Killer Sensitivity

So im trying to get back to playing killer on console but the problem i seem to have is the right analog stick sensitivity. Right now i think i have it on like 30-40 and that seems to work 'ok' but i still find myself kinda feeling like my camera has to jerk from side to side all the time when trying to chase survivors. I tried it on 100 and my swings were going ALL OVER THE PLACE! I know there isnt too much i can do considering im on console and controllers suck ass, but any advice would be greatly appreciated!
any chance your controler is screwed?
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Nah it works perfectly fine as far as functionality. Like its not broken or anything, im just asking whats the recommended killer sensitivity level for playing killer on console optimally. Like what percentage to people play their console killers at
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I use 70 and it's not to bad but then again sensitivities can be personal preferences