Is refusing to play a thing now?

4-SWF scattered to the corners and hid, no gens done, died on first hook, last one hatches out.
Haven't seen that before some kind of depipping scheme that allows for slight BP gain?
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My guess..De-pipping so that they don't have to have their friend have such high rank killers..How do you know they were SWF?
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But then surely they would’ve let the r17 or 16 escape, instead of the r6?
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The rank 6 didn't even do enough to safety. So they de-pipped anyways. It was probably a oh its right here might as well take it.
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SWF because they're all friends on Steam, and they all did exactly the same thing.
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Either depipping on porpuse or they played some kind of meme game they played for some reason.
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could be a meme thing.
I meme when i wanna depip.
I try to still do enough for my team but yeah
I run No mither, Self care, adrenaline, and the rock perk. Gets me tunneled alot tho :')
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On the positive side, Ruin stayed up all match!
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No OoO? This is clearly an OP build.
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I called this 2 weeks ago. People are depipping to get ready for the release of the battlepass to make their quests easier.
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That’s true that it was probably just there. Weird way to de-pip either way - usually when you get survivors like that they make you aware of their presence 😂
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Were they Blendettes? There is thing some people do where they try to hide for as long as possible and the last one standing wins.
P.S. to all the killers who want stealth buffed and looping nerfed, you better think twice about it. It this the type of matches you want?
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I mean, I just want the safe as hades pallets/loops looked at and map design as a whole reworked to help everyone.
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Depipping so they can start bullying some weaker killers during the Halloween event...
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Guys seriously can you not remember your rank 20 days in swf when you feel like you have constant heartbeat and you just hide and be immersed?
I've played with yellow ranks due to horrible matchmaking and i asked one of two guys who havent moved while i died on first hook (the killer not near me) what he was doing. His reply was he hid because he had heartbeat..and suddenly i wasnt angry anymore because thats apparently what lower ranks do
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Must be a new meme thing.
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Well it looks like an SWF group because of the weird ranking disparity (though to be honset I've been in similar matches where I'm the purple or red rank and I get pared up with gray ranks, and I don't SWF).
It's possible they were de-pipping but wanted to at least try to play the game in a different way while ensuring the de-pip.
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I recently got some friends into this game because of the game pass.
They play with me (I am rank 2-4 pc survivor with 800+ hours,rank 8 xbox survivor) and they are about rank 16 after 2 weeks on xbox.
They constantly hide because they are terrified of killers, especially stealth killers like ghostface.
Even though I do a good job explaining perks and playstyles they can not loop well and they don't understand when to save, when to gens, and when to get the killers attention.... which leads to some ######### are you thinking/doing moments.
My point is, people that are new are going to do some weird things and they wont make sense to a familiar gamer. Trying to make sense of every game is pointless.
My advice.. when you are killer in a game with survivors who absolutely suck at dbd... just try to get them to move and do some loops. Try to get them to participate in gameplay without downing them in 10 seconds.
They will appreciate it and they may want to continue playing.
Side note, after playing with a lot of low rank players on xbox I was ASTOUNDED at how many killers just camp hooks and tunnel the injured survivor to death. I am not sure if the killers don't know better or if they are just lazy but it creates an environment where survivors don't want to participate in chases or saves because it ultimately leads straight to their death AND makes it much harder to rank up.... Not sure what the fix is here but it really is quite sad.
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i second that, think back to when you started. I used to think camping on Wrath was sooo OP, or at least a solid strategy.
I wouldn’t work gens or unhook people if I could even beer a glimmer of heartbeat
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Look at their perks, they're not new players.
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I actually didn’t play swf till I could consistently be a red rank survivor.
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My friends and I who are all around ranks 10-13 current were in a 3 man SWF and got a random rank 17 on our team so sometimes matchmaking just sucks? Might not be a SWF
There's communication possible in the pre-game lobby and sometimes people are bored and just want to mess around.
I was in a match where we went to the basement with head on and just kind of rotated lockers periodically (only for about 5 minutes) until the killer found us. He ended up letting us live and memeing with us