancor be useful in any perk build using R.A.T.R. ?
Not really, just think of (R.A.T.R) as Devour Hope with Extra Steps.
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Might be too similar to Remember me, considering that it's a obsession perk that slows down exit gates for everyone except the obsession. Also, it's best to only make one number vary per tier (should be the second one imo, the first and last ones would arguably be worse at Tier 3 than at Tier 1).
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Well the first set of Numbers are for the Tokens, Which is Default 8, then 7, then 6.
The tokens when hit the Default max [8/7/6 Tokens] (At the different tiers) Tokens will allow the killer to Kill the Obsession, so Tier-ing up the Tokens is actually a benefit to the Killer.
(Cause you get to kill the Obsession Sooner than Later. Since 8 Hooks = 2 Survivors dead and 1 Survivor got hooked Twice. 7 Hooks = 2 Survivors dead and 1 Survivor got hooked once. 6 Hooks just mean 2 Survivors are dead and the obsession is now able to get mori-ed).
So the tokens make sense to go down as you tier up the Perk.
Also the last 2 sets of numbers in my mind would be, since all survivors get a 2% penalty the Obsession would open the gates 1% faster, 3% penalty = 1% Faster than the penalty and at 4% penalty the obsession would still get a constant of 1% faster Gate opening.
(But then that would probably make the perk overpowered... But who knows lol)
Thanks for expressing your thoughts.
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Oh okay, I thought the first set of numbers was token-based at first. I read your comment saying that it wasn't but I guess I didn't actually take in that information :P
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This is just a remember me rework.
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And thats not a bad thing by the way good shid