Why do some competent survivors enjoy going against bad killers?

So I'm a survivor main.
What I don't get is why experienced survivors enjoy going against inexperienced killers who barely know how to play. For me going against inexperienced killers are the most boring matches. Inexperienced killers often camp, tunnel, don't know how to mind game, are really easy to loop to the point where it's not fun. If you're not being chased your just doing generators all game.
Whilst I rather not constantly go against rank 1 Spirits with beads, I do enjoy going against decent/good killers. As being able to loop or juke a good killer is a lot more rewarding than looping an inexperienced killer.
Comment below your thoughts.
All about the montage
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Sometimes they are really bad at just looking for survivors, which makes it really funny.
But I do prefer a challenge, thats why I want a ranked mode with no perks.
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Bcaeuse some survivors like to straight up bully inexperienced players?
Tbag call them trash say they are baby killers etc
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You can still 360 a red rank killer.
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I will never understand why survivors do this. I prefer to leave asap, no time for T-bagging.
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On console maybe. On PC they have to be pretty potato.
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yeah I agree that outplaying a good player is a lot more satisfying than running someone with 100 hrs for 5 gens. I'm also glad u also threw in that last bit tho. most experienced killers like to run aids builds/killers that aren't fun to face at all. the choice for me is clear in which I'd rather face
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T bagging the exit gate is 100% a "Haha i win you suck" for sure
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Very fragile ego most of the times
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I hate seeing the other survs on my team T-bagging, theres just no point lol
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Pretty much this. They like to have an easy game to get those points, and troll the killer because they know they can get away with it. Pretty sad.
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It's very easy you could create a little montage show how "skilled" you are.
It's why does same survivors would find any slight fault in the killers gameplay to call them a noob even if that killer won. Keeps their ego bubble afloat.
I often find it's hilarious when that happens because if you're losing frequently to noobs you really have to re-evaluate how good you are the game.
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Same reason why killers like to against new survivors. It easier to deal with.
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Speaking as somebody who mostly plays killer, I'd imagine it likely has to do with the fact that it could be a good break from seeing the same exact builds or even killers being used.
While I personally have way more fun going against good players, something you end up seeing on both sides is a lot of boring builds that drag on the games for ages or encourage a really unfun playstyle. While it's reasonable to want to delay the lengths of the game, I can at least understand that not everyone would want to run into that same exact build all of the time. I don't think people should try to go against newer players, but I can understand the decision to on both sides.
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Sometimes after getting destroyed by good killers, I just want a relaxed game where I don't need to play too sweaty. I try not to be too toxic though.
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Why do some killers love slaughtering awful survivors? Because some people don't want an actual challenge, they want to feel like they are powerful. Maybe because they feel weak in real life.
If the killer is bad and I can tell they're really trying their best and not BMing then that's not a game I really enjoy. Same if I 4k survivors with 0-2 gens done (unless they troll, then I savor it).