1 week until Halloween

Almost 3 days after the Tweet and we dont get any Update to the Event?
My guess: The halloween event will be delayed by one full week and they gonna release it next tuesday. The event will last one week longer tho.
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Judging by the trailer, patch 3.3.0 is due out in October. If Halloween was postponed until the release of 3.3.0, then for a week they definitely will not postpone the event. Either they then have to postpone patch 3.3.0.
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Would it really matter if it started in November?
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End of the world scenario
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Halloween hype dies down pretty quickly after Halloween itself ends. It wouldn't be the end of the world, but it would feel very out of place. Seasonal events generally need to happen within the season they're themed around in order for anyone to have fun or get excited about them, just for atmospheric reasons. The best way I can describe it is just that no one will be in a Halloween mood anymore when November rolls around.
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It's funny how they had no issue letting people buy the cosmetics way before the event was supposed to start. Money comes first i guess.
I don't really care since I didn't spend a penny on them and won't but it's looking really greedy.
BHVR , next time please just don't release EVENT cosmetics before the event itself , ok?
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Then dont call it Halloween event, call it Thanksgiving event.
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That's true but I'm sure people will still be in an extra BP and getting costumes for free mood....
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Sure, but it won't be the same. It won't feel special, it will feel like a bloodhunt/new skin collection, with a mildly disconcerting side of Halloween in November.
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now that makes me wonder what a thanksgiving event in DBD would look like.
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We might get it by Christmas lol.
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I'm really hoping it comes out this week :-( I took work off this weekend to be able to play it.
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clown gets a new turkey outfit while throwing drumsticks instead of bottles that make gobble noises
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Thats why i question the Community Manager and mods. After 3 days there are complete silence and thats in my opinion pretty sad
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There's is no update to give. We're going to let you guys know as soon as something changes, but we don't want to spam people by sending the same message every day. There's still some issues we need to iron out first, we're still working on them, we're still trying to get it out as soon as possible. I'm sorry if that's disappointing to you, but beating a dead horse won't fix it.
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What do you expect them to do, just keep saying "Yeah sorry, still not fixed" every day until there's something to report? That would be a waste of everyone's time, and tells us nothing we don't already know.
In the words of Peanits himself:
EDIT: Seems I was just barely beaten to it. See above.
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they "working" on this problem for at least 3 days now. how is this even possible? is there only one person that works an hour per day? what a joke lol
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Thats what i think too
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Off on holiday for 10days tomorrow, take as looooooong as you want! :)
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Mhhh we will See what happend if this happends again
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They are working, and game development is hard as hell. I could barely code a 2D mystery game, let alone being able to code a 3D game which is now implementing a new system for rewards.
They are Humans trying to fix stuff and make it playable for us. If it was a company like Rockstar the employees would be overworked to death. But BHVR treats their employees like Humans, and so should we. The event will be done when it’s done, not when a date comes around.
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Lol your name suits this topic
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You dont understand this
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Would you have a buggy mess of an event release now or wait a couple of days for BHVR to fix them and give us a playable game?
I'd much rather wait a couple of days so we can actually have a fun event instead of rushing it out of the door. Remember, they're humans just like you and I.
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Couple of days?
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As long as the wrinkles are ironed out to the extent that we are provided a clean, mostly bug-free event, I'm willing to wait. But I have my fingers crossed that the event launches before halloween.
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If we have to. We don't even know what the problem is. For all we know, it could be some really big, game-breaking bug that can't be squashed in a couple of hours. Again, would you rather wait and risk missing Halloween but get a playable event or get a broken event right now? Even if the devs released the event on time, people would complain that it's broken and that it should've been delayed.
Hopefully the devs will be able to give us some good news tomorrow like their status update says, but if it doesn't, just remember that they're trying to make sure we can actually play the game and not go through a buggy mess.
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That's funny Francis, cause I'm pretty sure that even if you take your time to iron out all the issues, it's still gonna be a buggy mess
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I wouldn't consider a daily update on progress "spamming," even if it is the same information. The vagueness of how long the delay is isn't helpful. I think it would be reasonable to say "Unfortunately these fixes will very likely take more than a couple days, potentially up to a week." And if it does take even longer than a week then at least nobody expected it by Friday, which a lot of us were hoping for.
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No update on the nature of the delay? Still playing it 100% opaque?
Its a halloween PASS
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So like what the point of a PTB? Isn’t it there so the devs can collect information like potential bugs? Why did they only find these game breaking bugs the day before the update was supposed to go live?
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yeah, people need to leave Moris alone...
poor thing...
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You pretty much answered your own question. We ran the PTB, collecting info on some of the known issues (and found some new ones), and we're now trying to get those fixed. Fixing issues takes time, it's not always as simple as changing a few lines of code. Beyond that, you need to figure out what is causing the issue in the first place (the PTB helps narrow this down greatly).
Again, it's unfortunate, we don't like to be in this position either, but this is what the PTB is for. Had we released the update with those bugs still in the game, you'd have people asking why we bothered with the PTB if we weren't going to fix the bugs that were reported.
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Hmm, I got a weird idea that would not likely happen but
try re-opening the PTB and have the people try to find out the source of the bug
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a bug is not always a simple "I interacted with something and after that, this happened", that's actually a best case scenario.
Often there are tricky things, like a cumulative amount of little interactions that eventually trigger the bug, and those little things may be totally unrelated from the player point of view (not for the code, of course, but we don't know how the code works) - imagine if in order to make the game crash on load screen you need to use a combination of 3 green sacrifices, no killer sacrifice, a claudette with a ranger med-kit and the killer must press the ready button exactly at the 15th second of the countdown (but the crash happens during the load screen, not immediately).
There would be no way for a player to realise what happened, only an internal debugger could point in the right direction, and even that could not be immediate.
..but this is again something "good" for a programmer, it is still a trigger scenario.
What about a bug that happens just because they updated their Unreal engine? It could even not be a bug at all, but a new intended behaviour. They need first to know what changed in the engine, then how to circumvent it, and then implement the change without causing any new bugs - which would most likely happen.
It's a difficult world :D
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Would you rather have an event with an error so big they had to delay it.?
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It's a money thing. If the event happens in October then some players may buy blight skins while in the festive mood. If the event happens after Halloween then blight skin sales will go down considerably as Halloween hype will have dried up.
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Have a little optimism, will you? They need time, so give them time. It'll ba fine.
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The event is tied to the new archives so they can't release one without the other, they haven't said anything because there's nothing to say probably, it will be fixed when it's fixed, its still gonna be a two week event whenever it is released, and the skins were gonna be for sale forever anyways, event is just a chance to earn a couple for free, plus its an entire mid chapter patch with added nurse changes, want her to be playable and fun for all the mains and newbies, and its only been three days, if its a problem that can hold up a patch that adds a major announcement and hyped up feature its probably gonna take some time to fix, so have a little patience maybe
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And Thats the Problem i Hope Next Year its not with the Archives together.
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Yup. As someone who works in automotive diagnostics, I can attest that things often just...stop working, and it's often due to things that appear completely unrelated if people are not familiar with the stuff. There are times where you know the solution, but the journey takes three times as long as you anticipated. And there are other times where you have a clear vision of the problem but not such a clear vision for a timeframe on the fix. It's often better to be vague with this type of thing when it's not routine.
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That not how bhvr works they could take a year on this event and there WILL be game breaking bugs still in the even cause that just how bhvr works
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I know what that is and I'm not clicking play because it'll be stuck in my head for the next year. Nuh-uh.
God, that movie is wacky.
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Praise Samhain 🎃🎃🎃
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The Archive is probably gonna be how they do events now entirely, except for like a blood hunt they will just tie them to a new rift and let you earn the cosmetics that way, its the only thing makes sense so this is a major infrastructural release, its coming today at 11 am EST so it was like a week late, NBD