New survivor perk idea: First aid

TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
edited October 2019 in Creations

Start the match with 2 tokens for a maximum stack of 2/3/4.

Using first aid make you lose a token but safely unhooking a survivor will give 1 token back for a maximum of 4.

They allow the survivor to cause a healing over time effect on an injured survivor after healing them for 5s. Once trigger the survivor will automatically heal 1 health state 20s after "First aid" was applied.

Note: If the survivor is downed whilst under the effect of "First aid" they won't be healed, the perk will deactivate and the survivor Who applied "First aid" lose a token.

Although, if "First aid" is applied AFTER being downed this will work like usual and heal the survivor for 1 health state. After which the perk deactivate and the survivor who applied "First aid" lose a token.

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