-Some skin ideas.


--Disturbed Legion/Disturbed Ghostface

-This skin is based on the "mascot" of the band Disturbed,usually this type of skin would require some sort of contractual agreement, i do not have any relations that can help in makeing this arrangement,im just a fan of both mediums.

-I say Legion/Ghostface because both can replicated into the game because of the normal sized body and the hood type mask that both use(instead of a face that isnt shown like the "mascot" you can make a black mask with his features,big smile/red eyes)

-And for the Ghostface's strings that float around him some chains can be used instead.

--Pijama pig(i know this is a bad idea and it wont work but,because of the licence holders will smite this idea down but im gonna say it anyway).

-Yes,i know it looks silly and stupid(and as i know bhvr prefers a 15-20% silly and 80% scary) but in the deep red color like the basic suit used by pig i belive it can be a great skin

-Its just funny and fits the stealthy type clothes she wears .in the past skins like bunny Feng Min had issues caused by the bug bunny ears but this skin dosen't require anything like that,it could be used as a suit the head piece can be used with any head piece