Survivor, when will you withdraw from a game? (i.e. disconnect)

Survivor, when will you withdraw from a game? (i.e. disconnect) 25 votes
When I am being farmed by a survivor/killer friend duo, or when I get stuck somewhere.. that's the only reasons why I will disconnect from a game. Either are basically so rare, that it might as well be Never.
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I wouldn't because to me, it's a waste of time. I did all this just to leave? I want the bloodpoints and whatever you get from this.
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I've only dced from being mad a few times. The first was an ebony mori legion and I got farmed with no bt while the killer was chasing the person. I dced just so the legion didn't have to waste time on the animation and would go after the other survivor. I wouldn't dc in that situation nowadays but back then I'd get so annoyed when my teammates were trash like that.
I've also dced a few times against killers wanting a 4k to give randoms hatch. I don't do it a lot and know it's considered scummy but I'll take the loss of all my points to let someone else get out. I haven't done that since before the hatch change though if memory serves.
As far as recent dc's go; nothing major unless I'm memeing around. Had a Billy game where someone got downed quick and they dced. The Billy then got someone else hiding nearby and hooked them next to the corpse so me and my friend came out and started t-bagging the corpse in front of Billy and the hooked person, he chainsawed us and we dced on her body. Messaged him after and he thought it was hilarious.
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Connection Lag
There was no lagswitch option, this is the closest one
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Connection Lag
I'll leave when I'm teleporting everywhere because the killer's net went from the greens in lobby to the thousands in game. Those games are just not fun.
I may dc if I'm having game after game in which the killer camps / tunnels me and it gets to a point I'm simply not having fun and turn the game off. Those times are rare though, I think I've only done that twice in the 1 + 3/4th years I've been playing.
Oh and I'll admit, I have dc'd from games when the killer slugged me to give my SWF friends the hatch. Sorry not sorry.
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Killer anti against you
Depends on the situation. However if I don't like a movie, I get up and leave.
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Connection Lag
I’m not about to go up against a killer with 600 ping uh uh honey
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Pretty much only if I have no other choice, such as when the game is being held hostage by the killer (and by that I mean really held hostage, like bodyblocked into a corner hostage). Even then, I try to wait them out first, because usually they get bored before I do. Then I report them.
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As someone who plays both sides, I know how DCs ruin the game for everyone. Even against the most toxic huntress, I wouldn't give up.
Also I want my points.