I'm being targeted by some killers

MissGamer456 Member Posts: 154
edited October 2019 in General Discussions

So I play on console (PS4) and I've been getting the same killers multiple times (Not one, but several different killers) It's come to a point where I am get target specifically by these killers and they are bring Ivory Moris for me. They will facecamp me then when or If I get off I immediately get mori or mori spammed the entire game. :/

I don't know how to combat this and I don't wanna leave me just to give them satisfaction lol and making think I'm mad because I'm not I think it's funny and pathetic that you are still salty from our previous matches. I've never teabag these killers or be "toxic" (not a real thing) I'm just simply playing the game. I even had a killer get upset because I'm not a potato survivor :/

Post edited by MissGamer456 on


  • TwistrBlitz
    TwistrBlitz Member Posts: 91

    You could try blocking them on PSN if you haven’t already. Better than nothing.

    Other than that play SWF with people who can take hits for you.

  • TwistrBlitz
    TwistrBlitz Member Posts: 91

    My PSN’s TwistrBlitz if you need a good teammate.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Ah, hate to hear it. Hope something can be done for ya

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    You can add me too if you’d like, I bring bt when I play with friends for this reason. Psn: TheHeroLives

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    If they target you and you get mori-spammed, record those matches and report them.

    If the killers play normal and "just mori" you, play SWF like the others suggested.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    I play on ps4 as well and on the saturday just gone 99% of the games i played throughout the day had killer tunnel me specifically. It wasn't even like they were getting easy downs either with a couple of them doing some really Hardcore tunnelling.

  • GraveHunter
    GraveHunter Member Posts: 328
    edited October 2019

    Probably did something in your playstyle to trigger them to behave that way. I only come a tunnelbaby across like maybe 1 out of 10 matches on PS4.

    Maybe you´re on some sort of blacklist for those killers because you did something in the past.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    That's what I was thinking too. Some people do just randomly decide to hate someone without reason but I wouldn't think it to be common.

  • MissGamer456
    MissGamer456 Member Posts: 154

    I do block them, but doesn't help.

    Not joking I blocked a guy on PS4 from Fortnite save the world. I tested him with somewhat decent stuff to see if he would a take my items and leave match (basically scamming) and he failed the test and he left match with my stuff. I messaged him that he failed my test and that stuff was bait. I show him my inventory of the good things I had and he was really mad and apologizing which wasn't my fault that you aren't trustworthy and I blocked him. A month later surprisingly I got him as killer twice the same day he was a spirit and tunneled and mori me. LOL

    I have a SWF squad, but I tell them to gens while I'm being facecamped or tunneled. I'll occasionally bring insta- heals and they will bring insta-heal for me. I'm like killers soul target. I'll even get tunneled or camped for simply flashlight saving my friend, 360ing or just having a key meanwhile my friend can teabag them and they don't care sometimes.

    I do check the killer everytime there's a mori, but the majority of them appear offline and I don't find out until I'm dead.

    5 days ago I got one of my random teammates as killer 2 games later and they brought a mori just for me. They waited until I went into second phase then they left the hook and when I got pulled off they were coming straight for me so I told my friend I'm leaving and we left the match. I didn't know that it was them until I left match. When I played with them as survivor we escaped that match together it's not like i did anything to make them upset in fact I barely saw them throughout the match because I was being chased by the killer majority of the game. I messaged them that's not cool man and they respond back with "I know you're just gonna loop me toxic survivor." They were playing bubba too and I kept dodging his chainsaw. I can't help that I'm not a bad survivor, but specifically targeting me every game is boring and annoying.

  • MissGamer456
    MissGamer456 Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2019

    Everytime I message the killer after the game they are always say I'm being "TOXIC" or I'm "Bullying them". I'm like How? Please explain.

  • Blackowt_9120
    Blackowt_9120 Member Posts: 300

    Is missgamer your psn name? I don’t think I’ve run into you yet. Fair warning, if you click me or bring object of obsession chivalry dies

  • MissGamer456
    MissGamer456 Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2019
    Post edited by MissGamer456 on
  • MissGamer456
    MissGamer456 Member Posts: 154

    One of my friends is a killer main and he actually keeps a list survivors names in a book. survivors that he hates/dislike. He'll remember their names and profile too and will specifically go after that person if he gets them in game again.

  • GhostofYharnam
    GhostofYharnam Member Posts: 597

    The sad truth is there isn't really anything you can do. They are just being petty if they dont like you cause youre a girl or if you made them mad in the past for something like the fortnite test you mentioned. Im sorry you're experiencing this.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    I don't get the whole keep a list although i keep reporting the same people for DCing. No list i've just done it enough times to remember

  • Stevo
    Stevo Member Posts: 121

    I’ve had this happen to me once in the time I’ve played DBD... it sucks when it happens, but like you say, it’s better for you to laugh it off than to get annoyed over it yourself.

    It was a Wraith who got no kills, I had No Mither, Self Care, OoO and old Left Behind, solo survivor at the time. I think I teabagged to get him to chase me earlier in the game, think I was deranking possibly, though they didn’t seem interested in chasing me so I just did gens instead. 3 people out, me and the wraith standing at the hatch, I mindgame him at the shack and escape through the door instead. Next encounter with me using the same build he facecamped, spammed hits while I was on the hook and tunneled like there was no tomorrow. Plus a flurry of messages afterwards. Only one other person died that game, to NOED no less. Fun times.

    TL;DR - Not much you can do aside from hope that your team try to help in some way or another to keep you alive. Laugh it off as you successfully getting to them.

  • JiggleWiggle
    JiggleWiggle Member Posts: 329

    @MissGamer456 very sorry to hear that youre getting tunneld :( what survivor do you main? Which rank are you in? Are you clicking your flashlight at the killer to get his attention? Are you like very very good at loops and make the killer waste a lot of time by chasing you? Are you flashlight saving or pallet saving? Are you overall a good survivor?

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Try to make them loose their matches with the chases after you. They'll maybe stop.

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    Tbh it sounds like you are talking trash on psn or something.

    It seems a little odd that someone totally innocent is being targeted by multiple people.

    The amount of trash talk survivors Pm killers right now is ridiculous. I have played since day 1 and it is worse then ever.

    And yes if you send me private message babyraging I would camp and tunnel you too until I forgot about it in a couple days.

    But it's the internet where everyone plays the innocent victim.

  • JiggleWiggle
    JiggleWiggle Member Posts: 329

    @MissGamer456 oh my.. haven't you heard that stuff like that is toxic, i mean MEG in RED RANKS being good at the game!!! Killers hate stuff like that almost as much as doing gens :(

    Im really sorry for you. Want me to put some pressure away from you? My psn is i_want_the_mori (maybe that'll help)

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    Sadly, DBD currently makes it pretty easy for killers to harass/stream snipe survivors. Also if you aren't playing claudette or using insta-heals. I don't know what else that isn't said already that killers target. (aside from having ttv in your name etc).

    I'd only suggest make them waste even more time, try to get even better with practice. Maybe end up doing 5 gen run of chases. They may end up with a 1k, but they wasted their entire time targeting you, and probably waste their mori if you end up dying on hook facecamped. Although, odds would be your teammates would at least try to save you. (can end up with a 4k lol, depends if you think the team has a chance to save you or just suicide on hook so they run out the gate. would be so great if everyone got out.)

    You could try changing your name and hiding your profile etc. I don't know, how consoles work tho, I'll be honest. It's sad DBD can't just block names til the end. They hate survivors dodging and claim it will be the death of their game, but they allow killers to do it. Makes no sense to me.

    And yea, I'd report them. Intentional griefing/harassment is just crap. If you can somehow record for evidence, that'd be even better and more instant of a ban. (I would hope at least...)

    Anyways, try to make em regret what they are doing, I guess, or be "even more annoying" to them.. Frankly, if it's apart of the gameplay it shouldn't be considered "toxic". Maybe they will be the ones to dodge you in the future. Good luck to you.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    I’m sorry, but you must be playing toxic because most killers don’t usually have a specific target in mind unless they did something particularly egregious.

    I will make it my mission to hunt you down if you, for instance, try to get someone else killed.

    I am a girl with “girl” in my username, and I am sure I get targeted because of it - but it’s not that common enough that I notice a continuous trend. And I know there are toxic killers out there, but again, not common enough especially those with a particular hitlist.

    Call me Cole Phelps because I’m pressing x to “doubt” you’re giving the full picture.

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    I find this really hard to believe... I play killer on PS4, and I don't think I've ever noticed the same name twice in my games. What perks, character, and equipment are you bringing?

    Also your fortnite test (which I don't play, so I don't fully understand it) sounds a bit BS...

    I'm willing to bet, you're playing toxic and don't even really realize it.

  • MissGamer456
    MissGamer456 Member Posts: 154

    I really do get the same killers sometimes I even get my friends as killers by accident. I literally just got my favorite killer bae just last match He's a Legion Main and this is the 3 time I've gotten him within this pass week.

    also people really do get upset over the Fortnite save the world since you are not familiar with it there are tons of videos on youtube Scammer get Scam to get what I mean

  • ZahmZaddy
    ZahmZaddy Member Posts: 54

    I know what you mean, I play on ps4 and can get the same killer & one or two of the same survivors as well! Its crazy!

    & yes the same killer will usually either tunnel or bring a mori. :D

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I know it's hard for some people to believe, but killer's are people too. If they feel they've been wronged in some way, they will react accordingly - even if you aren't exactly self-aware enough to realize you did something to incur their wrath.

    Personally, I find it too much trouble to bother with it myself. If I held a grudge against every little twirp who played in a manner who annoyed me, my book of grudges would span a dozen volumes. That's just too much effort man....

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    They can look at your profile and any information that you do not have private or limited to friends only.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    isn't this reportable?

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I know it is when it's across multiple platforms such as harassing in twitch in addition to game.

    But as for moring over and over - that's a bit of a grey area. I can point you to TheEntityLeftHand who keeps a list of players who are mori on sight and he will tunnel the crap out of them. Only thing devs have ever asked him to change in regards to his stream was to keep the BlackList private to prevent witch hunts. Other than that, he's been left more or less alone and he's gotten a couple of minor trapper cosmetics that are nods to his existance.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    You're obviously doing something to attract the attention, I play killer on PS4 and I don't take note of anyone's names, if you've got killers committing your name to memory so they can tunnel you you've most certainly got it coming. Stop acting like an ass in games.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    He knows it and is just playing the victim, OP is BS

  • bomb1720
    bomb1720 Member Posts: 428

    how do you check who the killer is before the game ends?

  • MissGamer456
    MissGamer456 Member Posts: 154

    I'm sorry for not being a potato. Oh, I'm sorry I'm not allow to save my teammate, I'm sorry I'm not allow to bring items, I'm sorry I'm not allow to DS or Adrenaline because you're tunneling me. I'm sorry I'm not allow to bring sabo boxes, insta-heals, god forbid anything to help save my life even though my objective as a survivor is to survive.

    I'm simply just playing the game as a survivor and some of these killers think i'm just suppose to cater them and let you hook/ kill me without any work or effort.

    I can be an ass, but do I do it ? No its not fun and killers have feelings too, but I can sure as hell trash talk if you are being a jerk.

  • MissGamer456
    MissGamer456 Member Posts: 154

    I'm not bother by being constantly targeted by these killers why because they are Petty and Butthurt.

  • MissGamer456
    MissGamer456 Member Posts: 154

    I can be a 1000% be a-hole,in fact I am an a-hole person a heart, but you really have to annoy TF out me.

    I respect killers that play fair, meme around, and are good, If you are doing a slug build or insidious build that fine I respect it and I even don't teabag killer. You literally have to piss me off for me to teabag you which rarely happens. I dislike killers that come at me and being like "lmao ez gg you're salty you're mad" know that they just tunneled me. Like don't expect me to not come back at you like a snake. I do bit. Then they get all butthurt when I'm laughing at them and calling them out on their BS.

  • MissGamer456
    MissGamer456 Member Posts: 154

    Oh I'm sorry, am I not allow to text an issues and/or opinion? I guess I just suppose to keep thoughts to myself even though others may have experienced the same stuff. This is a general discussion somehow interestingly enough to caught your eye.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Once i mori'd someone because they were toxic in the previous game and I recognized him/her. That was about it.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Oh, I'm so sorry, am I not allowed to remark on what I see here?

    If you can't handle a difference of opinion, you might want to reconsider expressing yours in a public forum.

  • Kasaki
    Kasaki Member Posts: 155

    Killers on PS4 get mad and start sending salty messages just for escaping, I had one the other day tell me he would bring a Mori every time he saw me because I apparently "had to be" a exploiter to run him for 4 gens without getting hit, I wasn't toxic in any way shape or form , the dude literally just couldn't catch me and got pissed and started telling me I'm exploiting , the only exhaustion perk I was running was adrenaline and I had no insta heals or anything to sway the Chase more in my favor

  • Kasaki
    Kasaki Member Posts: 155

    Not true , maybe you aren't a baby who gets salty over a fair and square loss but alot of these guys do get mad just for losing and then want to message you some BS

  • symptom101
    symptom101 Member Posts: 81

    You can get them banned by recording them targetting you multiple times. I’ve banned a couple people that just facecamped me cuz they couldnt down me easily, and every new game they would leave eveything just to chase me.

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    Just check who your currently playing with from the quick menu when you enter the killer's lobby. If you see the killer you don't want to play with or if they're appearing offline, just leave their lobby and wait in the queue again.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited October 2019

    No one is going to be banned for targeting a survivor and mori'ing them. It's never happened in DbDs existence and it isn't ever going to. I don't care what the rules concerning griefing state. It's all fluff designed to steer people into playing nice.

    The reality is that if the survivor is known to be a gamechanger, a great survivor, it is solid strategy to get that person out of the game. No one is going to be banned for doing so.

    Now perhaps if in chat afterwards they made it clear they did it because they don't like the person things might be different. Maybe. Even then I still doubt it.

  • agutty1
    agutty1 Member Posts: 36

    I agree with you. There are toxic killers who get butthurt over a lose. I played a game against a billy before where the game started and about 15 seconds in, someone goes down and then DC’s. He then starts chasing me. Now I didn’t have an item on or did I teabag once the whole chase. He tried so hard to just chainsaw me since he had insta saw. Ran him 5 gens. Had he just swung he probably would have downed me faster. He proceeds to hook me and then facecamp by hitting me over and over again. Then just holds the chainsaw and the other 2 randoms escape. It’s okay no problem I’ll move on to the next game. I had fun with the chase I could care less if I die since I did my job. Next game noticed the killer brought a mori. I was playing against spirit and when they downed me. They just kept shaking their head and swinging at me. He hooks me, teammate unhooks me, comes back to me and downs me after a bit and proceeds to mori spam me. I’m just like okay why is this guy being toxic. I die and notice it’s the same Killeen from last game. This killer was just butthurt and did his best to hunt someone down just because they got outplayed the game before and decided to chase 1 guy the whole game. So yes killers can just hunt down people they don’t like just cause they got outplayed and took that as toxicity.

  • TwistrBlitz
    TwistrBlitz Member Posts: 91

    Can’t say I’m surprised the Fortnite player would mori spam.

This discussion has been closed.