Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

5k hours player posted this to devs and they responded on Twitter.

powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

all credit goes to the original poster for this and the devs did respond on Twitter to it.

Some suggestions to devs from a long time DBD player (5k hours)
-Fix maps with horrible buildings like cowshed. Also never have the good windows open for wretched shop and torment creek.
-Rework The Game map. The Game, in my opinion, is a horribly designed map where you can very often go through 3-5 rooms with no pallets and also run into dead end rooms and get trapped. There's also the double pallets in the workshop room above the bathroom and the double pallets next to the bathroom near the basement. Those are very safe areas.
-slow down bloodlust 2 and delete bloodlust 3 after fixing maps.
-rework that minor delay with throwing down pallets, that little spin you do when you turn to throw it down. Pallets not having a vacuum is good and a long needed change, but they still need looking at. The mechanic of the pallet is, I dare say, more in the killer's favor, but certainly not the amount of them. There are really horrible maps for killers with too many pallets like blood lodge, torment creek, rancid abattoir, shelter woods, etc. I've been hit through WAY more pallets while throwing them down.
-Let trapper have 2 traps without addons instead of giving him a common addon he needs to use.
-Nerf sprint burst, and only SB out of the exhaustion perks. The other exhaustion perks have conditions, and are not as annoying as sprint burst. Maybe only sprint burst should have the nerfed exhaustion that was on the PTB. Also, if they want to change the way exhaustion works then I think it's necessary to change exhaustion addons for killers, especially clown's.
-Fix Freddy (fix auto aim onto awake survivors, and find a way to make him a tad stronger without making him stupid annoying. Also allow Freddy to pull awake survivors off a gen so they don't sit in his face and try to get a skill check, like he can pull them in the dream world in the same way he would pull an awake survivor out of a locker and it'd auto put them in the dream world)
-Give rank and devotion rewards.
-Fix the false chainsaw hit for billy
-A much better report feature in game.
-Don't allow nurse to stack her range addons and don't allow huntress to stack her wind up addons. I don't think they should have nerfed the speed of manna grass braid, but only babushka's...just not as much as they did. If they only nerfed the speed of babushka a tad bit and made it so you couldn't stack them, I think that would've been best.
-I believe if someone disconnects on the load screen, it should take everyone back to the post game lobby and refund offerings to both killers and survivors. It should also refund the killer of his addons. I think games with 3 survivors are not even enjoyable games. Games with 1-2 survivors? Why even have a game load at that point?

There are a few other things that I can't remember right now. I'm still playing this game because I still love it very much. Just want to see it go in the right direction and I'd like to see the band-aid fixes stop. I was very hesitant to post this because of some overbearing and rude killer mains that seem to think that I am purely survivor sided and hate killers. I'll just be blocking any condescending and rude people in my mentions, but I'm down for discussion if it's respectful.


  • OakLestat
    OakLestat Member Posts: 125

    At least Post the Dev response

  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    I feel clickbaited
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @OakLestat said:
    At least Post the Dev response

    I've got to find the darn thing 1st they posted a simple response and after I typed that in the decvs posted a longer one apparently. I'll edit it in shortly

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Ok here's the dev response and it's quite long.

    BHVR Dev Responds To Suggestions From A Long Time Player
    (In response to this post from JenDenise

    Thanks for the feedback! We really appreciate getting perspective like this from our veteran players. Here are some thoughts on some of the issues you brought to our attention:

    Map Balance
    We hear you on this. We're working on lots of changes over on the level design side of things. I look forward to the day where seeing Fractured Cowshed elicits a better reaction than groans and eye rolls!

    This mechanic has been pretty controversial since it was introduced. It addresses some real issues in the game, but it has its own problems as well. We discussed toning it down on a recent dev stream (no link, sorry). Right now, bloodlust tiers up at 15, 30, and 45 seconds of chase, for a bonus of +0.2, +0.6 and +1.2 m/s respectively. The proposed change would bring the tier times down to 12, 24, and 36 seconds, and bonuses down to +0.2, +0.4 and +0.6 m/s. This change didn't make it to the PTB, but we haven't ruled it out yet. Let us know what you think!

    Pallet Throw Delay
    Overall, we're quite pleased with the pallet changes in patch 2.0.0. That being said, your post highlights two of the things that still need work: Responsiveness of the pallet drop and unfair-looking hits through pallets. They're both slated to be addressed in upcoming balance updates.

    Trapper Traps
    Regardless of how many traps the Trapper can carry by default, I think adding a third bag add-on at common is an improvement. I like the idea of increasing his default carry capacity, and it was one of the options we discussed when designing his update. We didn't go for it this time, and we'll see how the changes we did make affect his play style and results before we make any more changes.

    We have gotten a lot of feedback about the change to Exhaustion to stop it from recovering while running. We had originally talked about a change for Sprint Burst specifically, and came back with something that affects many perks instead, including the perks that usually compete with Sprint Burst for a slot in players' loadouts. It's not a change we take lightly.

    A lot of the debate I've read revolves around how this change affects Sprint Burst compared to the other exhaustion perks. Initial rumours of an "Activatable Sprint Burst" turned out to be pretty strongly exaggerated (some players may have assumed that just holding shift while standing still would satisfy the running condition. It does not) and personally I believe Sprint Burst is the perk most heavily affected by the change. Since it triggers so easily while playing the game normally, it's by far the most likely of the perks to have exhaustion up when a chase begins. To have it ready when a player needs it, it'll require more attention (and probably more walking!) than the others.

    All that being said, we know this is a big change and we'll be looking for feedback about how these perks play once the change goes live. Also, as you pointed out, certain killer add-ons that inflict exhaustion may need to be adjusted in light of the change.

    We're all in agreement that Freddy needs some attention!
    The upcoming mid-chapter patch includes updates for two killers, and we're planning to do more of these updates in future patches. I can't share the plan for Freddy yet, but he's definitely on the list.

    Rank / Devotion Rewards
    We want this too!

    False Chainsaw
    I imagine pretty much every Billy player has experienced that moment where a seemingly perfect chainsaw connection mysteriously does no damage to the survivor who may have just activated sprint burst or did a particularly sick spin right at the tip of the chainsaw detection zone. Stefan Horvath and I were actually looking into this recently to make sure we fully understood what the cause was. It involves some tricky bits of the attack and detection system, but once we can safely fix this issue, we will. The phantom chainsaws have gone on long enough!

    Report Feature
    Agreed. Better reporting and moderation tools are being worked on right now.

    Add-on Stacking
    Bonuses like Nurse's range or the Huntress' wind-up are stackable by design. The current paradigm for most bonus types is to identify the farthest a mechanic can be safely pushed, then split that bonus across the two top add-ons of that type. This increases the number of viable add-on combinations. As it turns out, Huntress wind-up time is not a safe variable to push very far.

    1-3 Survivor Games
    I can't say it's as high a priority as some of the other items on this list, but I agree that it feels pretty bad to start a game and see that there are only 3 survivors in it. I don't have anything to announce about this yet.

    Thanks again for writing up your thoughts constructively. We appreciate it!

    See you in the fog!

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388
    Take your time but i had to use this.

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    the devs have been very good to us.
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I don't agree with preventing Huntress from stacking add-ons. Now that Tinkerer isn't a thing they aren't as strong of a combo. I think her base wind up/cooldown should be buffed and then the add-ons adjusted to match what it is currently so that those add-ons aren't as necessary. As for Nurse I say just bump up some of her best add-ons to pink rarity and it would solve that issue.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @thesuicidefox said:
    I don't agree with preventing Huntress from stacking add-ons. Now that Tinkerer isn't a thing they aren't as strong of a combo. I think her base wind up/cooldown should be buffed and then the add-ons adjusted to match what it is currently so that those add-ons aren't as necessary. As for Nurse I say just bump up some of her best add-ons to pink rarity and it would solve that issue.

    I think they had talked about before changing base stats instead of using the tinkerer addons for it sicec then they could do buffs individually. instead of the issue with buffing tinkerer op's 1 versus the other. I agree with the Nurse going to pink rarity since that'd bring her power down to a more manageable level while also allowing others to be buffed up.

    You could then adjust survivors accordingly since right now they've got to be buffed to her standards practically.

  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396
    Yeah I saw this, I hate it.
  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606
    Her huntress change idea is stupid, I mean those add ons are getting nerfed and tinkerer will no longer affect the charge.
  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited July 2018

    The devs need to understand Bloodlust 2 0.6 is needed on extremely loop spots like Groaning Storehouse, Ironwork of Misery etc. WIthout it you won't ever be able to catch said survivor unless you're clown / Nurse/ trapper/ hag.

    How often do you see a Killer in Bloodlust 3, pellet removes BL before that ever happens, unless you are looping for 2-3 minutes

    Bloodlust is fine to remove after all spots has been fixed, just need to make sure there are no 2 windows or its an infinite

    her suggestions aren't bad, it's a shame the devs didn't understand Trapper needs his default base carrying capacity increase by 1, not starting traps, that's his main problem with his kit

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @powerbats said:
    We're all in agreement that Freddy needs some attention!
    The upcoming mid-chapter patch includes updates for two killers, and we're planning to do more of these updates in future patches. I can't share the plan for Freddy yet, but he's definitely on the list.

    Well at least the devs acknowledge he's #########. Here's hoping he gets some love in the next couple of patches.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    @Mc_Harty said:
    Well at least the devs acknowledge he's #########. Here's hoping he gets some love in the next couple of patches.

    They could have easily buff his base stats or revert the nerfs easily or even change the dream transition from 7 to 4, would be a very simple fix that can be temporary like did they after the nerf on release

    Yet they would rather want us to wait months for him to get this buff