The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

My Favorite Part of Each Killer (Power) and 1 Personal Fun Fact

Trapper- His intuitive trap placement.

FunFact! - I have never used his ultra or very rare add ons.

Wraith- Pressuring all survivors with hit and run style.

FunFact! - I get accused of tunneling or some sort of hate playing this way 95% of the time!

Billy- Curving around loops.

FunFact! - Very early on when DBD released on Xbox, Billy would be the only killer I’d play. (All are played now).

Nurse- Side blinks, especially against good survivors.

FunFact! - My first ever Nurse game resulted in just one grab the entire game... at Rank 1 on Thompson House... (I’m pretty decent now at least...!)

Myers- Quick mindgames at loops in T3.

FunFact! - There was this one time I got a hate message telling me I shouldn’t T3 the same survivor more than once... oh my.

Hag 👑- Her intuitive trap placement, connecting as if the traps were linked as car lanes. (I also love her AOC, looping stoppage, Unique Strategy, etc.)

FunFact! - Before Hag Got her buff, I claimed she was the most underrated killer in the game and was a BEAST. Got told I was crazy.

Doctor- Shocking survivors at pallets when they try to vault or drop.

FunFact! - Doctor has crashed my game at least 3 times.

Huntress- Those Hail Mary hatchet hits.

FunFact! - One of my cutest moments happened when I faced against a team that featured a rank 20 (I was red ranks at the time). That rank 20 went on to tell me I was one of the best players they’ve seen, explaining they were scared and tried everything they could do 😢

Leatherface- Tight Chainsaw hits in narrow pathways/loops.

FunFact! - For some reason, I love to spin to hooks.

Freddy- Teleporting to a generator ahead of a survivor that I am chasing.

FunFact! - I had never thought as Freddy as the worst killer in the game before his buff. I thought he was towards the middle, with top end potential.

Piggy- Good RNG on RBT (which is a rarity for me).

FunFact! - I’ve been told I shouldn’t use ‘Last Will’ and ‘Tampered Timer’ together by an entitled survivor main. (He was using old DS, purple flashlight, while being in a 4man SWF.)

Clown- Cutting off larger areas with the bottle (by hitting a tree, or other objects).

FunFact! - I like to laugh along with clown in his depressing moments.

Spirit- Grabbing someone off a generator while in a chase with another survivor.

FunFact! - I actually got jump scarred the first time I saw her mori :(

Legion- Getting a hit in FF last second of the duration.

FunFact! - I usually always play Joey over the other 3.

Plague- Swirling around Corrupt Purge in every direction. (Honestly just having Corrupt Purge in general).

FunFact! - I always say to Plague to calm down in the lobby when she talks. I also repeat some parts of the mori.

GhostFace- Crouch mind games at loops.

FunFact! - I 100% teabag a survivor if they do it to me first.

Demogorgon- Shredding survivors right at the pallet.

FunFact! - I always think about his flower flaps when I play him.

Jason Voorhees- Hitting multiple survivors at once while in Rage.

FunFac- Oh whoops, sorry! Saw this while I was in the future.


  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
    edited October 2019

    Oh I like this game! I don't have one for all of them so I'll give you my favorites!

    Trapper- That SNAP when you get someone in a trap

    Fun Fact!- Trapper was my main back in 2016-2017. I get hate mail ALOT when I use him on Older maps now.

    Wraith- Super Speed Build is the single Best thing when you are the Bing Bong Boi!

    Fun Fact!- Everyone loves The Bing Bong Boi! I honestly get less hate mail and survivors wanting to

    play around more and not be as serious and aggressive when I bing at them!

    Nurse..... umm

    Not so fun fact!- I can't play Nurse cause her blinking make me nauseous!

    Doctor- That Giggle is the best thing ever.

    Fun Fact!- when i M1 someone as Doctor I always mutter "Good Stick... Good." while watching the animation. IT was a habit I picked up playing "The Surge" and using blunt weapons, and that animation just works so well with it!

    Clown!: His laugh is just as good as the Doctor's and you get it all the time.

    Fun Fact!: I always laugh along with the Clown. I love when people try to BM me as Clown cause I tend to surprise them with an Arcing bottle to the top of a tree! That gas REALLY spreads then

    Plague: She's SO NASTY! It's great in a terrible way!

    Fun Fact!: I always feel kinda bad to puke on everyone, but oh well!

    Freddy- Honestly alot of fun to play as, but I can see where he'd be frustrating

    Fun Fact!: I play Freddy cause his after hit sound, his claws "Shinging" together, is ASMR for me. I love that sound so much and love that they added it that he does it randomly. I tend to play Freddy after bad matches to calm down, and fake teleporting alot.

    Ghost Face- Those moments you are stalking RIGHT next to someone and they don't see you.

    Fun Fact!: I tend to call him "The GhOwOst Face" and sigh with him as I get stunned.

    Demo: I can not get a good game with him, but that Shred feels good!

    Fun Fact: First time I played him was my best game and I was playing the "Demo Pan" song the whole time! I also call him "Ol' Stompy"


    Legion- Honestly, I know they are bad, but the RUSH I get from hitting Feral Frenzy and rushing down the survivors is pure bliss to me. I ALWAYS have fun as Legion. IF I get a 4 man Feral Frenzy I've won the game and no one can tell me otherwise.

    Fun Fact: As I said earlier, Trapper was my main in 2016-2017. I quit DBD for quite a while during that time cause of how insanely unbalanced it was. Yall think it's bad now? It's nothing on early DBD. I thought I'd NEVER EVER play DBD again. I bemoaned the fact that I had spent money on it. It was so bad in my eyes. Then... I saw Legion. Was curious about them at announcement, loved the trailer but wasn't sure I liked the "Disguse" style. Saw the Lore and, having lived in a small town COULD SEE IT HAPPENING. It was crazy, like i could relate in a way to them. Then... I saw the first Feral Frenzy. IT looked so fun I bought the WHOLE DLC for Legion (Only one I ever did that for, helps I look like Jeff). Played them the first time and used Feral Frenzy.... I've been a proud member of The Legion since. Through the ups and Downs (The exploit was a Down before you ask. Hated it and the overnerfs it brought) I have been proud to wear the mask and Chase people down for the Legion. Cowards have no place in the Legion, and i'll never run from them. Frank is my go to guy, as I feel he suits me best.

    Have fun in the Fog everyone!

    Post edited by UlvenDagoth on
  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    Such a great person in the community! I loved reading every bit of this! AND OH DAYUM THE GHOSTFACE FUNFACT!! I literally do the same THING! On Xbox, my sister is friends with the person with that GT, and every time they’re talking I have to go ahead and say, “Oh it’s GhOwOst face!!!!”.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    Since we’re best friends, I’ll have to break you out of jail!

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    please do. Being in The Legion seems to have caught up to me. XD

  • JumpscareMyers
    JumpscareMyers Member Posts: 60

    Myers - Very scary man that likes to give surprise back massage to survivors on generators.

    Fun fact: I got reported for using scratched mirror on yamoaka estate against a swf of 4 claudettes and kept finding them. Also Myers has a very cool ability called the Extendo arm which is very epic.

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    Oh my, reported on Yaomoka with scratched mirror..! That’s insane xD