What do the different colored bars mean?

When, repairing, healing, unhooking, etc., you see a bar that’s usually white but sometimes it’s yellow or red. Can someone tell me what they are because at first I thought it was speed but when me and a friend got on a generator together it was white and then yellow when he switched from his toolbox (that he was using before) to normal repairing and it went to red. Can someone tell me what the different colors mean?
Best Answers
Yellow is faster. Red is slower. White is base. If working on a generator together it should be red unless one of you has Pove Thyself. The killer could also be running perks to effect your repair speed.
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White is normal speed, yellow means faster than normal (toolbox use or prove thyself ...etc), red is when multiple people are on a gen it makes the repair slower than if they each were on a seperate gen.
let's say a gen takes 80 sec to repair by one survivor, if two people are on it, what is logical is to be half the time (40sec) but in reality it is more than that, so you get a small penalty for being multiple people on the same gen, hence the red color.
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Each color represents the charge speed of the person doing the interaction.
White - normal speed
Red - slower than normal
Yellow - faster than normal
The only case where red is faster is when multiple survivors are repairing the same generator. Each survivor has a penalty to repair speed hence the red bar but the total progress is cummulated giving the impression of faster progress with a red bar, but again the red bar is for the person doing the interaction not for the group itself.
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Basically, the colours refer to your personal repair speed, rather than the speed at which the generator itself is being repaired. If you are repairing at normal speed (on your own, with no perks or items affecting progress) the bar will be white. If you are repairing faster than usual (because you are using a toolbox, or because you are being affected by a performance-boosting perk such as Spine Chill, Prove Thyself, or Resilience, for example) the bar will be yellow. If you are repairing slower than usual (because of perks like Dying Light or Thanatophobia, or because you are repairing with another survivor) the bar will be red.
The reason that the bar is red when repairing cooperatively in spite of the fact that the generator progress is faster overall is because each survivor receives a penalty to repair speed of 10% when working with others. This means that although the generator is being repaired at a faster speed than it would be if you were working on it alone, it is not being repaired as efficiently. You personally are only working at 90/80/70% efficiency (depending on how many others are working with you) hence the red bar.
i'm very sure usually if more than one survivor is on a gen, then bar would go up faster, the only time it goes red is when killer has got a perk to slow it down when there is more than one, or killer has a perk for a gen to be highlighted when more than one is working on it. not all killers use these perks.