Opinion: Freddy is the strongest killer on console
Yes, but his teleport has a recharge like spirit, but if I am correct her phase recharges quicker and is very viable in the chase while Freddy must rely on Snares and Pallets unless the survivor you are chasing isn't the greatest
I agree Freddy has a high map presence and can go farther with his, but Spirit's power is good inside and outside the chase
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I would say my tier list is more like this for top tier list. While Billy is good he still fundamentally can be looped while the others have to some degree a counter to looping.
- Nurse
- Spirit
- Hag
- Huntress
- Billy
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I main hag and I'm really good with her. Perfect hag is as strong or stronger than perfect Billy, just because of loop breaking. I play both killer and survivor, and i agree. I've seen maybe 2 proper hags EVER. The rest just tunnel or camp and put 3 traps in front of a hook when only 1 would do. Ranking of hags= bad:only traps hooks then still proceeds to camp, average: traps generators to keep them down longer good: traps everything good for loops, windows, pallets, gens. Best: traps EVERYWHERE. Perfect traps in non-loop choke points that survivors often go through(making lerys one of her best maps) traps in front of pallets, not in the middle, so they can't hit you with it, and you can body block if you teleport fast enough. A good hag can take 30 seconds to trap everything, and if you see a survivor that's not near traps, don't bother unless they are injured or in a weak spot.
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Lol esports? A tournament where you have to pick the best in order to win? Who else were they gonna pick, Wraith? Lmao. For less sweaty gamers, Nurse is not on the list. She’s good but she’s not used on PS4 cause it’s harder to play as her than on PC
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Disagree. Give me Freddy over a Spirit any day.
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For freddy, I run Thrilling Tremours, Remember Me, Blood Warden and PoP. I usually 3k with this build. Thrilling tremours is great for information, and teleporting to gens that don't get blocked and immediately starting a chase, and with this amount of map pressure I usually find my obsession fast enough to build remember me stacks, blood wardens good for punishing end game altruism and PoP for slowing the game down, breaking the gens that I go to after hooking with thrilling tremours, and overall its as good as ruin imo as a gen stopper. Ruins better for stealth killers but PoP rewards aggression.
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I agree with everything but Billy, I’d put Freddy there.
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Tbh if Billy had a real cooldown to his power I would rate him significantly lower.
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Yep, for me it's Spirit and Freddy, both based on non campers/tunnelers good killers. Top tier both of them
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Op apparently doesn’t know... but also everyone on ps4 think Freddy’s lunge is OP even though I made a video debunking in a public match of Freddy’s lunge yet people still deny it someone that was a friend blocked me because I made a video to “prove him wrong” no I made a video because for half a year I’ve been trying to convince the ps4 player base that Freddy’s lunge is exactly the same.
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Um, you do realize when tier lists are made regarding killers, it goes in accordance to how effective the killer is if played at their max potential. Killer tier lists are usually made with SWEATS in mind or the best players. If it wasn't then tier lists would be all over the place. Spirit and Nurse wouldn't be top tier if this was in accordance to casuals lol.
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Me referencing the tournament was just to prove a point that Nurse is very viable at red ranks or at the highest tier of play on console since a good chunk of people will tell you otherwise and swear the console tier list is much different than PC's when it isn't.
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I still think the hardest killer to face on console is spirit.
My view of the top 5 on console would be:
Nurse is still great on console but alot more difficult to master
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Great to see someone with the same top 5 as me :)
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Of course Spirit is better than Freddy objectively, but what you also have to understand is that Spirit's playstyle of "mind games" and guessing (Yes I know it's not really guessing if you have good headphones.) Isn't gonna appeal to some people.
In my own anecdotal experience, the Spirits I face are usually bad and they can't do much against Iron Will. Then you have Freddy. 115% movement speed and an ability that is much more simplistic in nature to use that has great versatility. He's straight forward. That's gonna appeal to some people more than phasing and mindgaming. especially if you don't have good headphones. Hell, some people won't even try Spirit just because she's 110% movement speed. An average Freddy player seems to do better than the average Spirit player unless someone is constantly falling for the standing still fake phasing and has very little idea on how to play against Spirit.
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Yeah he is. Freddy was done justice with the rework.
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Spirit, Billy, and Hag are definitely overall better killers.
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@Corrupted Yes that is true...but you also mentioned how Nurse is extremely powerful but she is WAY harder to be good with than Spirit is. Nurse is easily the best, but only in the right hands. Most players who play Nurse aren’t great with her, similar to what you say about Spirit.
Spirit isn’t hard to learn...at all. If you know how to track then Spirit is great. I don’t play her as much though because I don’t wanna exert the energy in playing her, I typically stick with Plague throughout all ranks.
Spirit is not hard to play but requires basic tracking and a little bit of energy and focus which I understand can turn people away from her. Freddy is much more simplistic in his playstyle but a great Freddy can still get demolished by a good team. A great Spirit will objectively do much better. If she can track you, you will die. Freddy can’t end chases as quickly.
I do get what you mean though about seeing more decent Freddy players over decent Spirit players. Freddy is just a basic M1 killer, doesn’t require much thought to play. A bunch of Spirits I run into are BOOSTED. They can’t follow sounds.
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Actually Nurse is still the most powerful killer on console even though you only ever see 1 every 100 games. A good Nurse player will perform just as well as a good PC player.
Now if we are keeping "powerful" in terms of killers you see played more often that perform to an above average state, then yes I agree Freddy is strong but I still wouldn't place him as my personal top.
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Here's the thing with Nurse though, it's kinda the opposite or atleast for me. I rarely see Nurses in red rank and from what I've gathered, many people on console would agree in which is why people think she's bad(myth) but she isn't. I rarely see Nurse in red rank but when I do, she's good. I agree Nurse is the best killer. But by comparison, I see Spirit more often than Nurse however, almost all of them are mediocre or bad and can't get more than 1 kill. In my own experience on PS4, I see Plagues and Freddy waayyy more than Spirit and Nurse. I think Plague and Freddy are easier to pick up but Spirit has the best ROI or risk to reward ratio. Every other game It's either a Plague or Freddy I swear.
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I rarely if ever see a Nurse on console. People stray away from her because she’s not easy to play on console. I personally embarrass myself every time I play Nurse. I do see good Nurse players if I see her in red ranks because a majority of those players are comfortable playing her.
Spirit I see A LOT. I mean...A LOT. I see three killers about 90% of the time. Those are Spirit, Ghostface, and Legion. I am so bored of facing those three killers over and over again.
I see boosted Spirits but I do see Spirit players who know how to track though. They aren’t uncommon. Almost every boosted Spirit I see has Haunted Ground, Spirit Fury (without Enduring), Ruin, and NOED.
Where are you seeing these Plague players at? I hardly ever see Vommy Mommy. I don’t mind facing her. It might be because of the new Dying Light change and she benefits from it more than any other killer besides Freddy.
You could’ve also gone against me at times because I play Plague quite a bit. I think you told me you played on PS4.
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The opposite is with the plague when she came out everyone thought she had worst lunge in game. Lol nah she just tall brah and her weapon swings like me balls
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Oh and thanks for the plague adept tips as soon as rank reset happened I got it second game.
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@GrootDude Nurse is definitely not #1 on console at least. 90% of the time I escape against her, Im red rank now, but as far as skill cap I think nurse has a great advantage. IMO, Freddy is #1
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Go watch space esports on twitch, they do dbd tournaments and most still pick Nurse/spirit (console tournaments btw)
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Nurse on console is no where near the God tier she is on PC. Spirit on console is amazing and Freddy on console is pretty damn close to HER imho. Although, I'm biased he's my main 😍
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Legion!? You see lots of Legions in red ranks? That's odd lol. Maybe you play in EU, I hear Spirit is everywhere on EU servers but I do see a fair bit of Ghostface yeah. Plague and Freddy? Absolutely, I see them by far the most in red rank. I'd say I see a spirit once out of 5 games in red ranks? And they usually aren't good.. During last rank reset I saw a massive amount of Spirits in purple ranks and they were also bad and yeah I'm on PS4. I'm not so sure I've seen you, maybe. I haven't been playing much this reset though.
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I’m on the east coast of the US so I’m doubtful I get EU servers. Today I played quite a bit and here is what I can recall
• 2 Plagues
• A Red Paint Brush/Swing Chains Freddy
• A Clown with the Pinky Finger add-on
• A Spirit who had connection from Mars
• A Hag who DC’ed when her totems were broken,
• A boosted Billy with NOED
• Wraith
• Demogorgon
• Legion
• Myers
• A basement Bubba who camped with Insidious
So yeah that’s pretty much the norm for rank reset. I see a variety of killers until I get to red ranks then I see TONS of Spirit players. Oddly enough I do see Legion and Ghostface a lot. Plague on the other hand I’ve been seeing more frequently after the Dying Light change.
I also haven’t played much since rank reset. This was my first day playing since rank reset.
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Spirit is the best killer on console. Period. Freddy would rank somewhere around Hag. ( below billy)
Literally everything Freddy can do Spirt can do better. Teleport to gens? Yeah, thanks for huge blood- spurting warning. Doesn't even compare to Spirits ability to gen grab you with prayer beads. And who needs easily avoidable slow downs when you can be Spirit and phase walk right to a survivor without them seeing you?
Spirit is the best. Billy second. Hag and Freddy distant third.
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@Steve0333 I just don’t see how Billy is highly regarded. I guess because I’ve seen so many bad ones but he’s just too loopable to be the 3rd best killer (after Nurse and Spirit). Sure he has an instadown and map pressure but if he gets a loop heavy map then it can be hell for the Billy.
Hag just has more potential to me. She has map pressure and chase potential.