Nurse got nerfed on 7 DIFFERENT ASPECTS

justarandy Member Posts: 1,711
edited October 2019 in General Discussions

1. Basekit chase power NERFED

2. Basekit map pressure/travel NERFED + PUNISHING

3. Basekit finding survivors NERDED + PUNISHING

4. Reappearance on survivors side chase power NERF

5. Dedicated servers (not even counting the bugs. that's something every killer hurts but so far it's hurting nurse the most with my experience)

6. Addons nerfed and replaced with really bad ones (necessary and actually the only thing the community wanted)

7. Fun factor. Yes, it's not fun to play m2 with a power bar.

Is there any other way to butcher nurse more? Any other "minor" changes we can add to her? Any "slight" changes she needs so everyone can be "happy"?

It's really insane how the devs use the words "slighty" and "minor" in terms of her basekit change. This isn't minor. This is big.

And STILL, absolute SILENCE from the side of BHVR. Majority wants the BASEKIT CHANGE REVERTED! It's already insane how the devs touch exactly the stuff noone wanted, at least show us that you care about our opinion and that you listen to us and finally give a statement and revert it back..



  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    How can you tell something like that? We all love dbd and we all want to continue playing and enjoy it. And as someone who really wants to continue playing DbD I actually want to raise my voice to change something. Just "leave it for a while" won't make the situation better out of the sudden. Those who just leave instead of giving constant feedbacks are the reason why things aren't getting changed. But tbf, we gave bhvr a lot of feedback and they hardly listen, so understand if that's frustating for others

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Lucky number seven!

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    She used to be op, but what they did, is really a bit 2 much. I am not saying that she is now weak, but she plays clumsy as hell.

    A slight change would have been enough.. but not this.

    Best way to nerf her in my opinon:

    • Get rid of Megablink Addons
    • Lunge fix
    • Reduce blink range by 1-2 Meter

    That should already balance her. And she would be still fun to play.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    They should've started with just changing the add-ons first to see if that was enough. If not, then yeah, reducing the blink range a bit would've been better than adding a completely new, not-fun mechanic. It's like they forgot that a killer should be fun to play as.

    Part of me wonders if they didn't change the base kit just 'cause they couldn't think of more add-ons to create organically.

  • NinoV1
    NinoV1 Member Posts: 382

    There’s a reason you Vs the big 3 at high ranks a lot, it’s because they’re the only ones who can perform at those levels.

    Asking for more nerfs to the other two isn’t productive and will be detrimental to this game.

    We need to look at buffing the other killers, not nerfing the only good ones.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    It's OK, apparently the devs share in your survivor-main mentality and believe survivors should be the power role. The nurse was the only character where skill and practice rewarded you for playing against good survivors, where you actually stood the slightest chance at winning, some times down to 1 gen against that 4 man SWF team that had toolboxes. Sometimes they squeezed one or even two out the gates, but it was one hell of a game and even the nurse felt it was a good game. I'll certainly miss those games.

    Don't pretend to be a killer main, the nurse didn't deserve this.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Yet nurse is really the only viabable counter for rank 1 swf, why hasn't swf been nerf since the game is literally this before the nurse nerf: Swf=Nurse>Killers>solos

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711
  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    I'm glad someone other than me looks at the big picture here.

    Though I agree, the lower tier Killers need help.

    And lastly, no need to be so rude. Before you come at me for "Faking" being a Killer next, I can give you hours of footage of me playing Killer, mostly Legion. Stop trying to start drama.

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    Instead of all the nerfs why can't we buff everyone else so there is more variety (tho the addons did need changed but that's prolly it)

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    So being good with nurse and spirit = I am a bad killer? Interesting...

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Malarchy. How are you supposed to pip if you are camping and relying on NOED??? I'm talking about rank rank survivors that know how to abuse every god loop! You aren't hooking most of them 3 times each, which is REQUIRED to pip at red rank. So you didn't learn nurse, got intimidated by the time needed to learn her and gloating at the loss of those that did. I got it.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    You can only vote 1 time. Understand how a poll works before talking to me with your nonsense.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
    edited October 2019

    Legion nerf when I never used the exploits.

    That's my change that upset me. Guess what i do now? Play Legion.

    That's really the end of it. Devs can see alot more data than us. They decided BASED ON THERE DATA and how they want to take the game. The end.

    Post edited by UlvenDagoth on
  • UltraBanana
    UltraBanana Member Posts: 100

    Not saying that, I am just saying that they are crutch characters. Nothing wrong with using crutches, as long as you can actually get to the same rank without them.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    We see eye to eye. I tried to relax today playing demo and I got two sweaty SWF back to back before switching back to nurse...I finally got the 1st one down after he looped me hard, 2 gens already done (through RUIN BTW). On BBQ I saw all 3 on separate gens! By the time I got the next one down I was down to 1 gen left. 4 gens done and only 2 hooks! I could not have played any better BTW! I was limited by the power of the killer and the decency of the survivors looping and they were genrushing. I then tried to secure a final kill after the last gen was done and because they were SWF they unhooked the guy, and they all body blocked and escaped through the gates. They all said gg. This is how the game is supposed to be played.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    All of our previous interactions seem to favor survivor side. I assume your one of those "killer mains" who does a few games and bumps back over to survivor after your mid rank game was hard and your dailies are done

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    You're missing the vital point. A poll in these forums especially with the numbers that participated is pointless. You claimed a majority in your post, but it's really more around 50/50 even in these forums. Imagine if they did such a poll in-game? What kind of numbers would we see?

    If the majority actually wanted the base kit change reverted than who am I to judge? They can do w/e they want with their game. I just hope that it stays at a good point where I can still enjoy it, and If that changes than I will move on.

    You have a clear example here in your post. @UlvenDagoth

    He is still playing the killer he loves after the nerfs.

  • UltraBanana
    UltraBanana Member Posts: 100

    First off, you are making a big mistake in thinking rank = skill. Or that rank matters at all, or especially that red ranks mean the players are skilled. I'd say red ranks just means you are competent at the game. And before you accuse me of not "being skilled" I have already posted a screenshot of me being at rank 1 as killer on this forum. And I play there as survivor as well.

    I am just saying what is the bare minimum you need to do to get a "draw" aka 2 kills, against red rank survivors. And that's 1 kill and NOED down 1 more, super easy and can be done with literally any killer. That's the criteria to stay at red ranks, and any killer can do it. Meet that or exceed it almost every game? Rank 1 here you come. I can and do 4k regularly with m1 killers at rank 1. You think I wouldn't ruin some face if I put the crutches on and played nurse? Lol.

    If you can't stay at red ranks without having to play like ruin / pop / omegablink nurse I have no sympathy for you.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    This guy gets it.

    And I love all these nurse mains using basekit nurse and wondering why it is a challenge beating some of the sweatiest, best teams in the game. If they didn't bring items then you, as a competent nurse main (maybe not all the nurse players in this thread) should win that game no matter what you use. Are they bringing items? Then you have so many addons/offerings at your disposal. But hey, let's continue to lie to ourselves that nurse basekit was fine because the best of the best survivors could beat you when you weren't using everything you had at your disposal.

    Or, you can learn to adapt to the new situation, the same advice you loved to give to survivors.

    "survivors just want to loop and nothing else!"

    "just use stealth!"

    "just break line of sight!"

    "survivors just haven't learned how to beat nurse"

    The same people saying these useless things that don’t truly work against good nurses are the ones crying here, and it's absolutely beautiful.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Exactly thats what I am talking about and feel about.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Is it really balanced? If Spirit is a killer that doesn't rely on survivors making mistakes, the converse is true. Spirit is a killer where survivors have to rely on the Spirit making a mistake, or they won't survive.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    "4. Reappearance on survivors side chase power NERF"

    You mean "Being able to bodyblock and hit survivors when you haven't even appeared to them yet? Yeah, that bullshit needed to be fixed.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Spirit OP? I am sayin this to you as a survivor main. Git gud. Spirit has her counterplay and survivors need to git gud. Nurse basekit is fine.

    I haven't encountered a single nurse on the ptb that could pose a threat. Maybe there are god nurses out there, props to those, but I sincerely doubt you would be able to keep up with us. This nerf is garbage.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745
    edited October 2019

    that is why you can get hooked 3 TIMES as survivor and there is 4 OF YOU. there is a reason why you SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO 1V1 KILLERS. the point of the game is to ESCAPE before the killer has had enough time to hook you all 3 times/kill you all. IT IS THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE GAME. the killer should be THE POWER ROLE. the points as survivor is to extend chases long enough so that over the course of the game you can waste enough of the killers time to let 5 gens get done over the course of everyone doing chases/gens. so if the power role was survivors then why is there 4 survivors and 1 killer? answer me this then I will say that spirit deserves a nerf

  • aazimuth
    aazimuth Member Posts: 190

    It's kinda like there are more killers that take skill (with the exception of some addons) while most play nurse and spirit for an easy way out. Nurse currently is still incredibly strong don't quite know why you gotta mock someone for making a fair point.

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607

    Devs don’t care tbh, whatever survivors want... survivors get.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    The devs don't understand Nurse. That much is obvious.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    You act like those swf groups are common, which they aren't. Balancing the game around them is a stupid idea.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Noone reads the feedback area. General discussion however brings many opinions into the light for the devs.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Make a better poll then instead of complaining. I'm limited to the forum polls, I can't implement a poll ingame and the devs will never do it either.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    This would be the correct way to fix things.. instead of nerfing the good killers.. we buff the bad ones. Creates diversity and variation in all ranks.