Colorblind Mode

I have pretty severe colorblindness, and its a handicap to me when playing killer, particularly outdoor maps.

I can not see pools of blood from injured survivors without bloodhound (or on a map like The Game), and I can only see scratch marks by looking closely at floors/objects. This means that survivors lose me easier and I have to waste a perk slot to do something players with normal eyes can do without issue. Please add a colorblind mode so I can play like everyone else!


  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @cowcubrub said:
    I have pretty severe colorblindness, and its a handicap to me when playing killer, particularly outdoor maps.

    I can not see pools of blood from injured survivors without bloodhound (or on a map like The Game), and I can only see scratch marks by looking closely at floors/objects. This means that survivors lose me easier and I have to waste a perk slot to do something players with normal eyes can do without issue. Please add a colorblind mode so I can play like everyone else!

    i totally feel for you and they should of added this along time ago im sorry you cant fine survivors because of your colorblindness i understand how hard it is for killers in general to see me when im hiding as nea in dark clothes in tall grass the killers sometimes just walk right past me i cant imagine how hard it would be for you to see me