Quentin Smith Perk Cube (Perk Changes)

In a new series of posts, I shall be examining each survivor and their 3 unique perks, and suggesting Buffs, Nerfs, or changes that would improve their respective perks.
Pharmacy: You have a knack for finding medicine.
Searches through Chests are 50/75/100% faster and the opening, closing and searching noises they cause along with their hearing distances are reduced by 8 metres.
Pharmacy guarantees an Emergency Med-Kit on your first completed Chest search.
Vigil: You look over your friends even in dire situations.
You and your Allies within 8 metres of range recover from Exhaustion, Haemorrhage, Mangled, Hindered, Madness, Exposed, Madness, Broken and Blindness Status Effects 15/20/25% faster.
Once out of range, this effect persists for 15 seconds.
Wake Up!: Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading ability.
Once all Generators are powered, Exit Gates are revealed to you.
While opening the Exit Gates, reveal your Aura to all other Survivors.
See the aura of all other survivors whilst opening Exit Gates.
While Wake Up! is active, you open the Exit Gates 15/20/25% faster.
Feedback would be appreciated
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Perfectly manageable, and they seem like good buffs to me, but I think 50% is a bit too much on the Wake Up!. Other than that, how would Pharmacy and Ace in the Hole work together? Better/worse add-ons or they would just ignore the first search?
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50% is actually not as much as you think. If it takes you 20 seconds to open the door at 100% speed, itll still take 15 seconds to open the door at 150% speed.
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Pharmacy would take priority over Ace in the Hole, this is because Pharmacy is more of a one Time Use perk.
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Wake Up! The time to open Exit Gates would be reduced from 20 seconds to 10 seconds. The reason that the buff was so big was that the perk leader, was better at opening exit gates, than a perk specifically designed to do that.
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I wonder what people think about the Vigil Buff? Is it too much?
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Nah, Vigil is supposed to do exactly that, many were complaining that the numbers were too low, and even with the added effects, it's good.
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I meant in this scenario,
If the killer is coming towards you and this setup happens, you might as well phase through the gate fully.
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The gate opening speed is already fast enough, 50% off it is just way too high.
Vigil shouldn't cover Madness, Doctor has enough random perks that single out his power, it's unnecessary for a mediocre killer.
Pharmacy is fine as it is. Ace in the Hole is for add ons.
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The point of the Vigil Buff is to cover all negative status effects that can be afflicted upon a survivor.
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In one of my posts, I covered Quentin’s perks too. Comparatively, our ideas are pretty similar. I feel like a majority of the community would really like changes like these.