The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Stop buffing killers, it's ridiculous.

You guys are about to nerf the insta heal? Do you want the game to be majority killer?


  • Sir_Kazi
    Sir_Kazi Member Posts: 55

    I don't find killer fun. I survive only. Every patch it's getting harder and harder to be a survivor. Is this why they released SWF?

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited October 2019


    How does nerfing insta-heals make the game majority Killer? When they just nerfed the strongest Killer in the game.

    Insta-heals needed to be nerfed anyways, they were too broken and required zero skill to use. You just get hit, go to a loop, go behind the loop, heal while spamming space bar, than you're fully healed negating all damage.

    Plus, the purple add-on was changed in the PTB to give you the ability to take a hit like pre-nerf Mettle of Man for 20 seconds... so you can use that as a "free health state" even though it was changed... the benefit is you can just wait 20 seconds before downing the Survivor, but that's only worth it if you know nobody is doing anything on the generators.

    Also, the Ultra-Rare insta heal was changed in the PTB to activate at 6 seconds, so instead of just negating any damage from the chase, you actually have to get chased for 6 seconds.

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    I will admit, that excluding Nurse there hasn't been a major killer change in a while that was negative. Most have been buffs to killers that have been considered weaker.

    Personally I'm hoping for them to look into the more unfun addons on both sides, but especially killer. Most addons are useless and then you have a handful that are far too strong (looking at you Prayer Beads)

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    watch this and you should see why they kept focussing on survivor nerfs rather than killer nerfs.

    the devs are not biased in one direction or the other, they try to balance the game out as good as possible.

    just so you know, prior to the "survivor nerf phase" there was an ongoing "killer nerf phase" for almost 2 years, crippling everyone but nurse - even though she also got hit hard by the nerfs.

    just because its a bit harder to escape now does not mean its "killersided".

    seeing where insta med kits were before the nerf was just ridiculous, they were in the desperate need of changes - and they finally got them.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    Did you even think about what you were writing or did you just think "to hell with it, lets throw common sense out the window"

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275


  • Sir_Kazi
    Sir_Kazi Member Posts: 55

    i STOPPED playing for a while and I come back and killers have so many things. Super fast and they can exchange pallet hits.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Nurse is not teleporting. Teleporting is instant. Nurse isnt moving instant. She is blinking. It has juking potential.

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    I'm actually feeling really hopeful for those changes now. Like I can see them happening.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited October 2019

    Yeah. It's the sort of thing where people just knee-jerk go OMG THE SKY IS FALLING without really looking at what's happening. Those add-ons are still gonna be really strong; some unreasonable players are just seeing red because they can't think past what they are losing.

    EDIT: Oops, I broke my WAT rule. This does not forgive the OP's post from being mind-numbingly stupid and undeserving of any real engagement.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Please elaborate on what makes this game "Killer sided" over Survivors...

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    edited October 2019

    Eh, this is not really a question

    "We should nerf survivors because they were OP back in 2016"

    Tru3talent with his bulletproof logic again.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i havent said that.

    i merely explained why they have been nerfing mainly survivors lately.

    and the insta heals are just a broken relict from those times, which finally got what it deserved - a nerf.

    the thing is, that even now, after all those nerfs, survivors are still the powerrole in this game. they control how the general game goes.

    though, they are in a much better spot than in those times now, which is fine.

    i dont think survivor nerfs need to be a thing anymore, though some broken aspects of the game need fixing - like SWF.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    Surv main surv maining. You talk about fun but don't seem to have the ability to see from a killers viewpoint how BS insta heals are and can be when there is multiples. LITERALLY the ability to UNDO an entire chase with the push of a button. Totally not broken.

    The Legion sucked but he had a troll function built in. The solution? Turn them into a killer with a pointless power that is so easy to counter its laughable. Meanwhile putting in a bunch of stipulations that treat it like its the best power in the game. They killed a killer to protect survivors.....

    Fast forward to the only killer who can hang with the insta heal SWF spec ops squads being nerfed. Poor insta heals though.

    One Hundred percent Spirit and Plague will also be nerfed incoming soon.

  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    Dude are you kidding me? Playing killer is actually difficult and that broken item is the least skillful, most punishing addon in the game, its nasty. I have lost many matches from instaheals. Look at vids from the release of the game and you will see why killers get buffed and survivors get nerfed.

  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624
  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    I encourage you to find a killer you enjoy and just get to rank one so you arent bias. I am sure you would understand if you slapped on the killers shoes.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    "This gane is literally unplayable unless I have an instaheal every match that keeps me from getting downed"

    That's you. That's how you sound.

  • siyke26
    siyke26 Member Posts: 81

    I finally found a discussion I can agree with I what I have seen so far is that everyone is stuck in 2016 how stop posting that video up its out dated it doesn't help any arguments that happen now if you had a video from last week then maybe it would be realavent to the discussion but what's happening now isn't right I would understand is survivors truly controlled the game as mentioned above but that has to be a PC only thing cause here on Xbox at least we are getting stomped we control nothing the killer dictates how the game goes from straight bullying to being just plain toxic.

  • newavitar
    newavitar Member Posts: 395

    You don't need a video. You just need common sense and a viewpoint from both sides.

    I am mainly killer sided because I find it more fun. That being said, before rank reset I sat at rank 2 killer, rank 4 survivor. I've been playing since nurse was first released. I actually started the game as a survivor only main, worked to rank 8, and hit a wall. I decided to try killer in order to give me perspective and by God did it do just that.

    The thing most survivors fail to realize is that you're not alone. What may be balanced for one survivor is bat ######### crazy broken for all 4. MoM? Impossible to play against. Alone it made pressure impossible. Combined with instant heals? You were not winning. Period. A single chase had to last 4 hits at base, not counting other instant heals on them, an adrenaline proc, or any other bullshit second chance thrown their way. Do you understand how broken that ######### when when every survivor ran like that? That's why it got nerfed. Old DS? Same reason. Perks, items, add-ons, and many many more things could be added to that list but I hate typing long responses because nobody reads them. Look at it from both sides and you'll start to learn how the game really works.

  • siyke26
    siyke26 Member Posts: 81

    I have played both sides not red rank killer but I was on survivor before reset. I know that some things are annoying but look at like this since the heals are topic here those particular heals were not common place when I play survivor or when I play killer so there is a nerf for something that's not always available.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    She is in the right hands. Plus surv mains will need a good killer to cry about after Spirit eventually gets nerfed.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    Oof if they woud nerf spirit I would stop playing Dbd or be a survivor main.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
  • BreadLord
    BreadLord Member Posts: 274

    if you don't play both survivor and killer, your opinion on how to balance the game is invalid

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    Thats not new, pallet hits existed even before they removed the pallet hove

  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394

    "I survive only" unless you equally play both sides, your opinion is absolutely and utterly irrelevant. Who in the world are you to say what's good for the balance when you never faced an european PC team, all on comms, all optimal loopers, all hitting ruin skill checks, equipped with rushboxes, keys, instaheals (old ones), DS, DH and Adrenaline? Good thing you've chosen a troll name for the post so the devs won't even open it.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    You said in my response you took a huge break but in a post earlier you said it gets harder every patch. So which is it, you took a break or you're no taking a break and playing through every patch.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    Devs do not favor either side, they seek to add some balance.

  • Sir_Kazi
    Sir_Kazi Member Posts: 55

    dON'T THINK TOO HARD about it. I came back and it was harder to be a survivor. It's simple

  • Sir_Kazi
    Sir_Kazi Member Posts: 55

    wrong. SWF owns killers but what about the solo player who doesn't play with others.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Maybe that's an indication that killer needs buffs. : P

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    Don't also forget they nerfed Myers Base ability...

    Fricking undetected... Ruining my favorite killer...

    (They made it so Premonition and Spine Chill can see him in EW1 now...)

  • drimmalor
    drimmalor Member Posts: 909
    edited October 2019

    Please keep in mind that this subforum is for asking questions and getting answers. Lengthy discussion topics should be threads in the General Discussions subforum. As such, I will be closing this thread. You are welcome to make a new topic in the proper subforum to continue the discussion.

This discussion has been closed.