Name One Thing You Love About DBD



  • remember_me88
    remember_me88 Member Posts: 37

    I Love Dedicated Servers ๐Ÿ’œ

  • SpotTheBunny1
    SpotTheBunny1 Member Posts: 27

    I love breaking the killer's ankles as bill with borrowed time, spine chill, lithe, and windows of opportunity.

  • Orchid
    Orchid Member Posts: 38

    I really like the aesthetics of it, the dark atmosphere, the intensity. I m also a huge fan of the horror genre, so for me this is an ideal game. Some toxic bits here and there, but overall good game. Also i m kind of sad because lots of skins cannot be grinded for, so i have to waste real money. The only shame.

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    I love playing killer and being taunted by players who really just aren't as good as they seem to think they are lol

  • Adequate_Jimmmmm
    Adequate_Jimmmmm Member Posts: 28

    I love the cat and mouse of the game itself. I also find the lore fascinating.

  • thebriskyreport
    thebriskyreport Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2019

    Unlimited bloodpoints!? Looks like you can go over the 1,000,000 bp cap!!

  • EleaticStranger
    EleaticStranger Member Posts: 81

    I just started playing this with friends who have been playing for a long time. What I love about it is that survivors are properly incentivized to work together - even if that means making selfish decisions at the expense of another survivor - as opposed to the constant trolling and colluding that occurs in F13. I love F13 but the player base is so bad that you can spend a couple hours playing it, even with friends, and not get a single legitimate match. I know that there are exploits and annoying behaviors in DbD as well, but in comparison, this game is super clean. (Although the servers are atrocious.) I love it though. I absolutely suck and I get killed left and right but it's still a lot of fun.

  • EleaticStranger
    EleaticStranger Member Posts: 81

    Every match is different. Before I started playing this game - I am a newb to be clear - a common complaint I heard is that the gameplay is too repetitive. That's true in the sense that all you do is repair gens, which involves holding down a button. But this criticism totally obscures the dynamics of gameplay, which are never fully known at the start of a match either to the survivors or the killer. That is just so brilliant, and it keeps me on the edge of my seat. I love it.

  • plznerfcorn
    plznerfcorn Member Posts: 7

    I love the creativity of the art and story teams! Plus I love the Devs they are a great bunch and are doing a amazing job with the game with all the improvements and chapters! Looking forward to seeing how the game looks in the future!

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    Playing the Nurse <3

    wait not anymore

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,184

    I love the option to DC

  • MegaGamer_01
    MegaGamer_01 Member Posts: 172

    Getting a clean hit after blinking with nurse

  • TheDoctorMain
    TheDoctorMain Member Posts: 14

    I love the Doctor. Win or lose I have a wonderful time playing him

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    I love the two add-ons Drop-leg knife sheath and leather knife sheath, so I can move at base speed while crouched as Ghost Face.

  • Demogorgon. Had they not added Demogorgon I never would have reinstalled this game or given it a second chance. It's the one thing that allows me to forgive the otherwise unforgivable issues.

  • LegionMain343
    LegionMain343 Member Posts: 198

    ... The Legion...

  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310
    edited November 2019

    The Legion... you all know what i want to say...

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Legion legion legion Legion legion LEGION

  • XXTheCh0senXX
    XXTheCh0senXX Member Posts: 23

    I love using dead hard, getting exhausted and still getting hit while getting exhausted.

  • ShoobertBlaster
    ShoobertBlaster Member Posts: 11

    Rescuing someone from a hook with no time left, and giving a survivor who played well or seems new the hatch.

    oh and of course the parodies by Samination lol

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    I love the fact that the devs are nerfing killers and buffing survivors. (Happy days :>)

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    I love scaring the absolute ######### out of new survivor players, and recording their reaction!

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Screwing over a face camping killer or a very cocky killer. Nothing beats either of these ๐Ÿ‘

  • caz_
    caz_ Member Posts: 218

    The non-toxic community.

    Its full with nice people :)

  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    Its just fun. I almost wish it wasnt so fun so i didnt wanna play it bc it has so many problems.

  • Lockheart
    Lockheart Member Posts: 31

    I love how much work the devs have put into the newer Killers:

    Ghost Face's sneaky little peak, the way he walks... It absolutely nails the way Ghost Face moves in the Scream movies. Little things like this fill DbD with a little charm that makes me giddy.

    The Demogorgon's animations, the way it looks, the sounds it makes and it's little snarls and mouth movements, the badass music from the series that plays... Makes me fangirl over it so hard!

    The Oni looks amazing. Only seen a short video and played one match against him in the PTB. But he looks incredible, his power is terrifying. I have never enjoyed playing against a Killer so much as I did against him. The chases were so intense (albeit layered with PTB bugs)!!! His big thumping foot steps make him seem like even more of a beast. The red flames and his overall design are absolutely badass.

    Whether original (such as Oni) or drawn from other sources (Ghost Face and the Demogorgon) prove that the devs make some really cool stuff.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    This use to be a scary game. Hide, sneak around, do generators. Killer creeps around and the feeling of almost pooping my pants while hiding from a Serial killer.

    I don't know what this game is anymore.. It is NOT scary. AT ALL.

  • ninjabsbx
    ninjabsbx Member Posts: 20

    Ye i agree and i like Dbd for two things: When i play killer i like to feel in charge and in power of the Survivors fate and survivors i like to rescue people and do gems

  • Sanrainer
    Sanrainer Member Posts: 8

    I love how BHVR have managed to snag so many licensed characters to add to their game.

  • Frank_Sriracha
    Frank_Sriracha Member Posts: 74

    Love the process of figuring out a player's build/playstyle and countering them accurately mid-to-late game. Killer specifically; it always feelsgood.jpeg to cut someone down after a hard read

  • SubEdge4621
    SubEdge4621 Member Posts: 3

    I love to be the Pig, as you can crouch and sneak on people, and that feeling where someone dies by your reverse bear-trap instead of hooking them is satisfying as well.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I love the verity that the game offers... can't wait to see more :)

  • Rex_Honeycut
    Rex_Honeycut Member Posts: 102

    A repetitive game that should feel monotonous but the variety of killers, perks, and consistent updates with intervallic DLC releases stop it from being so. I should have uninstalled a year ago but it's too damn fun!

  • CriticalWeasel
    CriticalWeasel Member Posts: 378

    It's the super smash bros of the horror world.

  • PuppetLivesMatter
    PuppetLivesMatter Member Posts: 77

    The fact that always they messed up with the game and brings new bugs like problems with servers

  • NeonSystem
    NeonSystem Member Posts: 14

    This game really did bring me back to my PS4. I owe this game hours of fun time ever since September when I finally started getting back into it after a year or so of not playing much of anything at all. It's fun even when we suck because the next game might just be me stomping the killer by escaping with 1-2 pips.

  • EleaticStranger
    EleaticStranger Member Posts: 81

    I'm still learning to play killer but I just bought the Pig and she is so much fun, I love sneaking up on survivors at gens and ambushing them from like 15 meters away.

  • liquidlight
    liquidlight Member Posts: 344

    It's one of a kind. There's nothing that I've found that's anything like it. Also, the rush you get when you succeed at escaping or catching someone trying to.

  • Tydie
    Tydie Member Posts: 126

    outplaying your opponent

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    I like the somewhat competitive nature and the devs trying to keep everything balanced but in game Ghostface he's the most fun I have playing killer

  • kengee
    kengee Member Posts: 11

    Screaming survivor and moaning survivor when dying

  • tylerlogsdon1
    tylerlogsdon1 Member Posts: 158

    Hate me all you want but I love being toxic. I like making the other side want to strive to make me look bad. It feeds me.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    I love when you can turn a game completely around! It's such a good feeling! Or feeling like you can have a good back and forth match! This is on top of the earlier answer I had to give through another person which was a 4 man Feral Frenzy Spree!

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    The mindgames.

  • sheldon426
    sheldon426 Member Posts: 2

    My fav game, I just love everything about it been playing about a year and half, I love playing survivor and killer!

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