Does this tactic actually work against spirit?

What I have been thinking about is that if one survivor is getting chased by spirit if another survivor starts fast vaulting a window over and over does it make it hard to hear the survivor being chased? Cause if so I think it would be fair because yes it would increase spirit chase times but at the same time that's a survivor not doing gens. I think this would be a interesting thing to look into after all there isn't a hole lot of counter play against spirit.
It works against any killer.
But spirit is specially affected by this.
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Yes theres other tactics that you can do as well to affect her... survivors just haven't thought of much because... well the tactics are out of the realm of looping (which still works while shes on cooldown)
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Yea and its annoying while playing Spirit, its happened to me a few times though im not sure they were purposely trying to counter me or just being a dick. I doubt it will become a common tactic as it slows down getting gens done and its a very quick and easy way to get the killer's undivided attention.
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Any noise whilst playing as spirit is a hinderance, you rely on it a lot when playing her.
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I feel like it could be common though because in a swf once the spirit leaves to stop the person doing it the other person who was being chased could start doing it.
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Do you mean stuff along the lines of walking away from loops while she is in phase because of you making less noise or what do you mean.
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I had this happen to me a couple times, it's not as distracting as you may think.
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its actually more beneficial to run if shes trying to do the stand still mindgame because you have a better opportunity to get to LOS blocker or a loop... . If you're healthy or have IW you can fake going towards loops but run away, run by pallets in stead of through pallets..... theres a lot you can do against spirit...
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Ah, dont worry. The Spirit can still use the very skillful way of running into you, feeling where you are with the collision. :)
Besides that, I feel that even when someone is making Noises, without Iron Will it is still not hard to hear the Survivors at all.
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I mean, it can work but is it worth doing that instead of doing gens? I don't think so