Favourite youtube channels?

Hey all, just wanted to ask everyone what your favourite youtube channels are? I have to go with GameGrumps because no matter how bad of a day they have always made me laugh. Even when I was in a seriously depressed state, I emailed them and they actually wrote back to me and gave me really encouraging words to keep on going. Other than them it would have to be Pewdiepie lol. Been watching him since Amnesia days and he's still humble and loving to this day. Other than the bridge incident lol.
Tell me yours and why :)
Otzdarva and his streams/youtube videos have always been pretty good. Saw him first when he started making Dark Souls vids that were entertaining when he carried over to DBD I still enjoyed his content as well.
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Such a funny guy he is. Great personality while being very informative makes for great content.
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I totally forgot otz did Dark souls lmao. He really is a great youtuber with genuine content as well. I hope he branches out from DBD more to be honest because he has such potential but I feel like his fanbase will leave if he leaves DBD on the back burner which is sad. I think the same happens to Monto but I try to support his other vids as much as I do his DBDS videos.
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Overwatch Youtubers/Streamers
Hoshizora, Luminum, ohnickel, FTKComputer, BackoffmyJankz
Luminum, Puppers, Monto, No0b3, Pain Reliever, Ussylis, Paulie Esther, HybridPanda, The King
Gab Smolders/GG Gab
Random/Do a little of everything
Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, Geek Remix, H20 Delirious, Ohmwreaker, Cartoonz
JKNews, JKParty, Jeffree Star, Shawn Danson, Dwayne and Jazz, YongYea
Apex Legends
Zylbrad, ToddyQuest, BackoffmyJankz
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My favorite is Vyktoryah, she is a Paladins console Maeve main.
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Subscribe to pewdiepie
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Mark Dice. He's hilarious.
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Xusho Wolf.
Game Grumps.
Brandon Rodgers.
I'm pretty basic in my choices lol.
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Ninja 🤡
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Fortnite lame 🤭
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Ain't nothin wrong with liking certain channels. I'm happy someone else said GameGrumps as well <3
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The 10 minute power hour is one of the best series on youtube.
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Ethan and Hila from "h3h3Productions" has got to be my favorite channel.
Kyle and Jesse from "NELK"
I also like watching "Inked" and many tattoo artists like Daniel Silva, and Romeo Lacoste (even though he seems fake and a douche I still like his tattoo work).
Mike Boyd is one of my favorites aswell.
Jackson O'doherty & Shammi are up there aswell.
Yeah I watch a bit of everything. There are many other small channels I like watching too but these are the ones worth mentioning the most.
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One I don't like is Dead Meat. I'm a big horror fan and find the Kill Counts entertaining but Janisse is far too smiley and smug.