Why PC killers think console survivors are trash?

I played both platform. On the console killer little bit hard but I said little bit not impossible because dbd is not first person shooter game. But survivor there is no difference with playing controller or mouse and keyboard. Cross platform actually good think for everybody because on the console so many survivor main on the pc there is so many killer main with cross platform would be balanced in my opinion. Btw console killers think pc survivors are trash, believe me.
In my experience console has been significantly easier than PC, on both sides. Red ranks on console feels like purple ranks on PC to me. I almost never get survivors who can run me for a long time on console, even at red ranks; but on PC it is standard for a red rank lobby to have some good loopers in it.
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Console has a limited playerbase to practice with, you can also 360 a killer on console but prior to these dedicated servers you couldn't do that to killer.
It's not that we think console is a joke, its that PC killers are a whole breed you just aren't used to because we have much more control over our movements.
I urge anyone on console to come and try to play killer or survivor on pc, honestly it's savage out here once you get to the proper ranks.
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I personally find quite a difference playing mouse/keyboard over controller due to how quick i can do camera movements.
With controller being analogue the overall movements feel more clunky for myself.
Each side can think the other is bad but if you read the forums enough a lot of people fear crossplay with console an pc due to the direct input of a mouse and keyboard 😉.
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If you don't think there's a difference, you obviously have no idea how to look for totems in a very fast manner, and your mindgames against the killer while in chase are a lot more limited. Mouse lets you control the camera much, much faster and more precisely to do very quick actions you can't do on a controller as survivor. This matters a lot while searching for totems or mindgaming a killer in loops.
Also, as you said killer is harder on console. That means the survivors by default have a much easier time, just because the killers can't perform on the same level as on PC.
Bow to me, console peasants, I am your PC Master Race!
That said I don't think console survivors are trash. But let's be realistic please. I mean, console survivors actually think 360 is a valid technique. That alone should tell you everything.
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360 is a valid technique on console because the FPS is so much worse that it's honestly a lot harder to hit people through the random frame drops. That's also the main reason I think console killer is harder, because the random frame drops don't really impact a running survivor ; but totally jack up killer swings.
Player wise I still have run across some really good console survivor players, but it's a lot rarer than on PC.
I play with a controller as a survivor on PC anyways, it's way more comfortable to me and you are just holding 1 button half the time. I don't think cross platform would really impact this game much.
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The thing I am trying to tell is console survivors really doing their best in chases.Imagine this scenario, there is no pallet loop area and survivor doesn't have dead hard.I see pc survivors in this scenario running straight a line but console survivors doing 360 or at least trying to something better even in rank 15.Why pc survivors don't do this or maybe %2 of them trying this.On console %90 of survivors are like this.
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Console survivors go against killers with limited movement and bad fps on top of small fov.
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Fps issues and small fov not because of console because of devs. They need to fix it. I play red dead redemption 2 without fps issues. Fps issues efective mostly killer mains not survivors.
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Exactly, bad killers == bad survivors.
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Are you high?
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It's just how you're able to move the camera, as killer, survivors attempt to 360 me, and I just nudge my mouse and they're hit.
As survivor, I can swiftly look behind me and look back in front without issue, and the short amount of time it takes to do that can mean the difference between a successful mind game and a failed one.
Obviously it's not like consoles are inherently worse, its just their tools limit their skill ceiling.
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What he was trying to convey to you is due to the issues on console when playing killer a survivor doesn't have to be good to look that way as it can be easier for them and more strats like the 360 work.
PC survivors it's far less forgiving and any killer with a slight knowledge won't fall foul to them.
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360 doesn't work on PC for reasons that Ultrabanana explained. Running in a straight line is the optimal play in that case as you might make it to a safe area. 360 is almost never an optimal play on PC. It will work maybe 1 out of 100 times.
Like said, killers on console are generally less dangerous than killers on PC. Survivors on console thus won't need to up their game as much. As you can see, 360 works on consoles. It doesn't work on PC.
Also, FPS issues also affect survivors. You can't react fast enough to killer for mindgames if the framerates are too low. Thing is, on console you have no choice. You're stuck with the framerates. On PC you can get better hardware and lower the details to fix the issue.
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Because they didn’t play on console.
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Here we go, back to the Overwatch mentality that because one console is more limited than the other a GrandMaster PS4 player is a Plat on PC. Give me a break.
No, the players have the mindset and game-sense just like any other red rank player on PC. What makes his substantially easier is the killers they're facing, and that they're limited by controls. Being limited doesn't inherently mean that one side couldn't perform against the other. That's silly!
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A ton of the top console Killers play with M&K. I know one Nurse in particular, who I affectionately call "Red Dress Nurse", absolutely destroys me and my friends whenever we play against her. No add-ons, her flicks are unreal.
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That's bs and you know it. I watch Tru3's streams like everyday and half of his games are against complete potatoes who fail at basic loops.
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I feel like some people are pc elitist about dbd
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Because you will get hit every single time. If im playing killer and see someone try and do a spinaroonie, im still going to hit them but im also going to think they are a bit thick. Its hard to quantify if you havnt played on pc, but if you have a good 60+ frame rate (Or even better 144hz) and decent experience with a mouse, you can hit a survivor doing pretty much anything, you just follow them with the mouse.