How long is this dedicated server test gonna last?


I would like to get to playing the game and this dedicated server test is preventing that, I would like to know how much longer this test will go on. it has gone on longer than the previous one


  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Aren't they disabled right now? I wasn't getting green ping anymore as survivor so I just assumed they disabled them.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745
    edited October 2019

    I keep checking their twitter to see if they have been disabled and so far no new updates, since with the last test they did they announced when they ended the test

  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 903

    They are definitely enabled right now in Europe.

    I think they will test and make adjustments until everything is fixed. Why go back?

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    It'll help bhvr improve them if you keep playing. There is a reason they're testing them on live.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    because they are not ready yet? many many Dc's, horrible interactions when interacting with pallets, kicking gens, using powers like plague puke etc then there is how the dedicated servers are effecting MMing, had a game that ended due to a DC during loading. it was 6 purple rank survivors (one of them me) vs a rank 20 no perk huntress. if this is what dedicated servers bring then they should never be implemented. they got a long way to go before they are better than the current system

  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 903

    You will have to use them, if you like it or not (there is no option to opt-out)

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,127

    The reason to test with the full player base would be for server scaling and nothing to do with bugs. If it were about bug fixing then they would have enough information on what is bugged to go back and try to fix them. All they changed this round was what server you would go to. Nothing with game play.

  • Satsui
    Satsui Member Posts: 142

    They are working splendidly. Hopefully they will stay forever this time.

  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 903

    They constantly push updates in the background, you don't notice that as no steam update is required. Also most bugs have to do with connection handling, so it makes sense to prolong the test with live connection data from players.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    No, they need to fix some bugs first before applying this on live build. Ever tried playing Nurse or Huntress? So many bugs. Sometimes I'm stucked in place and can't move anymore. This is nothing the devs need to test on live build. They can test and fix that internally or in a PTB.

  • Satsui
    Satsui Member Posts: 142

    Not saying it's not a lag hiccup, but JUST SAYING he could have hit her there before she teleported, and he chose to wait for his fail reason to do so.

    I'm sure you would whaa whaa anyway but still.

    And that might be a bug / lag hiccup, but it happens so rarely - it happens without dedicated servers MUCH more often. MUCH, MUCH more often.

    99% of games are going so smoothly which is nothing like what P2P had.

    You are being a spoiled brat who can't acknowledge the fact that dedicated servers does NOT mean its going to work perfectly all the time. It will NOT. You have to do a reality check with yourself.

    However, dedicated servers are a HUGE improvement over P2P, all around. Me and no one else saying they are perfect. It does not mean by any way P2P was better, because it was not.

    Some people are just too spoiled and can't appreciate good things, for real.

    I acknowledge that there are some people who have issues and I don't. That is fine, and that needs to be fixed.

    BUT! I'm playing on European servers, with 80-90 ping, and it works AWESOME. There is NO reason to revert back to P2P for the european region. ZERO reason. If you have problems, then either its your end, or you need to try to work it up with their technical department to understand what and where goes wrong for YOU and how it can be improved.

  • Satsui
    Satsui Member Posts: 142

    Yes, I played as AND against Nurse and as Huntress. And I play with 80-90 ping mind you on european servers. It works very well. As far as I can tell, there is nothing major they need to fix.

    There are no bugs that needs fixing that needs to take out the dedicated servers. Sorry buddy.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Oh well, then I'm just lying I guess because.... Reasons?!

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,127

    That's a load of bull. I play in the 60ms range and Nurse rubber bands after each blink. Maybe European server are made of gold but here in the US there are still issues.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    Well how can they test server scaling if the players aren't playing? My point still stands.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,127

    I'm saying that they need to fix the major bugs before scale testing.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,643

    That he can hit her first does not really matter, this should not happen in the first place. Had the same happening to a Bill today, he walks into the Wall. I downed and hooked him (thought he crashed and I wanted my BBQ Stack before he is DCed), but he was there.

    But overall I have to say that the Servers are better than before. But there are still way too many things which do not work and which need to be fixed to have the Servers as a constant addition to the game:

    Trapper has some Bugs

    Myers is broken (levelling up to EW3 and instantly levelling down)

    Breaking Pallets or Gens is really clumsy

    Questionable Hits through Windows and Pallets (even more than before)

    Dead Hard bugged

    And a few more things.

    So the servers are not ready, but I am fine with testing, it is not terrible, at least for me.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    Getting the same. No problems with my internet running every other program/game....just dbd

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Some are having issues and others are not and exactly what these tests are about.

    There is no need to ever be rude to someone for posting a different experience than yourself as what works for one may be broken for another and that is exactly the feedback needed to help make them the best they can be for all the player base.

  • Satsui
    Satsui Member Posts: 142

    You know when you buy a game and it says "Online Experience Might Vary"?

    Well, if you did buy boxes of games in the past, you would read something that should be well too obvious for people by now but you seem to fail to understand - playing online changes the experience, usually for the "worse". So OBVIOUSLY when you are a killer and you play through a server and not when you are the host, there going to be the occasional lag spike or internet mishap. Just like it happened on P2P.

    I mean, complaining about a random internet hiccup is just clueless and purposeless. It's not really a bug. It's expected. It happened with P2P as well in case you are so conveniently forgetting.

    So the random occasional lag spikes are not only far less worse than how it was on P2P, it's just plain silly to present them as stuff that "need to hold back dedicated servers". That is all.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    yes when they are finished and ready, which they are not atm

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    if they do then a lot of people will quite, they are no where near ready at this time

  • Satsui
    Satsui Member Posts: 142

    I seriously doubt that. I think that statement is over-dramatic and delusional.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    the hesitation was probably for a dead heard, but you using "o he could of hit her before that so it doesn't matter" is NOT an excuse for what happened in that twitch clip you idiot. also just because YOU are enjoying the dedicated servers and have no issues with them DOES NOT MEAN that everyone is having the same experience. good thing you don't call the shots for this kind of stuff. you need to learn YOU ARE NOT the only player. ATM P2P is still better than the current version of dedicated servers

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    during the games I played as survivor as my dedicated server testing, I said CONSTANTLY that these dedicated servers suck, no one disagreed and I got ALOT of agreed's also I got other people also saying they are probably not gonna play anymore games for the rest of this test. and that is SURVIVOR SIDE, it is worse for killer side so I would think that more would quite from their side

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,030

    Im seeing some pretty drastic improvements from when they activated dedicated servers for the Stranger things DLC on PTB. Been playing Huntress all morning and it ISNT completely unplayable, lol.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    also, so you think servers that are not ready and DO CAUSE GLITCHES, BUGS and other bad experiences ALONG with the dedicated servers affecting MMing LIKE THIS

    that this is ok and wont make other people quite? if this game had gone by I would of felt SO BAD for this killer being bullied. what a way to kill off potential of new players if this is what they get

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Everyone: Give us dedicated servers!

    Behaviour: OK, but this is going to take time. And it's going to be highly imperfect at first, obviously, because we can't identify and target specific latency issues without live testing with an actual, real-world server load. We have to collect data to be able to iterate on it.


    tl;dr They can't "just stop the tests" and also fix everything that's wrong. That's not how any of this works. Some player inconvenience is unfortunately the cost of progress in a major dedicated server changeover like this.

  • meepmedeep
    meepmedeep Member Posts: 13

    The couple of people in here that are having the major and constant issues with dedicated servers I was curious about a few things I was hoping you could answer

    Are you using WiFi?

    Did you disable or change vSync in GameUserSettings.ini?

    Did you change FrameRateLimit in GameUserSettings.ini?

    If you changed the limit, is new limit that you selected a multiple of 30?

    Is your system able to maintain your new limit or is it fluctuating?

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I suspect that anyone who can't connect the dots on how a dedicated server deployment works definitely doesn't have the technical know-how to modify an .ini file or comprehend that wired network connections leave Wi-Fi in the dust.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Oh hey, another thread I can paste this into:

    I have taken (and will continue to take) Behaviour to task on many major game issues, but seriously, you guys are in the wrong here.

    How would you suggest they go about deploying and iterating on dedicated servers in a productive manner that isn't just a bunch of guesswork? Keep in mind that they cannot get an accurate idea of server loads or target specific latency issues by testing dedicated servers on a PTB, because the population just isn't there. This has to be tested in a live environment, with accurate population counts, in order for the developers to collect data and understand where the points of failure are.

    Like, it's literally impossible for them to get this done right, without doing that. This isn't some simple thing where they can wave a magic wand and get it done without exposing it to the live player base for sustained periods. Dedicated servers are a major changeover, and one that the community has been asking for, for a long time now. Some player inconvenience is the inevitable cost of progress, if everyone really wants these servers to function. It's either stay the course, or stick with peer-based connections forever, warts and all. What would you prefer?

    People whining "Well they just need to fix the big issues, like getting hit through windows, before they force us to play this!" Well, yes, they need to fix that, but they can't understand the issues without exposure. That's exactly what they're trying to fix, but they need realistic server loads to understand where and why those sorts of things become problems. Per Steamcharts, the average player count is somewhere around 20,000 players at any given time. They cannot get anywhere remotely close to that player count on a PTB. They can't just devote funds to hiring 20,000 testers for this one purpose; that is fiscally unrealistic (and I'm willing to bet that their current tests and overall server deployments aren't exactly cheap, either).

    Have you ever been a part of an MMO server stress test, where they let tons of people in for a "free weekend?" It serves the same purpose: Identifying the points of failure. Except, that's on a service that has had the luxury of iterating on a system that was in place from the get-go, with a sustained beta population. In DBD's case, this is a major changeover to the entire network infrastructure on a live service, which doesn't enjoy the same advantages as a game that is currently in development.

    Have you ever watched an episode of Bar Rescue? This type of stress test happens in literally every single episode, as part of the venue overhaul process. They can't understand what's wrong, without having a customer population that mimics real-world conditions. It's different because this is a video game... but, the same principles apply.

    So, if you are still steamed and complaining about this based entirely on your emotional reaction to dedicated server performance, and not the realistic challenges and technical hurdles of deploying something of this scope, I again ask you: What would you suggest they do, that gets them over the hump without any further player frustration? Remember, I have just disarmed your "Well they should just fix all the stuff BEFORE putting the dedicated servers out!" angle, because that is impossible.

  • SpacingLlamas
    SpacingLlamas Member Posts: 602

    At this point it seems like we only got dedicated servers cause they were doing the Nintendo switch version which required them since the system cant handle being the host.

    Same thing for optimization for console as the switch would never have been playable if it was anything like before the December patch. So they had to do some optimizing. They clearly didn't care 2 years before then, constantly saying they're aware of it

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    It's likely that the Switch port forced the issue, sure. But that doesn't change the reality of the situation.

  • SpacingLlamas
    SpacingLlamas Member Posts: 602

    It doesn't change what's happening now but I don't think we have the servers now because people were constantly asking for them.

    So personally I think people have a right to complain because of that

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited October 2019

    I mean, fair enough that I probably ought to dig up some actual citations for my claim before I talk, but anecdotally I know it's come up in the past.

    EDIT: I mean, specifically, citations for a "People have been asking for this forever" claim. I stand by all my finger-wagging over people not being able to form realistic, basic ideas about what a dedicated server deployment looks like.

  • SpacingLlamas
    SpacingLlamas Member Posts: 602

    I'm not trying to say people never asked for them, they most certainly did. That's not why have them though to me

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    I wouldn't call "every day since dedicated servers went live" a "random hiccup". I love in the US and have fantastic connection for every other game I play on PC.

    THeir servers are indeed borked for a lot of people.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,127

    Not everyone. People thinking hits through windows and pallets would stop if we had servers did.

    Its clear by how the game handled P2P this would be a disaster. If the Switch could do P2P we wouldn't be in this mess.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,141

    @Attackfrog Hey, I love in the U.S. as well. Even got four kids by doing so. 😂🤣😁