is this a thing? hell no....

i run Lightborn. it only comes in handy occasionally but when it does, its AWESOME.... just a while ago, i had a SWF 4 man. they all did the quick switch at the last minute and i laughed like hell. to make it even better, i was playing billy and the map gods gave me Rotten Fields.... they were quite organized but i was landing really good chainsaw snipes. atleast 1 or 2 of these flashlight carriers were in the general location of each pickup. yet each time i went for the grab, nobody showed up to try to blind me.... even when i was breaking pallets or climbing through windows.... not even once.... can survivors tell if a killer has Lightborn without trying to blind him? this can't be a real thing.... if it is, THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED ASAP.... ******* BULLSHIT.....


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Well its pretty easy to tell if a killer uses lightborn if you are an experienced survivor. As experienced survivor you hit your flashlight blinds and if you suddenly dont hit them anymore, then its most likely lightborn, you simply tell that your SWF mates and genrush to get the crap outta there such that you dont lose your lightsabres.

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    @Master said:
    Well its pretty easy to tell if a killer uses lightborn if you are an experienced survivor. As experienced survivor you hit your flashlight blinds and if you suddenly dont hit them anymore, then its most likely lightborn, you simply tell that your SWF mates and genrush to get the crap outta there such that you dont lose your lightsabres.

    thats the problem. they never even TRIED.... none of em. they were in decent positions also. i picked one up and i heard another working on a gen. not so much as a 'clicky-click'.... for a whole team to quick switch and not use em, i was suspicious.... i wanted to ask em but they all had msgs disabled. i'm guessing habitually toxic....

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Mhm thats only a guess, but I know as fact that in loading screen theres given away information about the upcoming match. Thats how survivors can know which killer you play before they are even in the game.

    Maybe the loading screen tipps showed sth about lightborn because you used it? I really dont know, just guessing^^

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624


    yeah. maybe you're right.... seems odd as a ducks balls they didn't even attempt though. i tried to bait em as well.... half ass 'looking at walls', pretending to be paranoid and looking around real quick.... no dice....

  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    @Master said:
    Mhm thats only a guess, but I know as fact that in loading screen theres given away information about the upcoming match. Thats how survivors can know which killer you play before they are even in the game.

    Maybe the loading screen tipps showed sth about lightborn because you used it? I really dont know, just guessing^^

    I could be wrong but i think the killer being shown to survs is only for new people who have not faced that particular killer before and even then they only get the message a certain amount of times. It was not intended to be a permanent reminder of who they face.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    just be happpy you didnt get blinded once?
    in the end they took items with them, which are completely useless to them, since they had no chance to use them. Toolboxes, etc. would have been way more of a threat.