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What killers are good at rank 1

What are the mid to high tier killers that are good at rank 1 I was lookin for a new main but I want a killer who can perform well at rank 1


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  • Member Posts: 384

    Who was your previous main?

  • Member Posts: 3,535

    The Big 3. Nurse, Spirit, Billy. Why? Cause you can pressure most maps.

    With ALOT OF PRACTICE, you can do it with any Killer, but... yeah it's not gonna be every time or easily.

  • Member Posts: 1,781

    You can play any killer and be fine at rank 1 but some killers are certainly better than others.

    The Original Meta: Nurse, Billy, and Spirit

    Honestly just as viable: Huntress, Hag, and Freddy

    Still Pretty Good: Demogorgan, Michael, Ghostface

    May have a bit harder time but still usable: Everyone else.

    More indepth reviews from my own experiences.

    Nurse: Blinks through crap and when you're good, you win most of them. I'm on ps4 but I've seen good pc nurses and know she's great.

    Spirit: Gets around the map quick and when you're good, it's very easy to down people. Can be hurt with iron will/ Spine chill.

    Billy: Instadown plus great map pressure. Can be looped but a good billy can get them sweet corners.

    Huntress: Has range but is slow. Requires quite a bit of practice and understanding of survivors to become great with her.

    Hag: Great defensive killer when played properly but can be shutdown by flashlights and poor planning. Do not over commit to a chase as she is quite slow.

    Freddy: Map control, spoopyness, fake pallets/slowdown. Personally, I'd say he's becoming more and more meta.

    Demogorgon: Map control and lunge though it requires proper timing and knowledge of loops. He okay.

    Micheal: Instadown but loopable. Has various ways he can be played so he doesn't get quite as repetitive. Spoopy.

    Ghostface: Can be hard to keep track of on loops but his power is normally hit or miss.

    Everybody else has their ups and downs but the people above are normally considered the "better" killers but everybody has their own opinion on who's good and bad.

    I'd say play all of them a little and whoever you end up liking, just stick with them.

  • Member Posts: 1,062

    Any character is good at rank 1.

    The real question is are YOU a good killer at rank 1?

  • Member Posts: 398
    edited October 2019

    All of them, literally all of them. If you are good with that killer then you will still be good with them at rank 1. The only X killer is good in red ranks crowd is full of it.

    I've 4k'd with everyone but Nurse and Spirit at red ranks because I suck with them, ironically half the community will tell you they are the only good killers, lol.

  • Member Posts: 2,768

    Honestly Spirit. She's the only one left after the upcoming nurse massacre on tuesday.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    Nea is pretty good, I used LF.

  • Member Posts: 17

    The legion I know there bad but now I want to do well I have been looking at ghostface

  • Member Posts: 3,535
    edited October 2019

    I red ranks as Legion.

    It's hard, and it's a Killer that might make you feel like that one guy in the anime taking off his weighted clothes while saying "I'm sorry Master, I must go all out this one time." When choosing someone else. Legion's power actively works against them in some cases, leading me to do better WHEN I DONT USE IT MUCH! (*cries in Legion main* please Devs help)

    But... Legion, to me, is the most fun Killer i've ever played even with those issues. I proudly wear the Mask of Legion. Just, when you sign up, remember... This is no place for Cowards.

    That being said, "The GhOwOst Face" is my second favorite Killer, cause of the leaning and stalking mechanics, so not a bad choice at all there.

  • Member Posts: 1,134

    The best survivor group will ALWAYS be better than the best killer player (no matter the killer). It's the basis for the game.

    Just play the killer you think is best. Most of the learning curve is learning maps and typical survivor player actions/behaviors.

    The actually killer mechanics play a role too and I can't know what you consider fun so pick one you like, watch streamers and practice

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    Any killer can be good at rank one, depending on if you’re a good killer or not.

    Though the most reliable killers at rank 1 are nurse (yes, even post nerf nurse), spirit, and billy (if youre good with them)

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