Most Annoying Killer/Survivor to face and why?

As the title suggests, I’d like to hear what is the most annoying killer and survivor(s) to face for you guys. You load into a trial as a solo survivor and you see that killer you despise and grunt and prepare for the inevitable steamroll.. or being killer, and loading into a lobby of 4 Claudette’s..

For me, I’ll say Trapper is the most annoying killer for me. I have the worst RNG vs trapper because every single time I face him, he always gets the most grassiest map or the one map with a really strong building that he always has a trap at. It’s really annoying for me to watch out for traps and being constantly paranoid about stepping into one gets boring after a while, IMHO.

The most annoying survivor I hate facing has to be Nancy. Every single Nancy I’ve ran into lately always has the best perks and instant heals/flashlights etc. Most of the Nancy’s I’ve ran into also knows how to loop extremely well, and compared to having the meta perks and crutch items, it can be soul crushing for killers.

What are your guys’ most frustrating and annoying killer/survivor to face?


  • FluorescentLemon
    FluorescentLemon Member Posts: 257

    Claudettes are like ghillie suit ninjas. Can't see them at all on some maps, it's crazy

    I don't play Survivor enough to have a Killer I dislike facing

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    The most annoying killer for me to face personally is probably Leatherface. Mainly because there is a chance that if I get Leatherface, I also get potato survivors. So maybe I'm just attributing getting bad survivors with getting a bad killer. But I still think he is pretty annoying.

    As for most annoying survivor, Nea. For whatever reason, Neas tend to be the most toxic survivors I meet in game. Like they just would BM for no reason.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    I can't play against spirit very well. I mean i'm olay but my loops are much better against most other killers.

    I think the only survivor i really hate to face is Claudette. She is invisible at P3 and even a "normal" Claudette is often toxic in my games.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Meg- simply because you either run into a potato Meg or toxic Meg there's not much in between.

    Basically she'll be either completely useless and spend most of the games sandbagging you whether intentionally or unintentionally or she'll be either completely useless and spend most of the games sandbagging intentionally.

    Plauge- mainly because if I'm playing solo survivor it's genuinely a dice toss on whether we're going to cleanse or not cleanse.

    I could start the match with two other random people deciding not to cleanse only to have the last random cleanse and basically make us all one tap from a distance.

    Ok fine I guess we're cleansing....... oh crap no now it seems that two of us are cleansing and two of us aren't so we're basically screwing each other over in the long run.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519




  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i hate going against spirit tbh.

    not because i think "SpIrEh Op PlEz NeRf", but because i cant handle her passive phasing...

    i always get cought by that xD

    for survivor, i honestly just dodge if i see one with a map and one with a key. they are obviously SWF and want to get their ez pz killer escape. that or too many toolboxes.

    i in general just hate survivors that want the game to be over within 5 minutes. like, where is the fun in that? congrats you won, now be stuck in lobby queue for longer than you played again. great. whats the point in playing this game in the first place then?

    just had a team yesterday that did 4 gens in less than 3 minutes. like, seriously where is the fun in that? most of them hadnt even seen me at that point! why do you play the game if all you do is hold M1 on a gen and then leave over and over and over again...

    (ye im still a bit salty bout that one - but hey, objective times are what they are. didnt stand a chance from the beginning)

  • Jonathanskilz
    Jonathanskilz Member Posts: 403

    Sprit since she got no counter

    Legion just because it reminds me of old legion

    Nurse she got 5 blink FOR NOW

    everything else is quite chill and fun

  • ZahmZaddy
    ZahmZaddy Member Posts: 54

    Ghost Face, that broken a** stalk.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Ghost face because I'm looking at the ground the whole match.

  • SkeletonWitch
    SkeletonWitch Member Posts: 94






    Michael Myers.

    Bald Dwight (I don't know why).

    PGJSF Member Posts: 369

    Ps4 pro, and a P3 Claudette in the lower level of the game is literally invisible.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I don't really hate going against any of the survivors. None of them rub me the wrong way.

    Killer on the other hand? Definitely Hag or Spirit.

    99% of the Hags I have played against tried to snow ball off of every freaking hook. Sorry, but that's a terribly boring way to play from a survivor's perspective.

    And then there's Spirit. What can I say other than it's no fun being downed really fast by a sweaty Spirit. I've been playing against them at rank 1 for a while now and the results are still mostly the same. I'll take Nurse over Spirit any day.

  • Sheldor
    Sheldor Member Posts: 213

    Killer: Doctor / Legion / Spirit

    Survivor - doesnt matter, they are all equally just a hull to the same collection of perks nearly every round.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Just Ghostface, idk why but he annoys me.

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607
    edited October 2019

    Killer: Spirit easily, Prayer Beads are broken

    Survivor: Bald Dwight

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    Killer: Chainsaw boys, particularly Leatherface, because I can never escape Bubba and teammates don’t really know what to do. Honorable mention to iridescent Huntress because they always have a literal and figurative axe to grind.

    Survivor: skin wise, it would have to be Nea and Claudette. Neas tend to be toxic af, Claudettes tend to rely on camo (and be toxic.) However, general rule is that the most annoying survivors are the ones that either hide while the only other survivor is forced to do gens, and the ones that deliberately hide and hold my game hostage.

  • Impact
    Impact Member Posts: 89

    Ghostface. I don't know how to play against him. He always seems to creep up on me unnoticed and get me in the exposed status.

    GHERBEARRULES Member Posts: 265


    1. Doctor
    2. Spirit
    3. Ghostface


    1. Claudette
    2. Nea
    3. Yui
  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    Every Nancy I go against always dies the first, maybe it's just unlucky matches.

    Anyway to the point of the forum: my most annoying killer to go against would be Freddy, not because of his power but because there's just that thing with certain killers you find boring to go against. I've never liked going against Freddy because he just bores the [BAD WORD] out of me.

    The survivor I hate going against would David. I always run into tea bagging looping David's, so whenever I see a David I just avoid him and go for the other survivors.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    Ghostface, both playing him and going against him. Not remotely related to strength, but because you never know if you can stare right at him without revealing him because a single atom is in the way, or if survivors will be able to reveal you through a tear in time and space. When everything actually works I don't mind him at all.

    For survivors it's Jane, and only because I don't like how loud and noisy she is no matter which role I'm playing 😄

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904

    Freddy, Ghostface, Legion for annoying factor.

  • Ruckpie
    Ruckpie Member Posts: 49

    Dwights are the worse. My personal war against dwights will end with me winning. I swear.

    It’s legion right now. The gameplay is so boring. every time I see him I just get tired.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Probably Hag. Though her jumpscares can be fun, in general I don't enjoy going against her because of her traps and camping potential.

    Spirit I also kinda dislike as well, wish her counterplay was more skill based, and Leatherface is just so freaking boring because he is so weak in general, but god tier at camping.

  • Oreo7
    Oreo7 Member Posts: 56

    As a survivor main, I would say I hate going against Ghostface the most... sounds dumb, I know, but for me ghostface matches are typically boring, and since I dont usually run spine chill, I remain oblivious to my surroundings and he can usually fully stalk me. What makes it the most annoying is that I can never seem to break him out of stalk. Ugh.

    The survivor I hate playing against... or rather, WITH, would have to be a tie between Meg and Nancy. They can be toxic or braindead, but either way, you're getting sandbagged (and farmed at some point).

  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442

    Spirit since I hate playing the guessing game. Hag is a close second due to her traps and it's a pain to crouch towards every generator or hooked survivor (also gotta love it when the occasional survivor bolts through the traps once I've unhooked them...)

    As for survivors, defo the blendettes.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    killer would either be spirit or huntress against a person who has ######### internet

    its weird because huntress is either my favorite killer to go against or my least favorite

  • Danu
    Danu Member Posts: 281

    I really don't like going against bubba, I find it really hard to avoid the chainsaw because if the range, never seem to be able to outrun it

    Definitely hate spirit the most though, I'm just not good against her lol. Never understand how people are so good at knowing exactly where you are as they phase, whenever i play her i am absolutely HOPELESS at being so accurate with my phasing. I also still have no idea how you'd go about countering her.

  • NeaMainNON_TOXIC3
    NeaMainNON_TOXIC3 Member Posts: 260

    As a survivor I hate loading into a match with a David... they never do anything it seems. My least favorite killer to go against is Spirit. It's not that she's too strong, they person playing doesn't use her to the best potential. I played a round where the Spirit never used her ability. She had two addons, one to increase duration and one for speed. I just dislike killers not using the character to the best ability

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    I'll name 3 killers with one honorable mention.

    1st killer is Wraith, I can never seem to get away fast enough when he ding-dongs. He annoys the crap out of me.

    2nd is the new Doctor. I overall like the changes that were made for him (reverse skill check is a nice addition devs, props!), but all of a sudden I struggle heavy against him. Once I scream, it's over seems like.

    3rd is Deathslinger. The gun is a major roadblock for me and I still haven't escaped him yet. I came within 3 feet of escaping, when he shot me and reeled me back to the hook basically.

    Honorable mention to Ghostface, I can't never locate him when he's stalking me. I get exposed and hooked often.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    DOCTOR has claimed the “Most Annoying Killer of 2020” award. BHVR seemed like they wanted to buff him like no tomorrow and now his entire kit has no downsides. Any addon you put on (save for the stupid ring shock therapy) is effective in almost any build.... yet we have Nurse’s addons that give you a huge negative for each positive. Static Blast every 60 seconds needs to be changed to 75 at least, especially with Madness no longer decaying over time.

    P3 CLAUDETTE remains the champion of annoying survivors. Killers that see P3Cs in a lobby will usually put on a sweaty build and/or mori.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2020

    Personally any survivor can be annoying. The survivors are pretty much all the same with different skins. If you unlocked all the perks any survivor can have any perk at some point. Aside from that I could see Claudette or Lorrie being annoying.

    In the way of killers I dislike any killer that can one hit and down like Leatherface or Hillbilly. I mean I understand it is a mechanic but I have many games where teammates just trap you and wont move and BAM you are both down. I also kind of dislike Oni and Doctor.

    The oni has way to many ways to track people if you are bleeding. I mean I escape a good chunk of time against him but he is tough.

    Currently my MOST ANNOYING KILLER IS DUN DUN DUN THE DOCTOR! If I see the killer is the doctor it is 50/50 if I try or just let him slug and hook me just to get to the next match. It depends on the map. I mean his range is sooooo far and the new update where madness does not regress is a bit much. I use to go and hide a bit and let it sink but no more. I feel like each update just makes him stronger and stronger. I feel like even new players can get a 4k kill with him. You can literally walk around with him and just listen to people scream or see their hallucinations. It is just really tough to combat at times. I AM NOT SAYING NERF HIM THOUGH.

    The hag is only tough because no matter HOW MANY TIMES YOU SHOW PLAYERS HOW TO CRAWL AND AVOID THE TRAPS, you still get survivors who dir dir dir and run through them. You unhook them and they just run and BAM slugged again and they think the killer is camping. God forbid they actually learn instead of blaming the killer for using a ability. You just watched me come up and not trigger them so do the same.

  • Kagari_Leha
    Kagari_Leha Member Posts: 555

    Forever Freddies cuz that's half of my matches and it's so boring because, well Freddy is overpowered.

    And stealthing survivors are the worst, against them or with them. Seeing them just Urban Evading or Self Caring in corners while you've been chased for a good 2 minutes by that facecamping Bubba is so infuriating i dont even mind facecampers anymore, they're just ######### right to abuse it when survivors just dont do anything

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    THANK YOU! You pointed out the survivors that do nothing but hide the entire game and maybe do a totem or two but instead take the boxed items and then sit and wait for YOU to do all the gens. Then if you get hooked they hide and hope to find the hatch. I do not mind losing a game at all but nothing is more infuriating then watching another survivor do nothing and escape.

    I watched a game where I got killed but I watched the rest of the match and I was physically yelling at my screen. One survivor got hooked in the basement and the other had a key and was hiding in a locker in the basement. Well the killer left and the other survivor came out of the locker and looked at his teammate and went into another locker. Then popped out and looked at him and hid again. This went on UNTIL his teammate died then he FINALLY ran upstairs and used the key and left. I was like #########, how does this crap happen and why is there not a way to vote like a thumbs down option. I mean you can give players a thumbs up on the platform I play on and I can't chat on what I play on so I could not show my anger for being selfish. I would have at least liked to be able to thumbs down. OH BEST PART they were the only survivor and yet still came in 4th for points.

  • Jigsaw_pprentice1993
    Jigsaw_pprentice1993 Member Posts: 225

    i dont think i hate a particular survivor

    as for killer id have to say desthslinger they tend to tunnel and soft camp everyone from my experience

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I guess we're resurrecting this thread now. But for me...

    Most annoying killer is Deathslinger now. Against a good Deathslinger you basically can't play the game because there's not much to do about his power. It's like spirit in that sense but it actually requires a bit of skill and thought.

    And P3 Claudettes will always be the worst survivors. I think it's self-explanatory.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    Hillbilly and Bubba because none of them are good. GJ bro you can't deal with my free sprint burst and loop so you just chain saw rev be a vault until the entity blocks them off and you mow me down while being literally in my ass.

    I have run those 2 at T\L walls for 3 gens before because they can't figure out when to let the chainsaw go

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    The only one I hate is sWFs! Other then that, I'm good...

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I don't know if it is any one killer. It is more going against all the op stuff that I hate. Forever freddy = boring, ire huntress, noed ebony spirit.

    I guess if I had to pick one it may be the pig. I hate RBT they always seem to come off at he last box for me. Also when you have one you can't really play the game anymore because your constantly at boxes. And a lot of them just tunnel you

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    I dislike playing against the Hag, and Nea.