i'm burned out....

i've tried most all of the killers and i've done tons of builds. gen rush is a real thing and Ruin is all but unavoidable.... even then you run the risk of it being gone in 30 seconds. the nurse is the only killer able to consistently deal with survivors. billy and huntress to a much less extent.... i don't enjoy being 'forced into a corner' as far as perk sets and killer selection (if i'm wanting to do well as a killer). the game is losing its appeal. and to make matters worse, i try to give ppl a fair game (not hooking the same person back-to-back, avoiding tunneling when possible and not even remotely camping) and what do i get for my efforts? tbags at the gate, 'git gud' and 'ez' msgs and just basic bullshit treatment.... **** this game. its not getting any better.... the devs - 'yeah. theres alot of issues that have needed work since the game released.... BUT HEY, LOOK. NEW CLOTHES'.... lol. what a ******* joke....
Break the mold.
When I'm fed up with all that BS, I start just meme-ing. Basement Security, Get off my Lawn Trapper, Fake AFK NOED Wraith, etc.Honestly it's nice to just have fun in the game instead of worrying about all the balance issues/toxic spam/etc.
Plus the meme games will usually end up with deranking so you can get back to fun matches instead of high rank BS.2 -
I play maybe 6 to 10 hours a week now - no more than that.
Anymore than that, I pull my hair out.
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I feel you man, just play when they patch up some of the killers, leave some feedback, and try playing other games. DBD is an inbetween game imo, something you can play between big realeases. I do believe the devs are progressing in the right direction for balancing this game, but it's going to take some time.
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What do you want survivors to do just die and not do gens? The objective is to get out and the way to do that is to do gens.
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@franticpig29 said:
What do you want survivors to do just die and not do gens? The objective is to get out and the way to do that is to do gens.Nobody is upset with the survivors for gen-rushing. People are upset that the developers allow the gens to be done in less than three minutes.
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Nobody is upset with the survivors for gen-rushing. People are upset that the developers allow the gens to be done in less than three minutes.
True. Gens can get real fast if survivors just focus on them and not save someone as soon as they are hooked.
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@deadwolfwalking said:
i've tried most all of the killers and i've done tons of builds. gen rush is a real thing and Ruin is all but unavoidable.... even then you run the risk of it being gone in 30 seconds. the nurse is the only killer able to consistently deal with survivors. billy and huntress to a much less extent.... i don't enjoy being 'forced into a corner' as far as perk sets and killer selection (if i'm wanting to do well as a killer). the game is losing its appeal. and to make matters worse, i try to give ppl a fair game (not hooking the same person back-to-back, avoiding tunneling when possible and not even remotely camping) and what do i get for my efforts? tbags at the gate, 'git gud' and 'ez' msgs and just basic bullshit treatment.... **** this game. its not getting any better.... the devs - 'yeah. theres alot of issues that have needed work since the game released.... BUT HEY, LOOK. NEW CLOTHES'.... lol. what a ******* joke....Switch to survivor or play civ, just as cote suggested.
That also fits into the killer strike thing thats going on currently1 -
yah know, the sad thing is the reason my game time has shrunk has less to do with game balance and more with dealing with this toxic community. switching to survivor hasn't made that any better.
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Take a break from the game.
I do it whenever I'm not enjoying the game, and it really helps refresh my experience when I come back.
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i've tried switching things around. i've played survivor. its just not fun.... i feel like i'm missing most of the game. here i am fixing this stupid ******** generator and somewhere across town a ######### with a flashlight is being chopped up with a gottdamn chainsaw and i'm missing it.... as a killer though, wherever i am, whatever i'm doing, i KNOW that its the most exciting thing happening in the entire map.... and i'm not salty about gen rushing. i know thats the main goal of survivors.... but they can do everything they need to do in 3 minutes or so.... but a killer is supposed to hunt, chase, smackdown and hang 4 ppl as many as 4 times or more apiece.... i have good games. sometimes i have really good games.... but there are times when things go wrong and progressively get worse.... and honestly, its not the losing that bothers me. its the toxicity and lack of appreciation and respect for the fact that i game em a fair game and didn't play cheap....
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Oh I feel you! My personal opinion when I reach red ranks I stop playing till next rank reset because as survivor it gets boring going against only 2 (maybe 3) different killers. As a killer you can only enjoy being chasing in circles for so long (unless you’re nurse but even I get tired of looking at the floor being fatigued at times)0
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Why we never see survivors writing about how they are burned out? Judging from all the toxic comments they usually make, and the threats to abandon this game if their perks get even slightly nerfed, there should be tons of "i can´t take it anymore, survivor is just to unrewarding" threads. But there are not.
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If you're trying to "give people a fair game" and they're all surviving every game and taunting you, then you're giving them an easy game, not a fair one. Some tunneling (not particularly a lot, and not heavy tunneling), and some light camping are fine, and in fact necessary at times to do well as killer. My version of light camping is when you're in bad situation as killer, aka 3 gens done and you've just got your first hook or something like that. Stick around in the area (aka keep the hook survivor within your terror radius which is 32m) kick nearby gens, break any pallets that you may have not broken in a chase, and just generally search for other survivors within a 32m radius around the hook. And in regards to not hooking survivors back to back, why not? I get if you mean, having an unhooked survivor and then just tunneling them for half the game or as the only survivor until they're dead, but you have to evaluate your situation as killer, can you hook the other survivor in a short amount of time? or will it be detrimental to chase a new survivor when you can down the injured one when they screwed up? Me personally, I'll try and injure the saving survivor if i get there in time, and then decide which of the 2 running injured survivors i'll be able to down/hook faster.
Also, if you do some light camping, or even if you've gone further and kicked some far out gens (from the hooked survivor) and then go back to check, your hooked survivor, that's not camping, that's playing smart and knowing that by now, someone is most likely going for the save since they haven;t when you've gone out far to patrol other gens. (all this assuming you didn't start a chase with someone else you found). And don;t feel bad for insta hooking a freshly save survivor, punish them. I like to "play fair" and make it fun for all survivors too, but if they're gonna make a stupid save while i've just started walking away and kicked a gen 15-20m away 4seconds later, you're damn right I'm gonna punish the survivors stupidity and rehook that same survivor (even though I know how much it absolutely sucks when my teammates a s a survivor make stupid hooks like that, I am purely mad at the idiotic survivor who unhooked me without borrowed time when the killers coming for them, but I;'m never angry at the killer or blame them because punishing such a stupid save is logical as a killer).
Don't let survivors have easy games (especially when they make big mistakes), just punish them for bad decisions without worrying about what they might call you. I'm a killer main and have been playing survivor a bit more often lately, for something different but also to understand better how survivors play (so i can become an even better killer), and I personally hate and despise face campers or killers that stay within 20m of the hook for a tonne of time and not even attempt to do anything else (I extremely despise it), because I'm a rank 1 killer and it's completely possible to get that high without ever face camping like I've seen some low ranked killers do. So hopefully some of my advice helps, I am a rank 1 killer (before season reset), currently back up to rank 8 and still climbing. Don't give survivors an easy game, they have no issue running 2 BNP as a team, and you shouldn't feel bad about doing what you have to to win. So tunnel a little, make smart decision in who to go for and when to back to back hook people and hopefully you'll climb. I'll also say that I almost never get called a camper or tunneler, in fact I have quite a lot of games where survivors thank me for not camping. Played a game just before coming on and got 3 sacrifrices and the last one got lucky and found the hatch when they were downed. Got merciless killer and 2 gens left to spare and someone said "thank for not camping". Even the 2nd last guy I hooked I deliberately moved away and checked gens, the save means you know where the last 2 of them are, and they're happy because you're not camping.
Gl in the fog.
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Tsulan said:
Why we never see survivors writing about how they are burned out? Judging from all the toxic comments they usually make, and the threats to abandon this game if their perks get even slightly nerfed, there should be tons of "i can´t take it anymore, survivor is just to unrewarding" threads. But there are not.
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i agree the toxicity can come from both sides. i've seen facecamping killers and extreme tunnelers.... i've even talked to a few. they all say the same thing - tilted by toxic survivors.... i've dealt with tons of toxic survivors too. and when i ask why they choose to behave such, they (the ones that bother responding) say 'just because they can'. i'm not laying the blame entirely on anyone. killer nor survivor. BUT i think if survivors waited to see if a killer was actually toxic before treating him as such, the game would eventually clear up and become alot more fun for everybody.... i play for fun. its a way for me to relax. i'm ok with losing too.... but poor treatment simply because i'm a NECESSARY ELEMENT and KEY COMPONENT in order to even play the game at all.... well.... thats intolerable....
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deadwolfwalking said:
i agree the toxicity can come from both sides. i've seen facecamping killers and extreme tunnelers.... i've even talked to a few. they all say the same thing - tilted by toxic survivors.... i've dealt with tons of toxic survivors too. and when i ask why they choose to behave such, they (the ones that bother responding) say 'just because they can'. i'm not laying the blame entirely on anyone. killer nor survivor. BUT i think if survivors waited to see if a killer was actually toxic before treating him as such, the game would eventually clear up and become alot more fun for everybody.... i play for fun. its a way for me to relax. i'm ok with losing too.... but poor treatment simply because i'm a NECESSARY ELEMENT and KEY COMPONENT in order to even play the game at all.... well.... thats intolerable....
I truly am sorry that there are so many toxic survivor mains out there. I play to have fun, whether I die or not if I had fun that is all that matters. If you have a round as killer and you manage to kill 2 or 3, if you had a good round don’t worry about the other two that escaped. Honestly a break is well needed at times with a game like this.0 -
I feel burned out too. I've been avoiding the game for a while now and I've just had no want to get back into it really. It sucks since I love this game but there's a part of me that jut wants nothing to do with it anymore for some reason.
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If you play on PS4 and they BM you, just close your app. They lose their points and items, lmao.1
I recommend playing Civ5 or survivor. If you don't own Civ5, then I also recommend FTL, 60 Seconds and L4D2. These are great, relaxing (if played on easy/normal) games.
I would recommend playing the games mentioned before, or any other games you have and wait until the mid-chapter balance update, then come back. Perhaps a break will help you with your issues.
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I feel you on this, I've been playing DBD almost non stop since late 2016 and it's just not fun or exciting anymore. Usually taking a break helps and completely avoiding the game in general.
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MegMain98 said:Tsulan said:
Why we never see survivors writing about how they are burned out? Judging from all the toxic comments they usually make, and the threats to abandon this game if their perks get even slightly nerfed, there should be tons of "i can´t take it anymore, survivor is just to unrewarding" threads. But there are not.
Or where a killer main switched sides and finds out that survivor is hard and that he feels sorry for tunnelling and camping?
Btw. I find Skyrim extremely relaxing.1 -
Tsulan said:MegMain98 said:Tsulan said:
Why we never see survivors writing about how they are burned out? Judging from all the toxic comments they usually make, and the threats to abandon this game if their perks get even slightly nerfed, there should be tons of "i can´t take it anymore, survivor is just to unrewarding" threads. But there are not.
Or where a killer main switched sides and finds out that survivor is hard and that he feels sorry for tunnelling and camping?
Btw. I find Skyrim extremely relaxing.
You are an OBVIOUS killer main and I am an OBVIOUS survivor main, we have two different opinions and we aren’t ever going to be on the same wavelength with this game.0 -
MegMain98 said:Tsulan said:
Why we never see survivors writing about how they are burned out? Judging from all the toxic comments they usually make, and the threats to abandon this game if their perks get even slightly nerfed, there should be tons of "i can´t take it anymore, survivor is just to unrewarding" threads. But there are not.
The base game isn’t fun or thrilling anymore to them because it’s too easy to run around with Flashlight, Meta perks, and Loop the Killer into oblivion. They also get bored easy because they get stuck on Gen Duty because the Killer won’t even bother to chase them. Simply because the Killer knows it’s a waste of time to chase the Obsession with DS and flashlight that Loops.
Playing on easy mode gets boring quickly, then they go toxic because they are bored and “have nothing else to do.”
I do agree though, some Killers are just plain toxic from the start. I’ve had quite a few camp me and I die, then they send me a message asking “Fun game huh?” or some odd crap digging for salt from me.2 -
SovererignKing said:MegMain98 said:Tsulan said:
Why we never see survivors writing about how they are burned out? Judging from all the toxic comments they usually make, and the threats to abandon this game if their perks get even slightly nerfed, there should be tons of "i can´t take it anymore, survivor is just to unrewarding" threads. But there are not.
The base game isn’t fun or thrilling anymore to them because it’s too easy to run around with Flashlight, Meta perks, and Loop the Killer into oblivion. They also get bored easy because they get stuck on Gen Duty because the Killer won’t even bother to chase them. Simply because the Killer knows it’s a waste of time to chase the Obsession with DS and flashlight that Loops.
Playing on easy mode gets boring quickly, then they go toxic because they are bored and “have nothing else to do.”
I do agree though, some Killers are just plain toxic from the start. I’ve had quite a few camp me and I die, then they send me a message asking “Fun game huh?” or some odd crap digging for salt from me.
Toxic survivors of course will always be apart of the game sadly.
Let me tell you about toxic killers...you won’t run into them a lot but you will have killers who will face camp you while the other survivors are doing generators and they all open the door and escape while you where tunneled and sat on the hook. Then the killer messages you like “Denied bloodpoints.” or as you said “Fun game huh?.” Because they are triggered by another player that was playing the same character as you so the tunnel you for no reason just because they wanna kill the character that teabagged them even though they aren’t the same player. Then you look at the end screen and see that YOU got more bloodpoints then the killer did but they sacrified their own game to make you
Toxic survivors are in more abundance but let’s not pretend people can’t get burned out by constantly dying as survivor due to toxic face campers who whack you over and over again like an idiot when you are on the hook.0 -
SovererignKing said:MegMain98 said:Tsulan said:
Why we never see survivors writing about how they are burned out? Judging from all the toxic comments they usually make, and the threats to abandon this game if their perks get even slightly nerfed, there should be tons of "i can´t take it anymore, survivor is just to unrewarding" threads. But there are not.
The base game isn’t fun or thrilling anymore to them because it’s too easy to run around with Flashlight, Meta perks, and Loop the Killer into oblivion. They also get bored easy because they get stuck on Gen Duty because the Killer won’t even bother to chase them. Simply because the Killer knows it’s a waste of time to chase the Obsession with DS and flashlight that Loops.
Playing on easy mode gets boring quickly, then they go toxic because they are bored and “have nothing else to do.”
I do agree though, some Killers are just plain toxic from the start. I’ve had quite a few camp me and I die, then they send me a message asking “Fun game huh?” or some odd crap digging for salt from me.
I don't get how survivors who are burnt out take their rage out on a killer who's playing for fun and isn't camping at all. Its so counter intuitive are you as a human being so shallow you wanna take your pent up frustration out on some well meaning player because the previous players was an ass. Then again I'm not surprised I blame ochido disgusting presence in this community he's a blight on the game and has only inspired others to be equally disrespectful.0 -
SovererignKing said:MegMain98 said:Tsulan said:
Why we never see survivors writing about how they are burned out? Judging from all the toxic comments they usually make, and the threats to abandon this game if their perks get even slightly nerfed, there should be tons of "i can´t take it anymore, survivor is just to unrewarding" threads. But there are not.
The base game isn’t fun or thrilling anymore to them because it’s too easy to run around with Flashlight, Meta perks, and Loop the Killer into oblivion. They also get bored easy because they get stuck on Gen Duty because the Killer won’t even bother to chase them. Simply because the Killer knows it’s a waste of time to chase the Obsession with DS and flashlight that Loops.
Playing on easy mode gets boring quickly, then they go toxic because they are bored and “have nothing else to do.”
I do agree though, some Killers are just plain toxic from the start. I’ve had quite a few camp me and I die, then they send me a message asking “Fun game huh?” or some odd crap digging for salt from me.
Toxic survivors of course will always be apart of the game sadly.
Let me tell you about toxic killers...you won’t run into them a lot but you will have killers who will face camp you while the other survivors are doing generators and they all open the door and escape while you where tunneled and sat on the hook. Then the killer messages you like “Denied bloodpoints.” or as you said “Fun game huh?.” Because they are triggered by another player that was playing the same character as you so the tunnel you for no reason just because they wanna kill the character that teabagged them even though they aren’t the same player. Then you look at the end screen and see that YOU got more bloodpoints then the killer did but they sacrified their own game to make yours miserable.
Toxic survivors are in more abundance but let’s not pretend people can’t get burned out by constantly dying as survivor due to toxic face campers who whack you over and over again like an idiot when you are on the hook.1 -
Zarathos said:SovererignKing said:MegMain98 said:Tsulan said:
Why we never see survivors writing about how they are burned out? Judging from all the toxic comments they usually make, and the threats to abandon this game if their perks get even slightly nerfed, there should be tons of "i can´t take it anymore, survivor is just to unrewarding" threads. But there are not.
The base game isn’t fun or thrilling anymore to them because it’s too easy to run around with Flashlight, Meta perks, and Loop the Killer into oblivion. They also get bored easy because they get stuck on Gen Duty because the Killer won’t even bother to chase them. Simply because the Killer knows it’s a waste of time to chase the Obsession with DS and flashlight that Loops.
Playing on easy mode gets boring quickly, then they go toxic because they are bored and “have nothing else to do.”
I do agree though, some Killers are just plain toxic from the start. I’ve had quite a few camp me and I die, then they send me a message asking “Fun game huh?” or some odd crap digging for salt from me.
I don't get how survivors who are burnt out take their rage out on a killer who's playing for fun and isn't camping at all. Its so counter intuitive are you as a human being so shallow you wanna take your pent up frustration out on some well meaning player because the previous players was an ass. Then again I'm not surprised I blame ochido disgusting presence in this community he's a blight on the game and has only inspired others to be equally disrespectful.1 -
maybe some do. i dunno.... if i have a bad game, i go watch youtube vids.... smoke a cigarette, drink a cup of coffee and remind myself its just a game. you can't fight toxicity by adding more toxicity....
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There's an ocean of better games out there. It'd be better to find something else at this point until devs can get past rank 20 and see issues for themselves.
Balance won't come again til a while. This patch was just a small burst.
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yeah. there really are better games BUT this one is so original and has the potential to be everything i ever wanted from a game.... blood, gore, fatalities and strategy with a healthy does of horror.... when they finally succeed in making killers scary, it'll be perfect....
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@deadwolfwalking said:
@Doom_Punkyeah. there really are better games BUT this one is so original and has the potential to be everything i ever wanted from a game.... blood, gore, fatalities and strategy with a healthy does of horror.... when they finally succeed in making killers scary, it'll be perfect....
Indeed, but it'll be a long while til things change for good.
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@Doom_Punk said:
@deadwolfwalking said:
@Doom_Punkyeah. there really are better games BUT this one is so original and has the potential to be everything i ever wanted from a game.... blood, gore, fatalities and strategy with a healthy does of horror.... when they finally succeed in making killers scary, it'll be perfect....
Indeed, but it'll be a long while til things change for good.
you're right.... but, hey.... Red Dead Redemption 2 is coming soon.... and zombie dlc has been confirmed....
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deadwolfwalking said:
yeah. there really are better games BUT this one is so original and has the potential to be everything i ever wanted from a game.... blood, gore, fatalities and strategy with a healthy does of horror.... when they finally succeed in making killers scary, it'll be perfect....
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yeah. 'scary' was a poor choice of words.... maybe 'intense' would be better.... certainly not 'stand on the other side of the pallet and poke a finger at him'. lol....
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Zarathos said:SovererignKing said:MegMain98 said:Tsulan said:
Why we never see survivors writing about how they are burned out? Judging from all the toxic comments they usually make, and the threats to abandon this game if their perks get even slightly nerfed, there should be tons of "i can´t take it anymore, survivor is just to unrewarding" threads. But there are not.
The base game isn’t fun or thrilling anymore to them because it’s too easy to run around with Flashlight, Meta perks, and Loop the Killer into oblivion. They also get bored easy because they get stuck on Gen Duty because the Killer won’t even bother to chase them. Simply because the Killer knows it’s a waste of time to chase the Obsession with DS and flashlight that Loops.
Playing on easy mode gets boring quickly, then they go toxic because they are bored and “have nothing else to do.”
I do agree though, some Killers are just plain toxic from the start. I’ve had quite a few camp me and I die, then they send me a message asking “Fun game huh?” or some odd crap digging for salt from me.
I don't get how survivors who are burnt out take their rage out on a killer who's playing for fun and isn't camping at all. Its so counter intuitive are you as a human being so shallow you wanna take your pent up frustration out on some well meaning player because the previous players was an ass. Then again I'm not surprised I blame ochido disgusting presence in this community he's a blight on the game and has only inspired others to be equally disrespectful.0