If everyone would just sweat less...
The game would be so much more fun. Stop making everything so damn competitive all the time. No you don't need to use Prayer Beads all the time, no you don't always have to play Spirit/Hillbilly/Nurse, you don't need to Blendette, you don't need to have the instaheals or green toolbox, you don't have to burn the Haddonfield offering to piss off the killer with your balanced landing, you don't have to bring a Mori all the time, you don't have to run top tier perks all the damn time.
The community just needs to ######### chill. That's literally this game's biggest issue. No one seems to play DbD to have fun or only thinks looping the killer for filth or 4king is their only definition of fun.
Just have fun for god's sake. Maybe change your damn builds, maybe play a different killer than usual, maybe just....enjoy yourself instead of stressing over winning every match with a 4k or escaping every match.
Post edited by humanbeing1704 on0 -
It’s hard when events like Double Bloodpoints, Hallowed Blight, Winter Solstice, etc. all reward you for trying your hardest.
Add-ons like keys, Iridescent Heads, Mori’s, and inst-heals all encourage people to try harder and increase toxicity as well.
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The developers absolutely are to blame as @Speshul_Kitten suggests. They have added things that deliberately make people want to be toxic. They keep adding these things.
It's why I have like 50/50 respect for them. They say they want a casual fun DbD experience for everyone, but perks and items and add-ons they continue to add suggest otherwise.
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Everything you do except for custom games are ranked. What do you expect? Until a proper casual mode is added to the game, it's going to attract a very aggressive, competitive and toxic audience with only a handful of people choosing to ignore progression entirely to just have a good time.
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Sometimes being competitive is fun though... so I don't understand.
Also, the problem is you never know who/what you're gonna get until you're in the match... this is on either side. Imagine you go in with the mentality "Oh yeah I'm gonna play chill this round".... and you get a Spirit who just got demolished in her previous game.... and brought Prayer Beads and an Ebony Mori. You'll never know until you're in there.
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I feel like that's why DBD's community is so toxic. Because there is only ranked matches.
And you know how people feel if they lose progression over a game.
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Honestly they should just add a secret MMR so you have no idea because the way I see it rank is just supposed to be a match making tool. If not they should add Quick Play and Comp play.
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Preach the truth, OP! I wholeheartedly agree 110% It seems like everyday, this forum is flooded with at least a dozen posts needlessly complaining about something, the vast majority of which, doesn't even matter in a general play session. I'll never understand why some people take such things so seriously. 🙄
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Lol. People who think their rank matters are the worst. Your rank isn't your skill. Your rank is your time played that season. Nothing more. Nothing less. Sure, if you play the game a lot you're probably going to have a slight edge.
But is there really any skill if your perks gave you information as to where the killer/survivor was, made the chase easier, etc. There is no skill to current DbD. It's all a bunch of meta perks that do the hard work for you.
So as someone said rank is just nothing more than a matchmaking tool. It's a hollow ass number that means nothing and if you're playing to make sure you're the highest...why?
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Unfortunately it's the nature of modern gaming to be overly competitive.
With kids winning millions of dollars playing Fortnite, the incentive couldn't be higher.
I agree though. I would love for people to just to take a step back and play for the fun of it.
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Except you don't win any cash prizes in Dead by Daylight, there is no reward or incentive to rank higher and higher in this game.
If anything, staying in the middle is where you'll find the most fun as a player. And that's where the game feels the most rewarding. You beat the other side with your skil.
I refuse to believe this game is as competitive as some people make it out to be, because a competitive game wouldn't have addons that can completely change the tide of the game on both sides.
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You know... you are right.
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The problem is you can't. If one side is chill, and the other isn't, then you're going to be FORCED to sweat to even have a chance. Then there are the dicks that do dickish things to you in the game. It makes you sweat harder to make sure they don't do that ######### to you again. In game problems that need to be fixed are just dealt with by band-aid fixes in perks. You can't have a casual play session if you can't play at all, for example. The overpowered things in this game are made in such a way that they're only fun for the person using them, and complete ass to face up against.
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I think so too, but i get rekt by a 4man everytime i play Clown with some experimental perk combos.
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Right? It'd be like if Overwatch allowed Tracer to blink like she does, but also her bullets were one shots.
Or if Street Fighter gave Ryu a fireball that instantly burned through an entire healthbar.
Basically DBD is about as competitive as Mario Kart. Some of the add ons and items legit are no better than a blue shell in Mario Kart.
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To be fair there actually is very easy counterplay to the blue shell. Just let someone pass you slightly.
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Every time I try and play something silly or off meta I get those teams you hear about that just crush gens then are complete douchebags in post. Every. Single. Time.
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And that's on them, not you. I for the live of me will never understand either side loving to crush out 5 generators/never interacting with the killer. Getting an easy 4k that doesn't even reward you with lengthy chases.
What's the point of waiting for the lobby if you're actively trying to end it that soon?
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A game with two opposing sides completing opposing objectives with a ranking system isn't meant to be competitive?
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"This game is better when people aren't trying to win" just means the game isn't well designed.
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Most of my solo Survivor games seem to be a bunch of casual or new Survivors against some sweaty Killer afraid he/she isn't going to get the 4K even if they're running OP add ons, no gens are complete, and someone is already dead or disconnected. Prayer Beads just needs to get mori'd out of the game for one.
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No DBD doesn't have cash prizes but if other games are rewarding their players with life-changing amounts of money, some individuals' competitive attitudes can be turned up full volume for all games.
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Fun is subjective, I find winning fun. So I play to win.
And people who say rank doesn’t matter don’t know what they’re talking about, yes survivors can get carried by their SWF to rank 1 but for the most part the skill level is higher. Only time it doesn’t matter is after reset.
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What if looping is fun for me? What if Dead hard, Iron Will and DS are fun perks for me? I like getting chased, dead hard helps that goal against every killer and iron will makes spirit easier to keep going. DS kinda stops tunneling letting me have more fun.
Your definition of fun isn’t the same as everyone else’s because fun is subjective.
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If you're legit having fun playing the same stale stuff over and over and over repeating the same chase countless times, etc, etc. Then good for you?
But anytime I'm in a match where I just see someone playing super paint by numbers. ''QUICK RUN TO THE OVERPOWERED BUILDING LOOP!" or dead harding for distance, or just seeing a killer slugging everyone literally seconds into match. I really don't understand how it could be fun to do this over and over and over and over.
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The chase in never the same, unless I face a trap less Trapper every game which isn’t the case.
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Why would I ignore an “overpowered” loop and run to a suboptimal loop or out into the open so you can land a hit on me?
It’s really condescending to say that because people don’t let you win they’re not having fun lol.
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I’m not letting you get me easily so that you have fun.
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I mean at the current lack of variety in killers for various different reasons? Yeah. You're pretty much having the same chase over and over, give or take depending on the player you are against. At some point it all just boils down to player knowledge and errors and less about the variety in killers...because again....most people are playing a variety of killers these days.
I legit saw Bubba for the first time in a month and a half last night and I legit let out a gay excited gasp of happiness....
He then proceeded to camp (horribly) and then tunneled everyone who got away. It legit was this personified:
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I see a pretty big variety, even the past few months at red ranks.
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And Jesus, it's not about ''let me get the hit." It's about the fact, you willingly know you are playing something that is hellaciously overpowered because you know it's going to make the other player feel some type of way.
No one is taking those strong loops and not thinking ''Haha, got you!" in a little bit of a ######### way. I do it, you do it, we all do it. Doesn't mean it's fun. I don't find it fun to win that chase because of bad game design, and the player you did it to isn't having fun on the receiving end of the bad game design that is some of those loops.
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I wish, I see Spirit, Hillbilly, Freddy, and the odd Ghostface. No one else. I'd probably see Nurse if you know....console didn't make her a complete chore to play.
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Fun is subjective, I don’t only use overpowered and that certainly isn’t my mentality. I’m trying to win, not trying to ruin their fun but I’m also trying to have fun.
It is also impossible to keep the game fun for everyone.
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Billy is pretty rare for me, gf and spirit are the most common but I still see a lot of other killers.
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Yeah, i've never understood it either. Isn't it boring to do that? To never interact with the Killer and just do gens like mad? I get it's a tactic, but so is camping technically. No one likes camping. I Will legit get to the point I open the gate for them if that's all they want.
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This was me the other night playing Huntress. I did everything perfectly hooked them all once and some twice. Never missed a hatchet, but once my Ruin was broken fairly early on after that? It was over by the sheer fact of the map I was placed on and her movement speed. It became ''Quick use the Ironworks Loop at every chance! Let's Balanced Landing everywhere as well!"
It felt absolutely horrible to play to the best of your ability and still get teabagged at the exit gate that you opened for them because at that point it was now 4 adrenalines and no chance.
It wasn't even about the fact I didn't get the kills, but the fact that you can play this game perfectly and still not really say you were rewarded in any sort of way other than toxicity at the exit gate.
Wow you sure showed me you guys. You sure showed me. 🙄
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Just about every killer I go against camps or tunnels(there are a few good games, and even some days where I have a lot of good games, but it's not common and I find camping and tunneling to be in the majority), and it was Leatherface. Did you REALLY expect him not to camp?
As for the strong loops, I dunno about you, but I usually only get 1-2 lives, and the second one is usually shortlived, so yeah, I'm gonna take you to the strong loops if I can. Not to "neh neh neh" at the killer, but because I expect the killer to play like a dick. If I don't take DS, those possibly 2 lives go down even faster.
When I play killer, I don't mind as much, I get more blood points than survivors in an overwhelming majority of my games as killer anyways, especially if I have BBQ, so I don't slug for the 4k, and I'd never take a mori because those are the worst BS in the game. Overall I play fair, but as survivor I will take a lot of the meta perks, mainly because they're the only things in the game to counter bad manner gameplay against killers.
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Just cause someone is Leatherface doesn't mean they camp though. I've went up against plenty of Leathers in the past who were good boys who just tried to the best of their ability without having to resort to bad manners type #########.
So no I don't automatically assume someone is gonna camp depending on the killer they are, because sometimes it'll be like god damn Spirit camping and you're just like ''Really #########? Best killer in the game probably and you gonna sit your Waluigi ass right here in front of my face?"
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No, I assume every killer is going to either camp or tunnel, not Leatherface alone. I have seen some good Leatherfaces, and I see a lot of Spirits that camp and tunnel. At this point it's just what I expect, like expecting Dead Hard when a survivor is injured, or expecting DS. So if there's a powerful loop near me and the killer is chasing me, I'm going to it.
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Yeah, you can’t really blame people for gravitating towards certain perks and playstyles. You do what’s necessary to win or keep your team alive.
BHVR hasn’t exactly done a ton to shake up the meta or promote different playstyles yet.
I find it a little funny that playing strong killers/perks and add ons is considered sweaty when you actually have to sweat a whole lot more when you play off meta.
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Damn survivors should've gotten a victory cube too instead of the emblems for killers.
Theres no game if no one is trying.
Isnt Mario Kart like mario part one of those friendship killing games? Cant really call those casual.
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You play on PC? If you do, I hope to see you in the Fog so you can have a good game without all that crap.
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Have you considered that being "sweaty" is part of the fun for these people you're complaining about? Why should they sacrifice their fun for yours if you don't even recognize their fun in the first place?
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The balance is all over the fricken place. Like you'd think it would be easy. Pie Chart: Killer takes up half, Survivors take up the other half with 1/4 each on that side.
Now, before any Survivors tell me what the Devs said, I know. 2 escapes and 2 kills. How do you make the balance work then? I can tell you what it SHOULDN'T be: everyone with 1/5th of the pie chart. Hell sometimes it feels even weirder than that.
I honestly don't understand HOW they have the game balanced at all. Moris are crazy, Keys are crazy, BL is crazy, DS CAN be crazy with the 60 seconds, Killers tunneling is BM, Camping is BM but you can punish it easier.
Like, If I don't use a Killer that I know like the back of my hand, I might as well just let them do gens sometimes. Clown? Nope, Bully him cause he laughs when he hits you. Legion? (Well surprise I'm good at him so that tends to sneak up on them.) Doc? Just ignore him, gens are real. So on and so on.
I'm not saying that i'm upset that i'm not doing well. Let me make that clear. I can do bad on Spirit cause I don't know her at all. I'm upset cause it seems as soon as they know i don't know how to use the Killer, or the Killer isnt that great it's time to start the bully simulator or let's just pop all the gens cause he can't catch that one guy over there and cuss him out in post and tell him to off himself.
I don't understand toxic people, cause I'm not that way and have never felt the need to be.
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Same reason why we should sacrifice our fun so you can be "sweaty".
I don't personally find it fun to go against the same kind of survivors in all my games. I prefer seeing survivors run unique but useful and worthwhile builds.
It's getting to the point where I see people use the same perks and builds despite not being in an SWF group.
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Or drive off edge right before
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Unfortunately I play on PS4. That's probably WHY the game has a lot of killers like that. PS4 games with online play tend to bring out the worst in people. I have had very few games where a killer doesn't play dirty, and most of the ones where the killer isn't a dick is farming and I don't always want games like that. I prefer games where either side could win and the killer isn't being an ass. The ones that were good though were really good. One guy added me because I was so good to my teammates despite us all dying, that he thought I was in a SWF group, and we played SWF quite a few games. Haven't seen him online in a while sadly so still back to bad games because I'm solo.
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If it's supposed to be a matchmaking tool, it's not doing a very good job. I get consistently matched with SWF groups that are 4-6 ranks higher than me.