Scenario : YOU have to buff EVERY killer. How would you do it?

At once. So instead of suggesting entire power changes it would be easier to do some tweaks e.g :

Trapper - the maximum distance an unset trap can spawn from where the trapped spawns is 32m

Wraith - his movement speed while cloaked is increased by 5% in addition to his action speeds

Hillbilly - the penalty on missing a chainsaw is reduced by 5%

Nurse - (3.30 version) reduce the time taken to "recharge" each blink to 1.5 seconds

Shape - increase the rate at which you stalk survivors by 15%

Hag - increase the base rage from which she can teleport to a triggered trap by 10m

Doctor - increase the terror radius in treatment mode by 8m in the base kit

Huntress - 10% reduced cool down on throwing a hatchet

Cannibal - 10% speed increase while using bubbas chainsaw (when your actually using the chainsaw not just reving it)

Nightmare - dream snares reveal the survivors aura for 4 seconds upon being triggered

Pig - the terror radius fades 30% faster when going into crouch

Clown - survivors affected by the afterpiece tonic suffer an extra 5% debuff to their movement speed

Spirit - it takes 5% less time to start phasing when the power button is pressed

Legion - feral frenzy's duration is increased by 10 seconds and its cool down is reduced by 5 seconds

Plague - to broken survivors the plagues red stain is hidden (aka idk)

Ghost face - reduce the cool down on night shroud by 10 seconds

Demogorgon - reduce the penalty on missing a shred by 15%



  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    *walks in and reads and slowly backs back out shaking head*

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    Which buffs are too strong there? I tried to keep the percentages in multiples of fives for idk. I like multiples of 5

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    i rly like plague's buff, simple and pretty strong, as for pig i would make her base terror radius 28 meters, and give her some add ons that increase crouch speed

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Problem is you didnt touch the base issues most of these killers had or buffed killers who are already strong. I'm currently at work so give me a bit and I'll make a list based off yours to compaire with you if that's ok.

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    The scenario is you have to buff EVERY killer as it says in the title. If I could've I would've ignored nightmare hillbilly and spirit. And sure I'd love to compare ideas to buff killers :D

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    To be honest most just need some small tweaks, Changes to numbers or built in add ons. People have been saying It for months if not years.

    That said though, They are working on killers case by case, I think leatherface or Doc is up next. It's just such a shame it takes so long.

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    My only problem with it is that it kinda makes no mither even worse against plague. An indirect nerf to a questionable perk

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    Yes i know that, mind listing some of those tweaks specifically?

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,843

    How to buff EVERY killer? Steroids... Easy.

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Well of the top of my head a Good example is Trapper and Wraith. At the very least Trapper's Trapper Bag add on should be basekit allowing him to hold 2 traps and start off with 1 extra. Then there's Wraith's windstorm add ons which in my opinion should also be basekit or just tweak the numbers to give a similar outcome.

    They are small changes and I can't imagine would be that hard or take that long to change but would help them immensely.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Who said that every killer needs to be buffed ? Also, your buffs ideas for Doctor, Pig or Huntress wouldn't solve any of their current problems.

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    Nobody but I wanted to put forward a scenario and ik. But I told myself not to do anything over the top and suggest things easy to implement

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
    edited October 2019

    The Trapper:

    • Increase base Traps to 2, but at the start of the match you have 5 traps to carry and 5 traps already armed on the map. You may pick up one trap from the ground or get 2 from the locker which has a 4 second search time. Once your base traps go from 5 to 2 you wont be able to have more then 2 without addons. Can't have more then 15 traps on the map or they start to recycle. Also cant place more then 5 Traps in a small area.

    The Wraith:

    • Increase clocked movement speed to 195% and while coming out of clock give him the Ghost Addon at base kit.

    The Hillbilly:

    • Buff the stun time for missing a chainsaw attack with a survivor within 10 meters. Add a recharge delay of 5 seconds overall for Billy.

    The Nurse:

    • Remove base kit nerf and rework about 50% of addons again.

    The Hag:

    • I liked the additional range you provided no changes otherwise.

    The Doctor:

    • Rework addons for treatment and punishment mode so they all effect both modes. Increase base shock range by 25%. Every hit with punishment will decrease your madness tier by one to a base of madness 1.

    The Shape (Myers):

    • If a survivor hasn't been stalked for more then 3 seconds for the duration of the trial you can't instadown them or tombstone them for the duration of evil within 3. If you hit this survivor with evil within 3 your duration will be reset as will all stalk levels on survivors.

    The Nightmare (Freddy):

    • Snares would have a longer hindered effect that stops survivors longer then they go over a second one while the hindred effect remains. This means you wont be able to put traps within 5 meters of one a other.

    The Huntress:

    • Change terror radius and hum to full hum and reduce it to a 32 meter Hummig Lullaby for the terror radius. Reduce Locker search for hatchets by 66% leaving it at 2.5 seconds. Change Iridescent Head to be reduced to 2 hatchets and can't be increased with other addons.

    The Cannibal (Leatherface):

    • Reduce the temper tantrum time. Increase Rev speed when walking to 105%. Change some Addons so they are not so similar to Hillbilly addons.

    The Pig (Amanda):

    • Roar on ambush changed to a successful attack to let others know she has ambushed successfully (not global) instead of before the attack. Increase crouch speed to GF speed and change combat straps to movement when crouched to make her 100 M/S while crouched. Reduce Terror Radius to 28 meters again. Rework addons. Exposed Status works with Ambush attacks.

    The Clown:

    • Increase area of effect 10% and duration by 1.5 seconds. Add one bottle and reload speed decreased by 5% and is increased speed reload by 25% per remaining bottle up to a maximum of 75%

    The Spirit:

    • Remove Prayer beads not a rarity change full on removal. If you can't play her without them then you don't deserve to play her. She has counterplay that a lot of people can't seem to grasp removing a majority of this is not helpful.

    The Legion:

    • Legion will he reduced to a 110% M/S and FF speed increased to 160%. The vault speed back to pre rework. Every time They misses a hit They loses 20% of the remaining power gauge based on if it was full bar.
    • You may activate Fereal Frenzy anytime you have power in your bar. The stun will be reduced to 2.5 seconds. Anytime you hit someone with FF and they have deep wounds applied they lost 10% of the remaining bar based on if it was full. You will not lose your power for hitting a survivor with deep wounds.
    • Deep wounds applies a action debuff of 30% to all action bars that is not Mend. While in FF for applying deep wounds Legion gets a additional 15% M/S buff while in FF.

    The Plague:

    • While sick and not broken you have a 5% debuff to all actions. Survivors get sick by interacting with you or with objects you touch. While broken that debuff doubles to 10% and survivors get sick being within 3 meters of you automatically. Every time you cough whatever action you are currently doing is interrupted and immediately stopped or cancelled.

    I haven't played Ghostface or Demogorgan enough to have a conclusion or idea of changes. I would say all maps need to be reworked and balanced.

    Demogorgan I wouldn't mind being able to reset traps like Hag and Freddy either.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    edited October 2019

    I only disagree with the shape change because he's already pretty balanced and there is no reason to make the Evil Incarnate achievement harder than it already is...

    And Huntress because her hatchets don't really connect half the time. Besides that's more of a base nerf. I'd rather have the slower reload if I could use that strong addon combo.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Only reason for Myers was I hate being the one survivor not seen all game and then bam instadown and you get camped because gates are open and you were kind enough to body block for a fellow survivor.

    As for Huntress that's why I gave 2 hatchets. Between reload speed being faster and having 2 it will balance out. Also I've never needed the 3rd one.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Let's give it a shot, for a few of them.

    Trapper - Can now reset traps without picking them up first.

    Wraith - Bone Clapper add-on is now base-kit.

    The Cannibal - Leatherface no longer stops after breaking a pallet with his chainsaw, instead the frenzy is reset and he continues sawing.

    The Pig - Charging Dash Attack no longer causes the roar until its fully charged and initiated.

    The Clown - Increase the slow duration and slow effectiveness of the Afterpiece Tonic. Remove the Clown's vaulting grunts.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843
    edited October 2019

    I'll throw my hand in:

    The Pig - Rule Set #2 is base kit, replaced with the following:

    [Ultra Rare] Filled Syringe

    A syringe filled with sedatives, used to knock out multiple victims in preparation for the game.

    • ALL survivors start the trial with inactive reverse bear traps on their head.

    [Rare] Partially-filled Syringe

    A syringe filled with sedatives, with enough to knock out one victim in preparation for the game.

    • Match selects an obsession.
    • At the start of the trial, the obsession starts with an inactive reverse bear trap on their head.

    The Plague - Have tiers of sickness like the doctor has tiers of madness.

    • Tier 1: Survivor gets the Broken status effect
    • Tier 2: Survivor gets the Hindered status effect (3%)
    • Tier 3: Survivor gets the Blindness and Oblivious status effect.
    • Tier 4: Survivor gets an additional Hindered Status effect (7%)
    • Tier 5: Survivor gets an additional Hindered status effect (11%) and will not heal to full after they cleanse.

    The Plague can bring people into these later tiers by puking on them after being broken. But all survivors will enter these tiers very slowly the longer they do not cleanse. This will force survivors to eventually find a fountain and cleanse or else the Plague will simply get stronger.

    To balance this out, we can have the timer for Corrupt Purge shorten by 15 seconds, and when the Plague downs someone with Corrupt Purge who is broken, she loses all her Corrupt Purge.

    The Clown - Make direct hits with bottles injure, or at least make an addon where it does.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,558

    I'd give Legion his old vault speed and make the Broken status add-on basekit. Not that it'll matter much, since insta's will be gone, but it's better than letting heal if you lose them.

    I'd like to bring back downing with Feral Frenzy, but sadly most survivors dont know how to handle it (how? I dont even know. it wasnt even that good and a massive time waster)

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Give them muscles

  • Kerbert
    Kerbert Member Posts: 415

    Trapper- Can hold up to 5 traps

    Wraith- Ghost Soot is base

    Hillbilly- Fix Chainsaw hitboxes

    Nurse- Blinks can be cancelled

    Myers- Faster Pallet Breaking speed and stun resistance in T3

    Huntress- Fix Hatchet Hitboxes

    Bubba- Increased Speed while chainsawing

    Freddy- Nothing

    Pig- Rule Set No.2 is base

    Clown- MS redcued to 110% while charging bottle

    Spirit- Prayer Beads are base

    Legion- EVERYTHING

    Plague- Make it so objects stay infected much longer

    Ghostface- Immune to Spine Chill

    Demo- Fix Shred Hitboxes

  • mxlv80
    mxlv80 Member Posts: 13

    Trapper- Gives him the abillity to open closed traps without the need to pick them up with strg; Disarming a set trap now triggers a Skillcheck, failing that skillchek will trap the survivor in it. The difficultiy can be increased with the spring addons.

    Wraith- Moderdly incease movementspeed while cloaked.

    Myers: Stun and blind immunity in t3

    bubba: increase the chainsaw movementspeed during the first 2 seconds of the sawing.

    Doctor: increasing Shockrange by 20%, sloweing movementspeed while in treatmentmode to 105%, charging the shock do not slow you down anymore.

    clown: While wasted, survivors also vault pallets slower

    Legion: Basekit is ok, but rebuild the addons to trastikly change the playstyle of the differnd Legions. Frank: knife- Hitting a survivor with feral frenzy reduing bleeding bar by 25% Mix Tape- Redudes movementspeed by 5%, Hitting a survivor with Feral Frenzy dont end Feral frenzy. pin- missed attaks dont end Feral frenzy. Susi: Knive-hitting with deral frenzy, gives the oblivious effeckt for 15 secinds, pin- reduces terrorraduis while in Feral frenzy. Mixtape: hitting a survivor with Feral Frenzy increases movementpseed of that feral frenzy. Joey: Knive- hitting with Feral frenzy- gives hindered for 15 seconds. pin: increases killer instingt range while in feral frenzy. Mixtape: increases Feral Frenzy duration. Julie: Knive- hitting with Feral frenzy reavels the aura of the surviovor for 15 seconds, Mixtape, reduses feral frenzy time, reduces endstun-duration. Pin. Reduces terrorradius by 4m

    plague: incresáse objekt infection duration

  • matt6996
    matt6996 Member Posts: 82

    Trapper-Increase the amount of traps he starts with

    Wraith-Let Bone Clapper Add on be base

    Myers-Give Myers Increased action speed in EW3 such as breaking pallets and kicking gens

    Bubba-Reduce the time of his frenzy and increase MS while charging up the chainsaw

    Doc-When shocking a survivor increase the time in which they can't vault a pallet or vault a window

    Clown-Increase bottle reload speed and while intoxicated survivors can't fast vault windows.

    Legion-Increase FF MS and vault speed and decrease the power recovery rate

    Ghostface-Decrease the night shroud recovery rate

    Plague-Increased MS while charging and releasing vile purge(applies to corrupt purge as well)

    Pig-Let Rules Set No. 2 be base

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,271

    Individual buffs or are general "killer-fasvoring-mchanics" allowed?

    1. Survivors now have to build momentum when starting to move, similiar to killers
    2. Survivors now flinch in place, becoming unable to move for a moment, when hit during an ongoing action (healing, repair, sabotage etc) and regress that action like a failed skillcheck.
    3. Being Hit during a vault slows survivors remaining vault time by a moment
    4. Regression now is only removed after 2 charges have been repaired (the ongoing regression will make it take more than 2 seconds). Optionally increase regression to 0.30 - 0.33

    Individual killer buffs have been discussed a lot, so I'd probably just repeating mainstream ideas

  • Pennosuke
    Pennosuke Member Posts: 100


    • Start the trail with 2 bear traps and allows the transportation of 2 extra bear traps.
    • No longer required to looking directly down to sets the trap. Now Trapper can sets the trap by just holding M2, looking directly down just make Trapper can see that where he can or can't sets the trap on that area.
    • Remove RNG from bear trap, A trapped survivor need to hold M1 for 16 seconds to freeing themselves(can increased the duration by add-ons). If another survivor comes to free the trapped survivor, freeing speed will be increased to 100%, However only one survivor can help the trapped survivor at that time.
    • Change the effect of Wax Brick add-ons (still have no idea about new effect)
    • Change the effect of Iridescent Stone add-ons to...
      • When a Trap is disarmed, It will be set automatically after 15 seconds.


    • increased movements speed while cloaked from 126% to 135%
    • While cloaked, Wraith is total invisibility
    • Remove "Shadow dance" - white and "Shadow dance" - blood add-ons and give the add-ons that can...
      • Slightly/Moderately increased movements speed boost after reappearing (+0.6/0.9 second)


    • Change the effect of Anxious Gasp add-ons to...
      • After reappearing from a blink will cause all survivors within 12 meters to scream.
    • Make "Bad man's" Last Breathe add-ons also...
      • remove the Nurse's screaming sound after reappearing from a blink.
    • Remove downside from Torn Bookmark add-ons (Seriously, 1 additional blink as the ultra rare add-ons is fine, why it needs a downside???)


    • Remove Punishment/Treatment mode, you can just use basic attack by M1 and use shock therapy attack by holding M2.
    • Always has 4.6m/s speed and has static field as a passive.
    • When the survivor get hit by shock therapy attack, give the visual effect (something like electric spark) around that survivor for the whole duration that survivor still can't performing any interactions (2.5 sec) and this visual effect also can see by both killer and survivor.
    • Increase the shock therapy attack from 9 meters to 10 meters.
    • About the add-ons, I'm still not sure that which add-ons should be remove but these are my new add-ons idea...
      • Sligthly/Moderately decreased Shock Therapy charge time (-10/20%)
      • Sligthly/moderately increased time that prevents survivor from performing any interactions after hit by Shock Therapy attack (+0.4/0.6 seconds)
      • Survivors with Madness III suffer from the exposed status effect (Ultra rare)


    • Rules Set No.2 as a base kit
    • Increase crouch movement speed to 95%
    • Change the effect of Workshop Grease/Razor Wires/Interlocking Razor to...
      • Slightly/Moderately/Considerably decreased the skill check success zones when interacting with a Jigsaw Box.
    • Buff the duration of Amanda's Secret add-ons to 8 seconds.
    • Change the effect of Video Tape add-ons to...
      • Moderately decreased ambush attack charging time
    • Remove Utility Blades add-ons and give new uncommon add-ons that can...
      • Moderately decreased time it takes to crouch
    • Remove Jigsaw's Annotated Plan add-ons and give new very rare add-ons that can...
      • Slightly reduces the RBT death timer (-15 seconds)
    • Remove Jigsaw's Sketch add-ons and give new very rare add-ons that can...
      • Increased available RBT by 2.
    • Change the effect of Amanda's Letter add-ons to...
      • Removed roaring sound while charging ambush attack
    • Remove Rules Set No.2 add-ons and give new ultra rare add-ons that causes...
      • All survivors start the trial with inactivated RBT
      • While the survivors trapped by inactivated RBT
        • they can see the aura of Jigsaw's boxes
        • theycan't interact with Jigsaw's boxes
      • Reduces available RBT by 4.


    • Moderately expands The Afterpiece Tonic Gas base effect area.


    • Frenzy power gauge amount no longer lost when landing an attack outside of Frenzy
    • While survivors suffer from Deep Wound status effect, they cannot do certain interactions until they mend themselves.
    • While Feral Frenzy is active, hitting a survivor who is not currently afflicted with the Deep Wound status effect also gained stackable 5% bonus movement speed and -0.25 second for Feral Frenzy cooldown.
    • Revert vaulting speed while Feral Frenzy is active.
    • Change the effect of Iridescent Button add-ons to...
      • During Feral Frenzy:
        • Any pallets you vault are immediately broken
        • Any window you vault are blocked for 15 seconds
    • Change the effect of Fuming Mix Tape add-ons to...
      • Activating Feral Frenzy immediately triggers Killer Instinct


    • Change the effect of Iridescent Seal to...
      • Moderately decreased the movement speed while holding Corrupt Purge (-10%)
      • Tremendously decreases the duration of Corrupt Purge (-30 seconds)
      • Tremendously decreased the repair speed on fully sickness survivors (-25%)


    • Change the effect of Outdoor Security Camera add-ons to...
      • Unlocks hidden potential in one's aura-reading ability. The auras of Marked Survivors are revealed to you.