Is a GG always nice?

BOSS242 Member Posts: 171
Just wanted to know how everyone feels about giving a Good Game (GG) after winning? 

I always try and give a GG at least if the killer does a good job and beats me or if a survivor did a good job in chase without looping or an nonsense. But my question is say the game was fun everyone played straight up but the killer lost. Is it still ok to give a GG or is it viewed as gloating? 


  • Doom_Punk
    Doom_Punk Member Posts: 371

    Depends on how you played.

    If you play like a complete scumbag as either side, it feels more gloating than actually genuine.

    If you were nice, then yeah I see it as a genuine good game.

    Doing a simple 'gg' can be viewed the wrong way so I'll do a 'gg :)' or 'Gg' or 'Good game'.

    I notice so many Survivors will not give a gg if they lose but if they win, of course they will.

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    i've sent 'gg' to someone about 50% of my games. doesn't matter if i won or lost, i sent it because they played well.... most of the time, they're received well.... occasionally they ask 'get good?' or 'was that sarcastic?' but i clarify and its always pretty friendly afterwards.... its really nice when a survivor says it to me first. its not common BUT it does happen....

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    If you played to be toxic (and don't give me that "what is toxic?" BS, you know exactly what "toxic" means), then GG is just yet another way to taunt the other side. Personally, when I play, I either say GG or nothing at all.

  • Bug_Reporter
    Bug_Reporter Member Posts: 673

    Saying GG is always important, that shows that u are Good-Sportsman, specially after camping every single survivor u see...

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    saying gg is meaningless, you would be surprised by the number of people that have no idea what it mean and just say it because they have seen comptless people doing it in over game.

  • Bug_Reporter
    Bug_Reporter Member Posts: 673
    edited July 2018

    @Dragonredking said:
    saying gg is meaningless, you would be surprised by the number of people that have no idea what it mean and just say it because they have seen comptless people doing it in over game.

    Who doesnt know what it means? GG = Git Gud, usually its followed by "2 EZ", if you are not a Good-Sportsman however, u just leave the lobby without saying anything meaning that u are probably too frustrated to say something useful which would result in the ENEMIES (survivors) laughing at you, as they do very often because of many other reasons...

  • SpitfireOrMichina
    SpitfireOrMichina Member Posts: 209

    For me, a good game is when both side/everyone earned reasonable amount of BP (Like more than 20K) but it depend how the gameplay was too.