How do you get a Merciless Victory?

I've been trying to get Adepts for killers, but I get Ruthless every time...
Any tips or even guides maybe?
Don't dominate the survivors, chase them for a bit
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@Thehoodedone Extended chases are good for emblems?
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Yep. Although for maxing gatekeeper, you need to make sure to keep gen pressure up.
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Technically, no.
You'll want to 3 hook every survivor. This basically guarantees two of the four will be iridescent. Obviously the longer the game goes on the better the gatekeeper; but gens are fickle things and that completely depends on your killer and the survivor team. Finally, you want lots of chases, but short chases (under 15 seconds is ideal I believe). Over 10 (I think) of these is an iri chaser.
Its definitely a challenge, so good luck
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You need to play with your food.
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@Doddle28 If a survivor disconnects, will it completely kill my chances of double pipping?
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You can get these achievements only playing against noobs. If you play against skilled survivours, you never get "Adept Killer". It`s impossible, especialy Plague or Myers.
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Correct. It's a near guaranteed ruthless or brutal.
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Its weird, you have to have a long chase but not too long
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@TheHoodedOne So, right now I'm trying to get Trapper's achievement. Will I want to avoid forcing survivors into traps?
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You have to participate in all activities and also have a 3k or 4k, it's hard, but doable. Break pallets every now and then, land hits and do long chases, NEVER camp or tunnel, if you tunnel just down them and let others heal each other completely, use your special abilities ALL THE TIME, place traps and keep on placing them as Freddy, Hag, etc. use phase a lot with spirit, go to the upside down with the Demo, you get me.
It's harder to get adepts with Killers than with survivors.
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You will want to try to not trap survivors in the chase when it just started
Trapper's chaser emblem is super hard to get imo
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Yes because only basic attacks will give you chaser emblem points.
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So, it depends on your rank. Lower rank you are easier it is to double pip. You can even let a survivor escape and still double pip etc. Higher ranks you can't show much mercy because of the scoring. Same with disconnects at lower ranks, doesn't really matter. You can get away with a lot more.
But as others said, you need time to build up your emblems. Can't destroy a team in seconds. However, if you do, you can just let them reset. Then proceed to destroy them again, proooobably will be good for double pip at that point...
Keep going at it and you'll get it eventually. Just don't let it stress you out :)
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If I use a map offering, what map should I pick?
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It's very hard. Some killers like Plague are nearly unable to 2pip because of her ability.
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Farm with survivors. I just play and get 2 sacrificed, and then basically bully the rest. It is ruthless to do, but is a guarantee merciless if nobody dcs
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Underground complex, it is very easy to max brutality because of the pallets and to kill because of the terrible loops
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Play with your food a bit. But also keep the gens on lockdown. Down them, but leave them bleeding for a bit to be picked up. Let every survivor get rescued off hook without competition.
Basically, imagine if some god (the entity) was watching you for entertainment. Don't dominate the survivors, play with them for a while.
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Read this:
You need 3 iri emblems and one gold at least to get merciless. The wiki article linked will tell you exactly what you need.
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I got adept trapper, mission was a success.