Survivor Stereotypes, and why they're bad.

Welcome back to another discussion of mine! Hopefully this one won't span 1000 paragraphs long like the last few...
But today, we'll be talking about why stereotyping Survivors is a bad thing in DBD... I'd like to give an example from myself personally below, but also just touch on the "issue" in a more broader way.
Without further ado though, lets get into it...
where these stereotypes originate from
Let's get this out of the way, for the most part some of these stereotypes are true in regards to how some Survivor mains play these specific Survivors... But that's about it, that's only SOME Survivor mains. For others, they just like these characters for who they're and main them in a different way, of course they'll sometimes do what the stereotype is... but they won't do it ALL the time like most other players like to believe.
For one, not every Claudette runs brown clothes and Urban Evasion or plays immersed, not every Nea runs Balanced Landing and Purple Flashlights, not every Dwight hides in lockers 90% of the game, not every Jake Sabo's hooks, not every Meg camps hatches or runs Adrenaline + Sprint Burst, not every Feng Min is selfish and only is out for themselves...
Things like these, are kind of the issue here... well... "issue" it's more so a discussion that I want everyone to think about the next time to see one of these Survivors... yes they could be doing exactly what the Stereotype inclines, but not all of them do it actually.
a little story about what stereotypes can do
Now, here's an example that I personally had just a few matches ago before writing this post. I was loading up into a game with a key build, I was getting my perks ready to work towards the achievement "Taking One For The Team" an achievement that's last on my list for a 100% completion...
Before the match started, 2 people asked me when the 50 seconds started to not play immersed or crouch around with my Urban Evasion avoiding the objectives or doing anything... Before the match started, I just said "Define Immersed" and that was that.
Fast forward into the game, it's a Wraith! This Wraith was running a all-seeing + Coxcombed Clapper add-on combo... So we couldn't hear them uncloaking and he can see us within 12 meters when cloaked... A deadly combo indeed, but I was ready for it!
Before proceeding some context, my Survivor main is Claudette! But I don't main Survivor, i'm a Killer man. Anyways, after being the first to hit I went to a loop, got chased for maybe 5 seconds, than the Wraith goes after the Jake and just leaves me there. After some time, he actually comes back and proceeds to chase me. This chase lasted for a minute before I got hooked and he left.
Fast forward, i'm unhooked, I get healed, and I go back to working on generators. I finish one of the generators that was on 90% because the Feng was being chased, than I proceed to work on another close by that was on 70%. It wasn't long before the Wraith came back, and proceeded to chase me for another 2 minutes or so before finally just giving up and moving onto someone else, after awhile and a few more generators popping because he was on me for so long, we had 1 generator left! Hurray! Here's the thing though, in the back of my mind... I knew I was going to die... but we'll save why I thought that till the end.
So basically, I do another chase with him when he finds me at one of the last 3 generators, I get hit cause there was no pallets around (and the ones that were there were broken) so I bring him to another loop. I get downed, than... the moment you all been waiting for! He actually brought a mori into the game before we started, and that mori was used on me.
Everyone escaped in the end though, and I noted to my teammates that "So why tell me to not play immersed when I was the one running him around for you guys?"
They replied that "Most Claudettes are toxic, so he probably just wanted to kill you the most since he wouldn't stop chasing you for the most part"
And here we're... I died probably because I was being targeted... but also because he wanted me out of the game since I wasted most of his time...
The reason why stereotyping is bad...
So... that's my story, one of them at least. I have many more about someone literally lying on their wall so people think i'm the bad guy when in reality I was just playing the game... (He DC'ed btw cause I wasted 2 minutes of his time in-game and his Ruin broke.)
And other such things, but besides all this... lemme spit you some truth son!
Stereotyping, especially when it comes to Survivors... can lead to a lot of toxicity in-game. It can label you as something you're not and have people be angry with you for something you DIDN'T even do... People will make assumptions about you because of your main, and overall some people are just nasty in-general...
So when they see their most hated Survivor... you're automatically also hated by them. I'd like to think this is very narrow minded of people, and labeling others for things they don't even do or don't primarily do is wrong...
Of course, it's one thing to meme about it. That's 100% funny, it's just something to laugh about. It's another thing to ridicule and insult people in-game as a teammate and post-chat as the Killer also... Doing this just breeds toxicity and that's no good.
The same goes for certain Killers as well, it's bad to just assume all LeatherFaces camp the basement, or that all Trappers camp the basement... or that all Nurses and Spirits want to be 100% toxic towards you...
These things are bad to assume, and being toxic towards these players for playing these Killers or Survivors is not the right thing to do... Even if they're doing the exact thing you hate, they might not be a bad person. And hey, even if they're doing exactly what most people hate + the toxicity, it's best to be the mature one in the conversation, you know why? It'll make THEM look like the bad guy and overall they'll be the fool in the conversation. Talking in a constructive yet non-toxic way is a good thing... you don't have to be nice to them while they're being the toxic one, but you can at least not also do the same.
So before you face off against or with another Claudette for example... stop and think before you automatically make assumptions about them in a negative way. Or don't. I can't stop you, but it's worth a try!
In conclusion
Memeing about this stuff is fine, that's just being funny. Being toxic and violent towards others because they main a certain Survivor is another thing... And while my example above wasn't equal to the other examples I've had which were far worse, or the other examples others have had... It still drives the point home...
It's bad to specifically target others because they like a specific character... in-game or in-chat.
Stay classy people, good luck in the fog...
Basically, it's bad to stereotype certain Survivors or heck even Killers because they like that character in-general... It's one thing to meme about it which is funny, but it's another thing to be toxic to that person for liking and maining that character off of your previous experience with other characters that do... not the most tasteful things... the same goes for what they say also to you, not every person with that character does that also...
Not every Survivor that's associated with toxicity like Claudette or Nea is also going to be toxic... they might not even do most the things you hate about those players, they might just be a really nice person who likes the character.
Fighting toxicity with kindness and maturity is one thing, but fighting toxicity with toxicity just causes more toxicity... and that's not good at all.
This TL;DR kind of washes over some other points, but the main point is to not be mean or aggressive towards other individuals that like certain characters that YOU specifically don't. This is for Survivor, and Killer as well...
sometimes I sabotage as jake for a meme and it works sometimes
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Define how being stealthy or playing as Nea to play effectively is "Toxic" ? is it because you dont have the skill to use your eyes and find other players to down them cause of their model, thus it's "toxic" because you get outplayed or what?
Where did THAT stertotype come from? playing effectively and acomplishing your objective is not toxicity, yet you killer mainsk eep trying to parade around that it is.
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Maybe it's not exactly dead, I think I meant to say that the general Stereotype he's know for isn't really there anymore since hooks don't stay broken forever.
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I think not being happy about it isn't really helping with the point I was making, I think it's best to not really focus on it from an angry view... and more so view it as just something that most people like to identify those Survivors with... since they commonly see most of them doing it, but of course not all of them do.
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So just a sterotypically untrue society thing, huh? cause yeah. Surviving effectively definitely isnt toxic, regardless of perks used.
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I think the point I was making was to not fight toxicity with an angry view or more toxicity. Some people just view it like this, that's how it is my man.
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If you like the toxic survivor stereotype is a weird one indeed you have the general ones because certain YouTubers made them popular for being toxic
That's your Claudette and Nea outside of that you'll tend to find different responses survivors who get the toxic category.
Personally besides my friend Jojo I have yet to run into a Quentin main who wasn't toxic.
Also Dwight main (not baby Dweets) tend to be very toxic at least for me.
However I've heard people say Feng Min mains of very toxic ( which I take personal offence to) I've also heard similar things about Ash and Tapp mains (yeah all 5 of them)
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Stereotypes exist for a reason. If you want to change them, talk to the people who prove that stereotype.
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You can't change them, but you can change how people think towards them. Albeit quite difficult.
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In my experience Fengs are considered selfish which is why they're mostly seen as toxic.
In-general though, I wish people didn't lump others into such categorys off of these stereotypes alone. That, and they tend to be very mean towards these mains.
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If you cannot change them, then they must be, mostly, correct.
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You know what I will take that selfish.
Mostly because I'm pretty sure I fit that.
When I'm playing Survivor even with my friends but more so if it's solo I run by 5 rule.
1. You attempt to sandbag me in a way that is clearly intentional you better hope someone else is getting you off hook because I'm not doing it.
2. I am more than willing to let someone bleed out to get hatch. I've let a potato Meg who refuse to open the hatch with a key when we were the only two people left bleed out and took her key so open the hatch when it got closed.
3. I followed the rule of smart horror movie logic " go back for Billy screw billy billy is dead". Yeah I'm not putting myself at risk the exit gate is open and I have no reason to stay behind.
4. If you get put in the basement by a Bubba, Tier 3 Myers, camping stealth killer or killer with 3 stacks of devour hope it's not my job to save you unless I can confirm the that killer is on the other side of the map. Bonus if it's a mint rag Hag or a fast travel demi Logorgon both running make your choice is not my job to save you at all.
5. I can get you up from the dying state, I can heal you when you're injured, I can save you from a hook and I can get a grasp rescue if possible however I can't cure stupidity if you keep making the same damn mistake. You're on your own
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I feel like most people don't believe stereotypes, and they are mostly just a joke. No offense, but I don't really think making this thread was good, bc that minority that do make choices on said stereotype aren't likely to even be on the forums.
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If I see an all brown claudette or P3 claudette I just look for a new lobby lol
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Gets out of locker*
I don't really take stereotypes seriously. I use them as a joke tbh. That being said, the killer is coming.
Gets back in locker*
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I agree woth the statement, but dont try to debunk a stereotype with another stereotype, man.
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Stereotyping in general is just dumb in my honest opinion that applies here as well.
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You're Boosted so we'll excuse that one.
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So nea is still killing survivors as the entity?
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Sorry but I will not stop Mori on scoops ahoy Steve's.
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You're missing the point then.
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That's more a meme than a stereotype... the point was that people act negatively towards some Survivors because of these stereotypes they're associated with.
This entire post is focusing on not being toxic towards people because other people that're toxic use those Survivors... People that do that are just continuing the cycle and than nobody learns...
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I completely agree with this and turn it back: If there's a mori don't assume they're just a tunnel express so don't dc when you get downed.
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I don't think they're Toxic, I just think it's funny meme. The Steve's expect it by now.
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That's still missing the point...
If you're specifically targeting them with a mori than it's in turn kind of... "toxic" I guess? It's not like you're berating them in the post-chat (as far as I know) about it.
But it's not really the best thing to do in terms of... not being seen as a "jerk" for example.
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Sure, in the real world, stereotyping is dumb, but this is a game. In a game no one is hurt if I see a Dwight go in a locker and I think "Oh classic Dwight". Or if I see a Meg drop a pallet when Im 20 feet behind her and I think "Oh baby meg"
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That wasn't the point I was making though, like it doesn't matter if you view these Survivors through those stereotypes... it's another thing to be outright toxic towards anyone who dares play that Survivor...
And or just plays that Survivor but they didn't do something that was "correct to them"
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Was it an iridescent mori? Was everyone else 2 hooked and the second he downed you twice, he moried you? It's likely the team you were playing with was what is known as a toxic SWF. If you hadn't carried the team, it would have somehow been your fault 'cause you didn't crank out gens while being chased. Also were you wearing all dark clothes? What rank were you? A lot of higher ranks crouch around and stealth far too much, even when it isn't necessary.
If you were the first and only person to be hooked, it's likely he was just getting off his mori and it wasn't as targeted as you think. If he's already wasting a lot of time on you and he has a daily for a mori, him switching targets would mean he wouldn't be able to use it. As a killer main, you should know how determental it is to be chasing only one person, especially since most people go full stealth mode when a mori is introduced.
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Fengs.....are toxic?
Yeah it does suck reading the forums of people who deal with this. Maybe in the future it will be less bad.
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So, lemme answer all these questions.
No, the mori was almost at the end of the match since 1 generator was left when I was Killed. It was an Ivory mori, so it could've been a daily he was after but he didn't exactly say that at the end in post-match so that's unknown.
It's unknown because nobody was on 2nd hook until I was killed, he was mostly just hooking anyone he could grab while also primarily chasing me as explained in the story above. This was on Red Ranks also (as that was my rank and still is currently on Survivor) but some people there were also purple and the Killer was ALSO purple, so the ranking system wasn't really precise on that.
Another thing, it wasn't a SWFs since none of them actively said that in pre and post chat. So I can't really say it wasn't a SWFs but it most likely wasn't considering not all of them were saying "don't play immersed" it was only 2 of them.
So it could've been a 2 man SWFs or it could've just been 2 solos bandwagoning on the stereotype.
And now for the last point, my memory isn't the greatest so I can't remember exactly if I was hooked first... but for the sake of arguing about that i'll just say I was. So i'm hooked first, I get rescued and fully healed and he downs someone else and hooks them afterwards (The Feng if memory serves.) At which point I complete one generator at 90% and than go after another close by which was at 70%, after that he comes back and chases me for 2 minutes... within those two minutes he actually did divert his attention on other survivors INCLUDING the Feng Min which he hooked previously...
So with that knowledge, he could've actually went after her instead since he could've just been after a daily... but no... instead he goes after me since I was probably wasting most of his time and he wanted me out of the game for either a personal reason or not... whatever.
In post-chat, he never denied going after me personally because I was a Claudette either... someone else pointed that out... but he never actively said it wasn't because of my Survivor... instead he laughed it off and that was that. If he wasn't actively targeting me and was after a daily, than you'd say that... you wouldn't just ignore what someone said about "Most Claudettes are toxic so he was probably targeting you" and not deny it.
Clearly he was after me because I was either wasting too much of his time and he wanted to mori ME (because if I wasn't playing well he would've probably mori'ed someone else... I'm not a god at Survivor btw)
OR, he was specifically targeting me since as a Killer main I know how each second is very important in a match... why would he waste so much time on me unless he actually wanted me dead for a specific reason? In hindsight he threw the match because of this... but if it was for a daily he would've said that...
But he didn't...
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We'll have to see, but as long as there are some toxic Claudettes, Feng Mins, whatever other Stereotype there is on other Survivors... than they'll be associated with those Stereotypes.
Of course, that's not a bad thing if its like a meme or if you think that way... it's another thing though to actively be toxic towards people who main or play those Survivors because of their past experience with players that main those Survivors...
So what I mean is, because someone was being the worst teammate or person ever to a Killer or their teammates... than they automatically assume ALL Survivor mains/Casuals that play that Survivor is the same way.
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Even your TL;DR is too long
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It's like a few sentences...
Here's an even shorter version
Don't be toxic towards other Survivors that main Survivors you hate off of stereotypes or personal experience... And if you come across a Survivor that follows under that stereotype like a toxic Claudette or Nea... than don't actively be toxic to them as well... You don't have to be nice, but you don't have to be nasty either.
Not every Survivor is exactly the same, so don't automatically assume the 5 toxic Neas you faced before will be the same as the 6th Nea you just met in a lobby...
Fighting toxicity with toxicity just creates more toxicity.
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You honestly put way too much thought into this.
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A lot of discussions are on small things that don't really impact that game that much... Toxicity isn't the massive issue within the game itself... but it's still an issue.
I'm sorry I didn't focus on NOED, Spirit, The Nurse's nerf, or 100 more of the other posts that're caught in an echo chamber...
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Oh no, I will not be baited into obscene language against another persons, sire. You, sire, are an exceptionally well-read, well-to-do fellow with the graciousness of your words only equal to our greatest thespians and Mother Theresa. While I have read your post — immaculately conceived, brilliant, unrivaled by any mere commoner — I have taken it upon myself to not acknowledge the topic, yet offer good tidings in the ritual of my daily klonopin pill. Cheers to you! Hip, hip, hooray!
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I very much enjoyed reading that for some reason, even though it was supposed to be mocking me lol.
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So just because you got denied an achievement you decide to blame a dumb harmless thing that people do ?
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I'm glad you wrote this. Since I recently started reading the forums, I was shocked at how many hateful comments have been made toward Claudettes. I love Claudette and she's my favorite to play. I think she's the cutest survivor. :)
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Are you on the correct thread?
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Exactly ;)
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*Gasp* He who must not be named.
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Yeah I'm on the correct one, that's what I felt when reading this wall of text.
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Than explain what you're talking about because I don't understand what you're talking about...
What achievement? And what're you referring to as harmless? The constant toxicity that people display towards certain mains that play Survivors they don't like?
That's not really... harmless?
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Story time. Some days ago (really long ago actually) I argued with guy who said that killers should have 5 perkslots. Yeah, I feel ya, being a killer sucks big times, but your suggestion breaks the balance. And then this guy was like "Aw, you got Feng on avatar, you are survivor main!"
Well, this escalated quickly.
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May just be perspective. I figured they were SWF since you're braver in a group of friends. You know (or think) the others will approve of what you're saying/doing. If it's just a duo, one person would at least. People are more likely to do something in a group that they probably wouldn't otherwise and a lot of people aren't very vocal while on their own (you get the bystander effect due to that). They're trying to avoid having everyone turn on them. Also if they weren't SWF, they'd likely to be addressing everyone since (if reacting to past experience) anyone can urban evade around the map and do nothing.
As for the point in regards to killers, a lot of killers get tunnel vision. They're chasing after this person for so long and they think they'll get them down at the next spot. If you're smart about it, you won't get caught chasing after one person for too long, but it happens to the best of us. What were you wearing? I may have missed it if you already mentioned it. This usually isn't important, but a lot of killers get tilted over stealth players since it's so easy to lose them and wastes a lot of their time. I had a match on a really dark map with a full team of Claudettes (all in the darkest clothes) and it was hell. A lot of killers don't like that.
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All I know is dwights are #########
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I've noticed any Dwight with the bald head cosmetic will try to be toxic... to varying degrees of success.
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Yeah it's about 50/50 on the toxic dwights, half the time you're like lol thanks for the laughs, the other half the time you're like ######### YOU IM GOING TO KILL YOU AND YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY