We can talk about spirit after

Spirits base kit us fine, this is a mostly agreed upon opinion in the community, but before we nerf spirit or rework or "slighty change" can we buff bad killers and fix the broken gen speed? I see so many people saying spirit needs a nerf but if low tiers were buffed you wouldn't only see spirits.
What is easier. Buffing like 10 killers or nerfing 1 killer?
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Spirit's base kit does need some changes. Mainly ways for survivors to have more counterplay and more feedback on that counterplay.
You don't need to worry about that yet, next rework/add-on rework is going to be Doctor so at least another 6 months before she'll get changed.
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Which is better for the game?
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I would prefer both options at the same time. But the BHVR team can't just buff killers like crazy. It's still a "small" team. I mean just look what they did in the last 3 years. They're making progress, but it just takes forever.
E: They should maybe focus on a second objective, but I gave up that hope a long time ago. That would buff all killers in the game, but would again lead to new problem I guess.
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Yeah and then Wraith
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And then myers and the chainsaw killers so itll be quite sometime before spirit comes and even then more killers should be looked at....
For the whole "need for counterplay" narrative.... her glass shards glow when she phases and her veins pop as well----> on top of that her animation resets when she phases..... these 3 things are not obvious and shouldnt be because well..... every game itll be survivors walking when ever she does phase at least now theres still a question...
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Nerf one killer.
More time to work on bug fixes and content.
- Devil's Advocate 😈
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I hear you, they need a second round of Nurse nerfs. 👍️
Maybe after every double blink, the nausea makes her vomit inside the bag on her head and she gets a DS-like stun while cleaning up the mess.
In all seriousness, "content" is kind of a meme when there are so many killers wheezing like fat kids with asthma (literally so in Clown's case)while trying to do their job.
Prayer Beads can GTFO, and I personally won't be affected if they nerf Spirit into the ground because I dislike her as a character, but if killer diversity is the goal than that's one of the worst ways to go about it.
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“Broken gen speed” lmao
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Polar bear, I would agree but gen speeds need to be toned down, and swfs should have something done to be more fair to the killer. Unless your spirit or nurse it's not a good time.
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Sadly, he has a point.
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She glitters while phasing/vaulting, we have information if we pay attention.
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It takes me 12-11 hooks to "win", each survivor can be left on hook for 45-50 seconds before it counts as 2. Gens bass take 80 seconds with no greats, if I get 6 hooks in 3 minutes I'm only half way done you could be almost 80 percent out if your being efficient, if that isn't broken than idk what it.
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How about we do them both? Being broken isn't really any better than being weak imo.
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I'd love to see both but spirit is one killer while I'd prefer to see more balance for everyone not just her.
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There are plenty of viable killers at r1. You currently have 3 killers that can guarentee a 4k nearly every single game you play. The art of running the tiles as killer is a lost one. The best runners I see now are the low tier killers bc they are forced to get good. I rarely ever see Billy, let alone a good one anymore. Good nurses are rare. Just lots of spirits now. Bc, why learn how to play the game when you can completely avoid it? Shes easy as hell without ruin. I had to drop pop just to get a challenge.
Nerf spirit. Learn to actually run the tiles and learn that you dont deserve to win every game. Survivors have to lose alllll the time thanks to all the variables that go into a match. This s tier, free win entitlement is pathetic. Especially after all the nerfs survivors have gotten. Far more than the first killer mains ever asked for. I think it's time killers actually take their own advice and get good.
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There's lots of killers that need buffs.
But there is one killer that has an obviously glaring issue that requires re-balance.
Stop asking for things that require more time than a simple rebalance to an OP killer.
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Rebalancing nurse took how long?
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Do you have any video/sc for comparison?
I know that the animation reset thing isn't supposed to happen and it's difficult to see on skins where the hair isn't pointed up.
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Finally found an old vid where you can see it at the pallet after the timestamp: https://youtu.be/0MfQzRb484E?t=467
another (watch her hair specifically on this one): https://youtu.be/ovKUtWmKscU?t=369
animation reset (watch the real phase instead of the fake out one): https://youtu.be/-iwTQODwXEc?t=91
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@xRem All those killers who bring Ruin, PGTW, Thana,Dying Light say hi 👋.
You can’t base numbers purely on what’s written on paper. You have to take into consideration how many times you kicked that gen, how many times you slugged, how many times you regressed that gen, while also using other tools to accomplish a down and a hook.
You have to factor in Perks, Add Ons, killer skill level, before you can say gens speeds are broken.
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I shouldn't have to use perks to fix broken gen speed #1 and number 2 your also forgetting to account for toolboxes and great skill checks, sure if I have 3 people slugged its going to be slow but the thing is that smart swfs split pressure so that I can't do that.
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@xrem so if you don’t want perks to help with gen regression what do you expect perks to do? Help you chase and hook someone faster?
Some killers don’t even bring Ruin or Pop what does that say about them? They’re just lucky I guess?
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How is Spirit broken? She’s strong and can’t be looped around easily by potatoes. That’s what we need, killers that are different from the standart. Also Nurse won’t go anywhere from the number 1 spot after the changes. Why would you call a killer broken that are not even close to be the best and has counterplay? (not talking about IW, that perk actually makes her weak if multiple people have it) When it comes to Nurse if she knows how to play you won’t have any chance to outplay her and the results of the trial will depend on the mechanical skills of the killer alone.
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The last thing you said also applies to spirit imo.
At the very least the "stand still to mindgame" thing along with prayer beads needs changing.
People also keep saying use X perk to counter spirit which is just dumb. Iron will can be completely useless if she has stridor.
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UsE iRoN WiLL tO CoUnTeR sPiRiTs!!!
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Now, I'm not being rude, but I want to point out that typing like that makes you look stupid.
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ANyway, to my thoughts on the topic. Yes, We need to buff lower tier Killers. That is the bottom line. Over HALF the roster of Killers are trash. We need to give them help.
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How would you balance Spirit while still leaving her decent? I'll wait.
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Your Bias is showing.
Please look up old time DBD (2016-17) to see why it seems like Survivors have been nerfed more. Thank you, and have fun in the Fog.
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I think her addons are what make her take no skill, try no addons spirit in rank 1 and tell me it's 2 ex no skill
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I dont want to have to run perks to make the game playable, the people that use no ruin also tend to play top tiers
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fixing the maps and near infinite loops would fix all killers, so that’s the best place to start
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Translation: I shouldn’t have to guess against her and should get away for free every time.
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@xRem Thr game is still playable without those perks. It may not be at the speed that you’d like but it is still playable.
As Plague I don’t even need Ruin, I can just stack Thana and Dying Light as her and do just fine.
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At least half of that sentence is correct. Guessing doesn't involve skill, it's just guessing. Is she going to phase to this side of the window or that side? Is she even phasing in the first place?
Also, mind game =/= guessing game.
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Aren't mind-games just making survivors second guess themselves with the little info they have (red stain) and causing them to make a mistake: take a hit at a safe pallet while dropping? Or am I misunderstanding the meaning of mind-games used normally
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Guessing is apart of pretty much any pvp game. The fact that you think it shouldn’t be for ONLY this game shows how blatantly weak and unfair guesses are for most killers.
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what is easier may not be what is better for the game, what would be BETTER for the game is to buff the WEAK KILLERS (trapper for example is one)
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Spirit is as fine as old base nurse. And look what the devs did to nurse. I got no hope.
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Guessing can be a part of the game, within reason that is. With Spirit it is every time she goes into phase.
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This!!! I wanna play ALL killers with a variety of perks but if you do you get steamrolled above rank 8-ish
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Q: With The Nurse's add-ons being tweaked, will you now shift your add-on focus to other characters (Doc, Pig, Legion, etc.)?
Yes. A list of Killers we would like to revisit can be found here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/77678
We cannot give dates on when these changes will happen, but we can share some information on which killers we are looking to update. We will be taking a look at the Nurse and her add-ons (primarily her add-ons) and the Doctor. We would also like to review the chainsaw killers, the Shape, and the Pig, and more. Some may receive smaller changes or add-on passes while other may see more significant changes.
That says it all
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I personally don't want a direct nerf on spirit. I just want a rework of her base power (making it less guessing games on survivor side) and ideally keeping her tier (or even get stronger). I don't see spirit as op. Just unfun to verse.
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I'm tired of people saying BHVR is a small company at this point. It's the largest indie company in Canada. They have multiple AAA sponsers. They can afford to buff the weaker killers but won't because it will affect the lower tiered survivors. They just don't want killers to be viable in red ranks anymore. If Spirit does get nerfed then have fun sitting in those 10-20 minute lobbies.
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Nerf beads so it only limits the audio range of phasing but does not remove it. Thats all she should get. Also iri head huntress sholudn’t have more than 1 hatchets regardless of other add-ons but i guess that deserves its own discussion.
BHV is not known from reverting their changes though and unlike Nurse, Spirit started as a joke tier killer and got fixed a while ago.
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How is it takes no skill seriously...facepalm
How about unlocking her instead of talking #########?
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I've just watched Scorpionz (specialized Pig main - devotion 13 rank 1) 4k at 4gens as perkless/addon-less Spirit against red rank survivors with toolboxes. Yupp her basekit is totally fine.
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There is no such thing as safe pallets. Most killers are just trash and can’t do anything with them other than wasting time. If a pallet is dropped, it’s a guessing game for the spirit also. That is true shes based around luck but how is that unfair just because you have no guaranted safety? Luck is by the far the most fair thing in the world.
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There are definitely safe pallets in the game. Look at any map pre-badham rework and you'll see a majority of the pallets will allow you to kite a killer around them for enough time for bloodlust to come up if the killer doesn't destroy it early. An unsafe one allows for the killer to land a hit almost assuredly if the survivor doesn't stun them with said pallet. You see many of these in the underground lab's hallways and are ~1/2 of badham's loops since it has at least 4ish inside the buildings which are very safe