having fun with survs as killer

so I'm a killer main that's been to rank 1 and back again. not a fan of red ranks anymore. I'm tired of being sweaty, and now I enjoy trying just hard enough to challenge the survivors I'm playing against...
but could I get in trouble if I like... let people go on purpose?
for example, I was in a game with a group of 2 and 2 solo players. one of the swf got downed hella fast, so they both DCd within the first 2 mins... so I let the other 2 just kinda mess around and get some points. like I downed both of them, hooked one, then brought the downed one to his hooked teammate so he could unhook and do the gens. i felt bad for them. is that a no no?
well i wasn't sure cause like... i've always been hella sweaty lol
but i know in other games it could be a punishable offense to let the other team farm points and win off you.
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Unless ofc you depip on purpouse or farm while someone doesnt want to
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right? see thats what makes me wonder lol
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It's not bannable. They have the ability to finish all gens and leave asap. Next killer will probably actually play.
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It's fine. No rulebook, wether for killers or survivors.
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I spare people all the time. Typically I find most matches too easy/in my favor as Killer and would rather play cool with people over being some sweaty Killer that HAS TO GET THAT 4K no matter the outplay. Meg seems newer and is on her death hook with only 1 gen done. Girl is getting slugged to try some more at least for a few more gens. Jake has been a bro to his team and was fun to chase and fight, he'll get spared. Etc.
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Farming is not bannable, even if one survivor does not want to. It doesn't matter.
The only thing that would be bannable is, if you keep downing one survivor and leave him on the ground while you farm with the other one, so that the one on the ground has no chance in getting points.
Beeing nice and having fun is totally ok and not bannable, as long as you involve all temaining survivors and not target one survivor to prevent that he's getting any points.
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Keeping that one survivor tho is kinda sucky
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You mean if there is one that don't want to farm?
I honestly never experienced that in the three years I played this game now, especially not after 2 people dc. But if there would be one that does not want to farm, he could simply rush the gens, open the exit and leave.
It would kinda suck for the others if they want to get more points, but nobody is forced to stay. These is no game hostage hold, he could just go. Or even dc, since there's no dc punishment yet.
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i play killer occasionally, when this happens to me i like to farm, i don't see anything wrong with it. what annoys me is when i make it obvious i'm a friendly they don't realise until forever and sometimes i like to gain points too. what happened to me yesterday at the beginning of game my r2 button stopped working so i couldn't swipe anybody...and they still didn't realise until the end...no hooks or anything!😄😣
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I meme all the time when I play killer. I believe that as long as you aren't griefing or afking anything pretty much goes. Play how you want, and make your own fun.
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That's fine. As killer I let go people all the time. I have never gotten into any trouble. It's actually funny oftentimes I go into a game with the intention of letting all four of them go (I'm usually just doing a killer daily) and they still end up dying due to a series of mishaps on the survivor part (like a DC, or someone didn't bother rescuing them on hook).
And trust me as a Survivor, when a killer lets me go the last thing on my mind is to report him for griefing. And as survivors who died while others were given hatch or something I have never reported the killer for "playing favorites" or anything of the sort.