How do you feel about flashlight's in their current state?

joshuashep22 Member Posts: 236

How do you feel about flashlight's in their current state? 151 votes

They are great
BossShield_PapaSpeshul_KittenNoShinyPonyCigDecarcassorTheRoyalOwlKaijuDecember_1863MysticAdvisor 10 votes
Perfectly balanced as all things should be
twistedmonkeyJackikinsTzeentchling9darthtimsterWhite_OwlGibberishPhantomMask20763yeetKebekkodiakyMister_xDWINTERSCakeDutyFrenziedRoachCetrenMegDensonPureHostilityAcesthetiicSpacingLlamasdanielbird11 84 votes
Too situtational
Mc_HartyFibijeanStar99erGoodBoyKaruarslaNSblitcherKillmasterCaptain_SpauldingKnucklesHoodiedAkiTheKitten[Deleted User]Darkskiesdbd_noobrch614MedicSpirit7WakeMeUp9JakojoLittleLiamPigster 33 votes
Kinda trashy
GalklifeBravo0413DeadByMemelightMisterCremasterNazeef13Warlock_2020artistWaffleFalafelskillchecksKillermainBTWm8Boosted_DwightToybasherFrostyRaven014Tangero 15 votes
TeambossFlozeVampiroxindieeden7Mochanhumanbeing1704danut1311swamptrashTunnelVisionnickofford 9 votes


  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 988
    Perfectly balanced as all things should be

    I don't think they're perfectly balanced, but they're in a good spot right now and I don't think they need changed either way.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    garbage add ons should get a update like medkits

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Don't use them.

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694
    edited October 2019
    Perfectly balanced as all things should be

    I think they are fine, I would say flashlight is one of the weaker items and if you are willing to not use medkit/toolbox and have the skill to use it properly then as a killer, i respect that.

  • Vampirox
    Vampirox Member Posts: 411

    i honestly thing they are Garbage. All its ever used now its too BM on pallets. With the Nerf to the Flashlight was good, they also buffed Pick up speed of survivors making it much more difficult to position for it. Only time i can get a Flashlight save is from a Noob Killer.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,470
    Too situtational

    For the most part they’re pretty balanced. I do think that after they buffed the pickup speed for all killers it’s been kinda hard to get flashlight saves off but that’s about it.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212
    Kinda trashy

    Kinda trashy. They don't need a buff but I still think the item is useless. Unless your going against a clueless killer.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,446

    I completely understand the removal of insta-blinds but now half of the add-ons are useless. Widening / tightening and increasing the distance of the flashlight beam has never really done anything and now brightness add-ons have no in-game effect anymore, all they do is make the middle of the screen white rather than pink. Almost all of the flashlight add-ons need looking at in the future.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768
    Perfectly balanced as all things should be

    I think they need skill to be used and can break the Bloodlust of a killer if you are in a longer chase. The addons need to be reworked tho.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519
    Kinda trashy

    it's the weakest survivor item, they rely on the killer messing up to get a save, and if you're blinding at pallets the killer will just track u with sound.

    still love using them tho

  • VincentRedfield
    VincentRedfield Member Posts: 285
    Too situtational

    Basically only useful when the killer is breaking a pallet or crossing a window after you.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    Kinda trashy

    Every addon for flashlights except for Odd Bulb is mediocre, since Odd bulb allows for near instablinds.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    ?odd bulb is garbage the only thing it does is delete your flashlight

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145
    Perfectly balanced as all things should be

    I don't feel like they need a change.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    Perfectly balanced as all things should be

    they are fine.

    you get to blind killers whenever they enter an animation, but you cant just turn around midchase and blind them, like you used to be able to.

    honestly, you shouldnt be able to blind the killer on too many occasions.

    being blinded for killers is a huge problem, as they cant see (which allows you to sneak away and force them to drop the chase) and lose any already caught prey, which again is a huge deal.

    also, its not very fun to stare at a red screen all the time, just because someone clicked a flashlight into your face.

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300
    Too situtational

    I say they're fine. Was torn between "balanced" and "too situational"

    I mean, they're easily avoidable as killer. But to actually use them you need to either face the Hag, follow/be near your teammates when they go down, or throw all the pallets/make killers fault windows but they can easily juke you into wasting a bit of your flashlight.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
    Perfectly balanced as all things should be

    I like them

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238
    Perfectly balanced as all things should be

    Thanos reference*

    (The flashlights are in a good balance)🎃

  • StevePerryPsychOut
    StevePerryPsychOut Member Posts: 190
    Perfectly balanced as all things should be

    Fine on console. Now that I think about it i don't think I've ever been blinded outside of destroying a pallet. Maybe need a slight buff on console, but I'm pretty sure bhvr is unwilling to balance the platforms separately.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    Kinda trashy

    But it's the only one that makes flashlights actually work since it takes so little time to blind a killer. Add a battery if you can't aim. And I'm talking from console, where they are Worse than on PC.

    But good killers will follow noise regardless.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616
    They are great

    I'm just thankful I don't get a headache anymore just because I play in the dark and get blinded.

  • TwistrBlitz
    TwistrBlitz Member Posts: 91
    Perfectly balanced as all things should be

    I had a survivor running odd bulb flashlight in my killer match earlier, I can’t remember the last time someone flashlight saved against me but this person managed to do it twice, every time there was no wall nearby. Felt pretty instant.

    I’d say they’re in a good place, annoying. But I’d rather survivors bring flashlights than purple toolboxes with prove thyself.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    Kinda trashy

    Well, they are still weaker on console due to controller being less accurate.

    My original statement was that every flashlight addon except Odd bulb was weak.

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    Flashlights are bad. Killers with a brain can easily counter them. Hag is literally immune to pallet blinds LMFAO.

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651
    They are great

    A single flashlight save can decide the issue of an entire game, and they can still blind the killer from ridiculous sideway angles. They need to be difficult to use and somewhat not entirely reliable because they can cause such massive momentum swings.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127
    Perfectly balanced as all things should be

    I think they're fine personally. Though whether or not you blind the killer is based on how fast their reflexes are with moving their mouse upwards after the animation ends.

  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378
    Perfectly balanced as all things should be

    They're fine, fix the annoying click spam though.

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 750

    I wish there were an option for "in the middle" responses;

    flashlights are okay! they have a decent mechanic, and they're definitely a lot better than they used to be. however, sometimes they don't exactly work the way they should, as unfortunate as that is. you have to be somewhat specific with where you point the flashlight at in the killer's face, and sometimes even the killer doesn't get blinded like they should.

    also, some players use them as a way to taunt killers [by excessive clicking], which is also a bit of a pet peeve of mine, but that's personal! :'D

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    As someone who plays a ton of Hag, delete flashlights or change their interaction with her traps. That's my totally reasonable take on flashlights.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Flashlights are worthless, only good for breaking Hag traps.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711
    Too situtational

    I'm someone who only uses flashlights to save a teammate. Since the new and faster pickup animation this becomes a very situational task. You need to be on the perfect spot and very well hidden while the slug isn't near a wall or similar + the killer can always do a quick 180 turn before picking the slug up which removes any possibility to reposition yourself in time (maybe with sprintburst possible, but I don't run this noob perk).

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711
    Too situtational

    Odd blurb doesn't make the blinding faster. As far as I know nothing changes the time to blind anymore, every flashlight and addon is the same. Odd blurb is garbage, it just wastes your battery.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212
    Perfectly balanced as all things should be

    Flashlights are in a fine spot.

    Their add ons could probably use some work since most of them do barely anything and just adding charges is the best option 99% of the time.

    Flashlights are at a spot where blinds are very easy for some free points and some advantage in a chase at pallets.

    Flashlight saves are definitely difficult, but that's the way they should be. Just bringing an item is not grounds for the killer never being able to pick up your teammates. It's an incredibly huge momentum swing that should take perfect timing and skill, not be the expected outcome of having a flashlight.

  • Tangero
    Tangero Member Posts: 119
    Kinda trashy

    Pretty much a useless tool if you going up against a decent killer

  • DeadByMemelight
    DeadByMemelight Member Posts: 51
    Kinda trashy

    IMO they should drop them all by 1 rarity tier and rework the lense addons to be more noticeably useful. BT should proc on flashlight saves. Click-spamming should be removed, or accelerate battery depletion. I also think killers should retain some amount of head movement during animation locks to reduce the feeling of being punished for doing basic game mechanics because someone has a flashlight (this change is why I'd be okay with flashlights being more common).

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    Don't like them as a survivor or killer and frankly think they are pretty redundant

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564
    Perfectly balanced as all things should be

    I thought this was a simple answer to pick but reading the comments have changed my mind slightly.

    A flashlight save can completely change a game. It's more time wasted by the killer and completely negates the previous chase.

    But after reading these comments I can agree on a few things. At high ranks it's very tough to get flashlight saves, very few times do you actually get it. The battery add-ons are the best, with the widening add-ons being pretty pointless.

    I also find that a flashlight player at high ranks is pretty good as killer. I know they are probably not doing gens and following me. If I down someone, even if injured they will be close and it gives me huge momentum if I down them too.

    I think flashlights are pretty well balanced but someone of the add-ons need a slight change. Raritys need adjusted and other add-ons need changed.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676
    Perfectly balanced as all things should be

    Their main purpose is doing just fine and that is to blind the killer to allow you to lose the chase. They aren't supposed to be only used for flashlight saves that have incredible impact on the outcome of the match.

    Flashlight saves are supposed to be rare and hard to pull off since they are basically repeatable DS strike through item and we all know how impactful even 1 DS can be.

  • LittleLiam
    LittleLiam Member Posts: 34
    Too situtational

    They are not great. As a killer, unless the flashlight is frame perfect if you spam the "drop" key it is impossible to to get a flashlight save. They still have a chance to wiggle now, but Hooks are pretty good these days.

    They're just nowhere near the power item they used to be.

  • Jakojo
    Jakojo Member Posts: 214
    Too situtational

    It can be tricky getting a save off on a good killer. I think the addons need to be looked at similar to how the medkits did.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299
    Perfectly balanced as all things should be


    Perfectly? well that's subjective but at least they take some degree of knowledge and timing to use now.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 1,009
    Perfectly balanced as all things should be

    Wish their addons would get touched a bit since it's the only good ones are batteries and the amp. The other don't really do anything.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    Too situtational

    Only useful for Pallet jukes.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Kinda trashy

    I voted for kinda trashy.

    Atm the addons...... they're terrible! I'm just saying it.... they're in the same situation as what most of nurses addons were in or LFS addons are in... where they just... dont.. do anything.... I mean okay, when a player knows how to play and knows the timing the flashlight by its self is a weapon and can slow down the momentum of the killer quite well!.... but the addons are in need for some serious tweaks.. range addons that can actually.... well give decent range would be nice.

  • swamptrash
    swamptrash Member Posts: 75

    As killer IF.and i mean a huge IF You do get me with it more often then not i can still tap you making it irrelevant