What do the jail bars mean on someones profile picture?
They’ve been a bad boy/girl
Basically you’re restricted on how often you can post, cannot create discussions and your next warning will be a one month/permanent ban.
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@GrootDude I want to be in the jail!!🎃
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It means they are a nice person.
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Being jailed is the epitome of torture. I'd rather be punished via a 1 month ban. For one week you have to suffer through a lock on how much you can comment. It doesn't seem that bad but when trying to have a discussion this becomes pain incarnate. You can't create threads. And the cells don't even have toilets! It's horrid! This is why you should try to avoid being labeled a despicable criminal.
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You rather be banned you say?
Watch out because I can hear a mod grabbing their ban hammer XD
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No! Not the hammer of holy justice again! But still... being erased from existence on the forums is better than being jailed change my mind.
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See it like it:
Imagine you love chocolate. You did something bad, and your only supplier of chocolate no longer gives you any chocolate for a given timeperiod.
Or they can choose to severely limit your daily dose of chocolate. Making it impossible for you to forget about it, and find replacements for chocolate, because you are still fed some of.
Depending on the magnitude of restriction, it can be actually worse than being stripped of it entirely, because you technically still have access to it, just not in the amount you desire to have.
Everyone who was addicted to something, be it a game, a drug, or people, and has thier access to it restricted will be able to relate to that.
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The way I see it the jail makes the forums an annoyance while with a ban I can just forget about the forums for the entirety of it and return like nothing happened.
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I agree wholeheartedly. ALso, if someone is banned for trollish , toxic nonsense and they receive a warning and get their chat time limited..what's stopping them from continuing their trollish behavior during this time frame. If I robbed a bank, and as punishment you told me I had to go to Jail for 1 hour a day, and the rest of the day be on my best behavior or next time I would have to go to Jail 2 hours a day..
well, that is just prone to a lot of flaws.