3.3.0 update or double bp later this week or we riot

xChrisx Member Posts: 917
edited October 2019 in General Discussions

Dear devs

The dissappointment from at least 3/4 of the community is insane

Unexpected issues are unpredictable and this is fine, but we can not wait another week, halloween period is now, not only the 29 30 and 31

There are 2 choices very smart to do so.

1) working hard and release the patch/event later this week

2) release a double bloodpoints event and meanwhile working on the update.



  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    I prefer option 1, option 2 will make me not wanna play this game even more

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Bugs or not we have tons of them. Like that would matter remember a joke name is "Bugged by Daylight"

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    If it's not ready, It's not ready. It's disappointing for sure but they don't Have to do anything.

    That said, they probably should have had something planned too lessen the upset the delay would cause. They could easily do a Double BP event, I'm not sure why they didn't It seems like the obvious choice.

  • Jonathanskilz
    Jonathanskilz Member Posts: 403

    dont care about double blodpoints.

    Just give me the cosmetic event aight :)

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Double bp would hype it up aswell so I'm all for that

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    that sounds like extra work, they would never do that lol.

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    I don't mind waiting for the event (these things happen) but my planned killer outfit this year includes the ornate trapper mask.

    Will be (rightfully) furious if unable to wear it...

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    This. Do you remember how the sound was? That was the single worst sound i've heard in a game, and there is no way i'd be able to play it if it stayed like that.

  • Kennishi
    Kennishi Member Posts: 20

    Feeling entitled? To a certain extent. I was also dissapointed that there is a delay with the release, as I was kind of hyped up about this event. Anyhow, I'll point out that I am fairly new to the game and especially these forums but I see a lot of back and forth communication from people in the dev team/community managers which is a good thing. Whether they do or not whatever people suggest, is up to them and what they think is best for their game. Sometimes they may be in the wrong, but guess what? Everyone screws up at some point. Isn't that the case with most, if not all games?

    I believe that those of you who love the game and enjoy playing it (whenever it doesn't get you tilted lol) will understand that it's way better providing constructive criticism instead of screeching "omg gimme my compensation, this is unacceptable, you've failed us" yada yada.

    The bottom line is, hold them accountable if you have to, just don't be a **** about it.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    Good boy, don't riot because the game is full of #########, completely unbalanced and every patch somehow accomplishes to break the game even further. Cry because the event is delayed.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    You have 2 choices 1. Gimme 1 billion auric cells and immunity from taking damage forever in dbd or 2. Me uninstall.

    On a serious note, mistakes happen randomly in everything in life. Let's be reasonable and not throw a tantrum before they can actually address the issue. Let them fix it instead of demanding answers and demanding double Bloodpoints.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    It's been less than a day since they announced the halloween update was gonna be delayed and you're all here with your pitchforks making demands. Just give them some time instead of being ungrateful. Maybe next time they shouldn't do a halloween update and see how you like it then.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Dude get over yourself. Delays happen. They don't owe you a damn thing.

  • itsmetimohthy
    itsmetimohthy Member Posts: 43

    Yeah I’m not rioting. Stop feeling entitled. They are doing their best to get the next update to us. Just be patient.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    After not having a bbq event, waiting a bit for a full halloween event is fine. They could just nix it altogether and say "heres your patch, ungrateful shits".

    They don't have a deadline or contract WITH US to deliver. The fact they tell us about things ahead of time is a COURTESY. Yet people take it and make it the hard coded timeline.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    You know guys, threads like these almost make me sad BHVR interactive's stock is in a private market, it would be funny as heck to watch this community's bickering make the ticker do the worm daily.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Family getting gifts on birthdays and christmas is a surprise?

    I'd say it's rather expected...

  • mutabletiger4
    mutabletiger4 Member Posts: 185

    I'd rather wait a bit for something that works. Nothing is set in stone. Double BP's would be nice, but Behaviour has no obligation to give us that

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Look at it this way folks, either way BHVR was gonna be in trouble with the issues. So they had 2 options:

    Release a broken event and just let the community suffer through it and rage on the forums


    Delay the event to ensure customer satisfaction knowing the delaying the event would case rage on the forums.

    Either way, BHVR was getting burned and guess what? They chose the route that hurts us the least. I understand that a number of people called out of work or took time off for this and I get that you're frustrated. But, be happy that you're being frustrated that the event is going to be fashionably late and not broken and here.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    You know they don't have to do anything they could cancel the event and call it a day

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    In what way have I attacked people? I have used arguments to explain why we should be grateful for these events, why we are never entitled to them and why some demanding something for free is disrespectful in nature.

    This whole discussion shows todays society at it's worst. When something is given for free and some personally start to expect more it shows the value of a simple act of generosity is being lost.

    The value of something for free is never about what you get out of it or wish it to be but that you have been giving the opportunity to get it at all.

  • Phox
    Phox Member Posts: 206

    Most of the upset comes from poor communication, and people are aloud to be frustrated by that. A lot of folks were already bummed to find out the event would be so late in the month, and to find out the day before that the event is not happening feels like a smack in the face to the people who planned time out of their work/school week to play the event.

    This isn’t just people being impatient, I’m willing to wait as are many others. More than 24 hours notice would have caused less of a stir. As would a new release date.

    Im gonna cut them some slack here because I know these are some of the most transparent devs out there usually, they normally are pretty good at letting us know what’s going on. This was an oopsie, I will forgive it. Hopefully they don’t leave us in the dark for a week, it’ll just cause more upset if they do.

  • S_Panda
    S_Panda Member Posts: 539

    "Or we riot!" You mean what is normally happening anyway?

  • PeterHausenAoi
    PeterHausenAoi Member Posts: 3

    Take the time.

    Make it shiny.

    But i'm genuinely interested in those "unforseen circumstances".

    Did an intern delete the master branch or what ? :)

  • WolfPad06
    WolfPad06 Member Posts: 182

    It's dissapointing, yes, but if they felt the need to push it back then you know it would've been completely unplayable in the current state. BHVR wouldn't have delayed it just to polish or detail it! *Insert black panther "we don't do that here" meme*

    I understand both sides of the argument:

    This event is an awesome content update that we're going to enjoy free of charge. They do not *have* to do this and even with the delay, we will have the same amount of time to play and get the cosmetics. I don't see the big deal here.

    On the other hand, BHVR isn't necessarily doing this out of the goodness of their hearts. They're doing this to remain competitive and relevant in the current gaming market; this is a business decision people, do not delude yourselves thinking they do this simply because they like you. This delay on the release, and especially the lack of follow up information show a poorly organized and not very transparent operation.


    We can wait out the delay, it's not the end of the world and double BP won't really make us feel much better. But these type of things add to the extensive list of BHVRs poor decision making, resource management, and planning, and I'm sure people are more upset at the constant way they do things poorly than just this event delay as an isolated incident (I know I am).

    Hope everyone has a good day and also hope the event isn't delayed for too long.

  • NoOne
    NoOne Member Posts: 42

    Jeez, why don't we all chill. It's just delayed and not cancelled.

  • Groullock
    Groullock Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2019

    Sure getting things delayed sucks. But as mentioned before, i'd rather them take a few days or so to work things out and put out a better update and event. There is no need to spread hate or be toxic towards the devs, lol.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I can wait a few days more, but I would appreciate a little bit more detail about the issue that caused the delay. Was it a serious bug that needed to be fixed or due to the power outage? Etc. etc....

    It would make understanding the delay much easier for all.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446

    The lack of a detailed explanation for the delay makes it look like the battlepass system is responsible for this but they can't publicly say this or people might get (rightfully) upset.

  • Tangero
    Tangero Member Posts: 119

    Then flip on that double bloodpoint switch to appease us for now

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    You're still gonna buy the rift pass.

    You're still gonna buy their upcoming DLC's.

    You're still going to buy cosmetics in the shop.

    You're still gonna play the game.

    Stay in your lane.

  • Grimbergoth
    Grimbergoth Member Posts: 293

    you forgot a few ,

    You're still gonna have to deal with bugs from updates .

    You're still gonna have to deal with things broken from updates .

    You're still gonna complain .

    And my favorite , If you don't like it you can always go play civ 5...