Jus had to have a laugh at their Key Escape

Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
edited October 2019 in General Discussions

Jus had one of THEE longest matches I have ever had....against a decently coordinated group...no if any were SWF or not...but I whittled away at em really well until they effectively 3 Gen'd themselves and I played smartly enough to stop their entire progress...1 Gen was easily 70+% done and one at least 25-30%. So I def felt the pressure...without Dying Light getting stacks and def without Pop Goes The Weasel...I would've lost.

A lot of chases, mistakes made on both their side & mine...but eventuslly got to where I had em... I was down to Nea and Meg...both on death hook...thr Nea played a bit better so,I went after her...I never saw the Key in Meg's hand....in a ######### cornfield map...kinda hard to do. So I made the unforseen mistake of downing Nea....Hooked her...found the Hatch asap..closed it and,patrolled the Exit Gates....that lil weasel Meg waited till the LAST second and opened the Hatch.

Was a great and intense match...but Keys need to be more visible or Hatches should not be able to be opened once closed...was a bittersweet end that has me,laughing but a bit salty that after that ordeal, a bloody key jus undermined that whole end.....This is part of why more Killers resort to slugging...I,normally don't care..but after THAT long of a match, after all that intense work and quick thinking to stop a snowball happening...lil "neh neh neh nehhh" and Meg gets out...bleh xD

EDIT: Oopsies Michael dod a baaaaaaad


  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    Oopsies, I did a whoopsies. ;]

  • kone19
    kone19 Member Posts: 72

    I don’t know about high rank play but keys are not easy to come by. After a long time I still haven’t gotten more than 2 or 3 add ons for them. Hamstringing them by permanently closing the hatch especially when the killer has almost free reign to find it and its tendency to teleport would make the item a fairly poor investment. Maybe it’s that specific survivor that made it difficult to see but I just picked one up in my last game out of a chest and he held his hand out like there was an invisible door in front of him the whole time

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    So how long was the match?

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    Im not too bothered by it, jus not seeing it at all is what mostly got me xP Like it went "Ohh...."

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Keys, as broken as moris. I would've liked to see a nerf to keys instead of instas.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    Jus about 30mins. Was a LOT of back n forth, half chases, baits and such. Dunno what is considered long in general, but 30mins has def been the longest for me, matches usually last 10-20mins all things depending.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Yeah, that's definitely long these days.

    Devs stated they want 8 on average, so yeah, more than 3 times what they aim for. πŸ˜‹

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    Ok, glad to hear I wasn't imagining that it felt like a damn war xD

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    I love playing solo survivor and someone brings a key. With 1 gen left and three of us alive, the survivor uses the key and two of them escape leaving me alone to die. Fun times.

  • Nurses_Calling
    Nurses_Calling Member Posts: 11

    Personally, I think if the survivor resorts to using their key then, you obviously have intimidated them and they dont really feel like they can play the course of the whole match, just my opinion.

  • AddSlenderMan
    AddSlenderMan Member Posts: 5

    I don't agree with the no opening hatch after closed but but they should be easier to see.

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    I've got it! They can switch keys to turn on generators to speed up the gen fixing process, and then you won't have to worry about those pesky hatches again or those long matches. Solution found. You're welcome!

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    Keys do need nerfed they are way to easy to find.. I would say giving the purple key more charges and making it unable to open hatch would be a good start to make hatch escapes less common...

  • BubbaIsTrash
    BubbaIsTrash Member Posts: 2

    I really disagree with that. Maybe sometimes people are intimidated and use hatch, but keys are literally meant to be an easier escape. I usually bring in a key, almost every game but only use it if the killer is camping, is a camper, or tunnels. Truly being intimidating would be someone that can properly be a killer without ruining the fun of the game for everyone.

    Per say, keys are just for people who are looking for a quicker game, as someone stated above. As well as me NOT spending half of an hour with teammates that use their toes to play the game, and a nurse who ONLY teleports everywhere. Sorry. But, I think we can all agree the worst players are the ones who DC.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    I just keep adrenaline on so when you slug to greedily slap the hatch closed before hooking me I jump and run and open the hatch. Be happy you got 3 and they couldn't find the hatch before more got out.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Makes sense. Wait in the lobby for 20 minutes. Play for 8.

  • lilbluesiren
    lilbluesiren Member Posts: 2

    Keys are literally the last "op" thing survs have once insta heals are gone. Keys dont gaurentee an escape. You have to survive the entire match and find the hatch before getting caught. If the hatch is closed you wont be able to hear where it is making it even harder to find.

    Lets complain about stackable moris and pink add ons that effect the entire duration of the match on the entire team of survivors and then I'll feel sorry about key plays.

  • lilbluesiren
    lilbluesiren Member Posts: 2

    I mean is that not a legit excuse?? lol. I get far more moris on my killers than keys on my survivors. And I'm always guaranteed to get a use out of my mori.

  • VincentRedfield
    VincentRedfield Member Posts: 285

    Why all these entitled killer players making threads about how they "deserved" a 4k and the game needs to be changed because they didn't get it?

  • KeBBySemPai
    KeBBySemPai Member Posts: 19

    Keys literally never get used.Im suprised that there is even a complaint ab them. Keys can be useful if the killer doesn't know ab it. The last thing that i would find op in a survivors kit is the key. Insta heals are way more annoying and so are some other perks. Killers also have unfair things like moris. There are counters to most things in dbd. Keys cant really get countered but theyre not op. Moris can be (kind of) countered if u finish the gens and be immersed. So, keys are fine were they are. There is things way more annoying than keys in dbd.Also it's not a bad thing that the last one escaped u shouldve been iridecent on everything either way if u did it right or at least enough to double pip. But anyway, congrats on the 30 min game. Sounds like fun.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    Was talking about this with a friend but they should have dealt with moris, keys, insta heals, and op add ons (pink hatchet and so on) all at once.

  • Schmiddy21
    Schmiddy21 Member Posts: 52

    Honestly just oust moris and make it so the hatch can only be opened with a key. Also hitboxes bro.

  • Nitemare
    Nitemare Member Posts: 3

    8 minute matches? It usually takes 5-10 minutes just to find a match as a survivor. One time I sat there waiting for 45 minutes just to find a killer, for them to back out of the lobby. Said screw this and shut off the game. (I live in a well populated city with decent internet so it wouldnt be my connection)

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Just saying what they said they wanted last time they talked about it. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    edited October 2019

    Try again sweetheart πŸ’€πŸ’œ May want to read again.. *blows kiss*

    I love when people come in and misconstrue an entire topic :). Nowhere did I say I was ENTITLED to a 4K, nowhere did I say anything other than what happened in this match...but oh yes asking for keys to be more easily seen is SUCH an entitled request...or if Keys are to be easily hidden...read where I said I was on a Corn map (psst I stated it clear enough, which makes spotting any key in a hand impossible) to have Hatch Close be jus that....