Doctor Mains: What Rework/Buff Would You Like To See For Him?

With BHVR's announcement of Herman Carter being on next list of killers to be reworked or buffed I'm curious if any mains of him have any advice or personal opinions on how to make him a viable killer.



  • UberMorpth
    UberMorpth Member Posts: 97
    edited October 2019

    I second this, his basic shock range is pretty terrible any exact numbers on how long it is basekit?

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 932
    edited October 2019

    Anything that makes him even more obnoxious. Fake generators, making dull totems appear lit, having the doctor illusions chase people around, making the hud show people in the wrong states (Injured instead of healthy, etc.) maybe an addon that causes deafness in madness 3 (Like Hag's ear addon) etc.

    I also want the shock's delay to be removed and moldy electrode base kit.

    For complete addon overhauls I predict it'll be Scrapped Tape or Maple Knight. Both addons are pretty useless and Maple Knight should be turned into an ultra rare to go along with iridescent queen.

    I also predict just like Wraith some addons will be "Decommissioned" given they have names like "Carters Notes" and "Class 1/2/3" which is related to rarity. Since his addon rarities are "Abnormal" to the current DBD Killer Standard (4 common, 5 uncommon, 5 rare, 4 very rare, 2 ultra rare) they will likely have rarity changes and name changes.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    He's kinda in strange spot. Everything that doctor has is what every other killer has, but stronger. For example, If you want to use fake pallets, you'll just play Freddy. You want to hide red glow or play stealth killer with calm add-on's? Ghostface. You want to have a bit better chase game with exhaust/shock? Play a killer whose good at the chase. Spirit, Huntress,Nurse etc. I remember when dbd first game out and people used to be scared of being in madness and now it's like you could care less about being in madness.

    I'm expecting a new ultra-rare add-on that hopefully makes doctor competitive at higher ranks of the game. I remember that he used to be able to see survivor's aura when they were snapping out with nurse calling and that gave him some good information so that would be a cool add-on to use. My opinion would be to increase base range to Moldy Electrode and change range add-on decrease charge time or increase movement when shocking. That would improve his chase game by like a mile.

    The stun on doctor shock is indicated at the bottom of the survivor UI next to the perks. It's like 2 seconds long. If you make it too long, than doctor loses his some of skill-cap which is all about getting inside your opponents head and timing shocks, animation canceling modes and using his madness as information tool for juggling.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    While they're at it, I hope they give Overwhelming Presence another look. I can't remember the last time I've seen that one let alone used it myself. His other two perks get plenty of use. Especially MnA

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited October 2019

    I've had these ideas for a couple of months now. I think adding all of these ideas would bring him up to the top 5. I'm not sure about ideas for adjusting the other add-ons (he doesn't meet the current Killer add-on standards).

    1. Increase shock therapy range by at least 25%. The current base range is ridiculously small to the point where you won't even want to use it because you'll be in M1 range. Adjust range add-ons to compensate for this buff if necessary.
    2. Increase movement while charging up the shock to at least 105% (yes, this is a different stat from movement speed while just walking in Treatment mode). He can lose a lot of distance from just trying to use his shocks. Currently he moves at 85% speed while charging up the shock, which is way too low. 
    3. Remove the shock delay. This is just dumb, I really don't understand why it exists in its current state. Is it to give Survivors a good chance to dodge the shock?
    4. Significantly shorten or remove (if it wouldn't make him too strong) the transition between switching modes.
    5. Add the illusionary pallets to his base kit. They would spawn within an unlimited range of the Doctor every 20 seconds (like the current version of the Very Rare Order add-on). If the pallet spawns standing up, then the Survivor can drop them (similar to Freddy's Dream Pallets).
    6. Have the Order series of add-ons make the illusions perform some kind of action to make up for illusionary pallets becoming part of his base kit. The common version should just have the illusion run towards the Survivor and swing at them. The uncommon version should have the illusion lunge at the Survivor and will switch to Treatment mode when near a pallet or vault location. A new rare version (Order - Class III) would allow the illusion to kick a gen or pallet or open a locker and then start looking for the Survivor. The very rare/Iridescent King version would allow the illusion to perform any interaction and then start hunting down a Survivor to initiate a fake chase. There is a chance to have a second illusion appear close by to catch you off guard. The Iridescent King version would also let the illusion's attacks pretend to hurt you (would most likely activate at Madness 3). This part might sound a bit confusing, but you would look and act like you're injured from your perspective. You would look completely normal from the Doctor's perspective. After the effect wears off, there would be an increased amount of electricity on the sides of the screen to tell you that everything was fake. If you happened to use something like Dead Hard and you got hit or the effect wore off right after, the image of Doctor's face would appear as you get pulled back to your previous position to tell you that it wasn't a hitbox or internet issue and that you were dealing with an illusion. You can have Survivors waste their DH on an illusion. They could also end up wasting a pallet or running for a "hook save" based on what your illusion was doing.
    7. This one is just personal (I'm not even sure if it's true), but the illusions shouldn't spawn on a different floor than the Survivor they're tracking on multi-floored maps like The Game. It's really annoying to check one floor because of the illusion and then find nothing because the Survivor was actually on the other floor.
    8. New Ultra Rare add-on: Dr. Otto Stamper’s Files. The static field becomes map wide and shock therapy range is increased by 50% but the charge time is slightly increased (10%). This will not stack with the Order add-ons (they increase madness gained from the static field).

  • WTBacon
    WTBacon Member Posts: 593
    edited October 2019

    I think Maple Knight should be base kit (see the outline of your shock attack) so you can see what you can hit with the scrapped+interview tape combo and railgun doc, which use 2 add-ons.

    I would keep Maple Knight common and replace it with this:

    Maple Knight
    • Slightly increases movement speed in Treatment Mode. (+0.2 m/s, making it the same speed as Punishment Mode)
    • Slightly decreases time to switch modes. (25%, from 1 sec to 0.75 sec)
  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    I'd like to see the fake Doctors randomly lunge at people. But I'm a Legion main so my input is limited admittingly.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,446

    Just make him not as annoying to play against, that's all I ask. Make tier 3 madness stronger in some way, remove / reduce the interaction interrupt, make some afflictions base kit at certain tiers but allow survivors to completely snap out of it (not just tier 3 back to 2), bringing survivors back to normal in exchange for time (you would have to snap out of it once for every tier of madness). Also I'd like to see it if madness would only go up passively once they had been inflicted with madness manually (nerf to "the game" Doc) however, passive madness would go up at a quicker rate.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited October 2019

    Longer range shock therapy and Iridescent King baked in. Long range shock is minimum because a Doctor without it is weak sauce. Without King the madness is dull and generic. It certainly would put him in a better tier and is certainly feasible when you look at what Freddy and Spirit can do. They feel powerful when played. Doc doesn't.

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651
    edited October 2019

    Basicly he need a more reliable shock (longer default range and less finicky) and some real pressure through his Madness. Not just off center skill checks that don't actually do anything because they are just as easy to hit as normal ones and hallucination that are very obvious and also don't really do anything to the survivors.

    I wouldn't even know where to start. It would be really hard to make madness matter against good survivors, without making it even more obnoxious and overwhelming to beginners. It probably need to be redesigned, but I have no idea what direction the devs want to go with this.

  • alienschmalien
    alienschmalien Member Posts: 151

    Not a Doctor Main, but I hope his rework/buff whatever is purely about making him less obnoxious to go against.

    As it stands there's no reason to play Doctor unless you just want to piss off other players. He's not in a good enough state to be a killing machine, but more just ''How can I piss off other people today?"

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,619

    Polished Electrode.

    Mouldy Electrode is still too short IMO.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    I see some decent ideas in this thread. I'd like to add one: Make Madness level 2 more threatening. Right now, it really doesn't debilitate survivors all that much, especially with no add-ons. Until you get to level 3, experienced survivors can shrug off most of the effects from Madness.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 932

    As a Doctor main I love being obnoxious and I hope he becomes even more annoying.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    A simple change that I think would make his passive "madness/random placement" skillchecks more viable is to have them sometimes go counter-clockwise.

  • Pennosuke
    Pennosuke Member Posts: 100
    edited October 2019
    • Remove Punishment/Treatment mode you can just use basic attack by M1 and use shock therapy attack by M2.
    • Always has 4.6m/s speed and always has static field as a passive.
    • When the survivor get hit by shock therapy attack, give the visual effect (something like electric spark) around that survivor for the whole duration that survivor still can't performing any interactions (2.5 sec) and this visual effect also can see by both killer and survivor.
    • Increase the shock therapy attack from 9 meters to 10 meters.
    • Give some new add-ons, these are my ideas...
      • Make the Doctor charging the shock therapy faster.
      • Increased the duration that prevent survivor from performing any interactions after get hit by the shock therapy attack.
      • Randomly spawn illusionary Doctor with a red stain and terror radius heartbeat at the 12 meters from the survivors and run straight to them.
        • the illusionary Doctor doesn't have collision.
        • If the illusionary Doctor reached to the survivors, it will do the basic attack animation but didn't do any damage.
        • the illusionary Doctor will dissapear after spawn for 6 second or after do the basic attack animation.
        • the real Doctor can see the aura of illusionary Doctor.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Significantly increase the amount of hallucinations. After 3 seconds they all home towards the Survivor and your fov is drastically reduced until snapped out.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    Id like to see more effects to the survivors when they are in the snap out phase - Blindness, murkier field of view.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,842

    All of this would be nice, but thought I should note that his current time for blocking interactions from a shock is 2.5 seconds.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Moldy shock as base range, less of a slowdown whilst charging, with a faster charge time then doc has now. Be able to swap between treatment and punishment faster. Have tier effects be more prominent and less annoying whilst giving him more of a map presence (ie regressing gens that aren't being worked on outside of his terror radius in treatment mode where it is the largest, with the more people being in madness the higher the regression). Skillchecks etc should be harder outside of his terror radius, with that portion of treatment and madness being tied mostly towards finding people through them being periodically revealed through screams.

    Also tie his less useful add-ons together. Shock therapy should insta tier 3, but the benefits should be less. It should also be harder to remove tier 3 similar to Freddy's sleep. Shock therapy add-ons should give it additional effects (hiding the doctor's terror radius and red stain briefly, a hindered effect, making everyone in his terror radius scream when he shocks someone etc.) The range add-ons should be kept as is but have slightly reduced charge time debuffs. The circle shock addon should be changed to instead decrease charge time for an instant shock. Also he should have an add-on that decreases his terror radius to zero in both modes whilst still allowing him to shock for a truly stealth doc, at the expense of losing a lot of his kit and tracking.

    An iridecent queen add-on should be added as his second ultra rare, making his terror radius global in treatment and 16 in punishment. Drawback being they can't get to tier 3 so it's mostly just for periodic reveals and hiding his position (ie a stealth add-on despite the terror radius)

    Tier 3 should no longer block the use of items, however it should increase the charges they use slightly.

    Basically terror radius = finding people/ no terror radius = debuffs and madness,

    And shock is more useful in chase by being more easily accessible and swapable, with a higher range and less slowdown allowing him to more easily break loops and force pallets.

    3 gen doc would no longer be a thing as so long as there outside of your terror radius the effects on gens occur whilst in a 3 gen situation there always close together which would take away the debuff.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    What's the biggest complaint about Doctor? I know three gen pops up a lot. I bet the Devs changes something about him so three gen dragged out games won't be possible anymore.

  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394
    1. Just remove all those stupid class effects and completely change his add-ons. No good survivor is ever affected by any of those
    2. Make moldy electrode base
    3. No slowdown while charging the shock
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    More fake stuff, fake Pallets & Doctors is cute, but i'd like to see them start working on a Generator or Totem for example, but it poofs out of existence.

  • Tangero
    Tangero Member Posts: 119

    Melee hits should increase madness by a tier

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Make the screams from shocks that stop survivors from vaulting or dropping pallets more reliable, in order to give him good anti-loop.