trapper buff

simple idea i had when someone gets trapped in a trap you get a 15% speed boost when not in a chase to be better able to reach a trapped survivor before they get out also you could make it so he can carry all his traps and the bag add-ons can just give him more traps also one last thing make it so instead of having to pick up then reset a trap make it so he has the option to either pick up or reset right away just so it takes less time for him to not waste more time then needed


  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    That'd be a bit too much.

    My idea for a trapper buff was always to

    A. Carry all traps

    B. Traps no longer set you to injured, they deal 1 health state of damage. However, if you are injured and a teammate freed you, you won't go down. If you're injured and free yourself? Go down. With the add on, go down from healthy.

    C. Traps are no longer RNG to escape. Survivors just must press M1 for a set amount of time. Maybe 10 seconds, more with some reworked add ons. Like his mangled add ons changing to increase their grip.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    I think the tar bottle or whatever darkens the traps a lot should be basekit. When I play these offerings it's night and day, very few survivors spot them

  • Lambda
    Lambda Member Posts: 105
    edited October 2019

    Trapper main here.

    • 15% extra speed does sound very interesting but what if we get another Legion situation where the killer can just moonwalk chase a survivor? But then again, that kind of thing would be incredibly situational and the trapped survivor could just instantly free themselves. I'd prefer a much lower freeing chance instead but that's just me.
    • Carrying all of his traps sounds much too powerful however I would like the ability to carry more than one trap by default. Then the bag add-ons could just let him start with more traps and maybe let him carry an extra one or possibly two. Allowing The Trapper to carry more than one trap by default would significantly help his early game setup time and allow him to apply pressure much more quickly especially if you add speed add-ons since you don't need an add-on slot for multiple traps.
    • Yes. I would very much like the ability to reset his traps without having to pick them up, this would definitely help The Trapper recover quickly from annoying survivors messing with his traps.
  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    All trapper really needs is to start with all his traps... he suffers from wasting so much time gathering traps. If he had them all and could immediately start trapping it would make his early game pressure much better. He excels in mid to late game if he is set up correctly. Tho sometimes he has lost to much pressure by then and loses.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Never assume that the Killer not being in a chase means that no Survivors are being chased.