Suggestion to Devs from a Brazilian Nintendo Switch fan

MichelBorba Member Posts: 3
edited October 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello there! I sent an email asking to Devs put the game on our Brazilian Nintendo eshop/market. So, I was suggested to post here. Here comes my requestion:

I'm a brazilian fan of the game and I have a Nintendo Switch as my main console. I'm sending this e-mail to ask you to put the game on brazilian nintendo market/eshop, cause we don't have it to pay and dowload. Our current coin is brazilian real, wich 1 dollar costs 4 brazilian reais. It's too expensive to buy from another regions. Meanwhile, Xbox and PS4 players have the game for free when they sign online plans.

So please, I beg you, can you put the game on our store? I'm a huge fan and need to play it on my Nintendo Switch.

What do you guys think??
