Killer idea: Arachne

TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
edited October 2019 in Creations

Lore: Beautiful woman turned into a grotesque monster by a jealouse Goddess.

Height: Tall

Terror radius: 36m

Weapon: Spider limbs


Lay eggs around the map. After 30s they will hatch giving birth to giant spiders that will roam the map and jump at the first survivor they see. Preventing them to move and revealing their aura to Arachne for 10s.

If the survivor is injured by the killer during that time they become wounded for 20s or until healed.


1-Anger: When a survivor evade the killer during a chase, it will cause them to scream revealing their location to the killer when they are 120m/80m/40m away.

2-Talented: Increase slightly/considerably/tremendously the killer speed for every injured survivor.

3-Fear: When the survivor is in the killer terror radius for 30s/25s/20s but not in a chase they scream revealing their location to the killer.